Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 514 You raise me young, I raise you old

The old man is already in that situation, I did not expect the brat to be here to smile.

Old Comrade Fang suddenly a raised heart also followed down.

Obviously, with his understanding of his son, this brat must know that his mother is not in trouble.

Otherwise the brat could not be sitting so peacefully here and joking with himself.

Some helplessly walked over to look, look at the wrist watch, mouth complained and said.

"You kid a day will not let me worry, it is already time, there is a meeting in the morning. No matter, I have something to go out now, your mother will leave it to you."

After saying that, Comrade Laofang stood up and was ready to go outside, and at this time Fang Chen Yi did rush to stop him.

It's not that you can't take care of your own mother, mainly because your dad hasn't gone through a transformation yet, you have so many things to do, if you don't finish this thing today, I'm afraid I'm not sure when it will drag on.

"Do not ah, Dad this meeting is not in a hurry. I'm in a hurry to put this on and try it out, it'll be over in a minute."

The company's main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

After putting it on, I faintly heard my dad's helpless laughing and scolding voice.

"You brat, I am helping you to manage the group which part of the meeting that is your loss."

However, the voice soon stopped a few moments later, Dad's body is also slowly leaning on the sofa, obviously also asleep.

As a matter of fact, when Fang Chenyi took off the game helmet from Dad's head, Dad also fell asleep very calmly.

In order to make sure that nothing is wrong, Fang Chenyi still first entered the game helmet and Xiao Ling communication, asked Dad's state to make sure that there is nothing wrong, only then is completely put down the heart.

After taking off the helmet, Fang Chenyi did not put the game helmet on the sofa, but directly put it into his woven bag space.

After all, this thing is really too precious, who knows if randomly thrown away will not be stolen by anyone.

Of course this is just to be sure, after all, in this villa area, not to mention ordinary thieves, even a powerful martial artist is not able to enter, to know that there is Qi Xiaotian so a top martial artist sitting on it.

After the game helmet, Fang Chen Yi looked at the sofa sleeping dad, the corners of his mouth revealed a smile, stretching out his arms and wrists gently will dad waist up, while walking towards the bedroom mouth while muttering.

"Hey, when I was a kid you hugged me all day long, this time it's my turn to hug you too."

The mouth said so, Fang Chen Yi's heart is still quite a lot of emotion.

And in front of his eyes, he could not help but recall the scene of running around on his father's shoulders when he was a child.

Lowered his head to see the dad's temples have been a bit gray, a heart of inexplicable heartache: "Don't worry, Dad, Mom.

"Don't worry dad, mom, you gave me a warm and happy childhood, I also give you a similarly happy and joyful old age!"

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

I came outside the bedroom, directly found the company vice president's phone, and dialed it.

The phone was quickly connected and a very respectful male voice came from there.

"Chairman, the meeting is ready, the person in charge of Party B will arrive at our group in ten minutes."

After Fang Chen Yi heard the words, he didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, he directly interrupted and said.

"I am Fang Chen Yi, my father has some business here, so I will not go there today, about today's meeting will be left to you to host it, whether you can complete this task depends on your ability, I hope you will not let me down. And this period of time the group's things you first all grabbed up a little, there are things to do yourself to make a decision, do not bother my father first. Really can't make the decision, directly to PAK Dong call."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's voice, the other side was obviously stunned, and after reacting, he was shocked and delighted, this is a real big boss!

However, before he could open his mouth to answer, a beeping busy tone came from the phone receiver, obviously, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Just recalling that content that the big boss said in the phone call just now, he immediately got excited.

What did the big boss just say? The big boss said to let himself preside over this meeting, as well as the back of the group to take the idea alone?

Is this a test of the big boss to himself?

Is the big boss is to promote himself?

You should know that you are now the group's vice president, ah, in the promotion of a step, is it to let himself take over a hand?

But think about this should not be possible ah, their own chairman, but the boss's father ah, the boss can not remove his father, replaced by their own it.

But what exactly is the purpose of doing so? Anyway, it is definitely a good thing for you to take this project personally!


The company's vice president has been speculating on the mind of Fang Chen Yi, the big boss behind the scenes, while Fang Chen Yi's side did not take it seriously at all, but only helped his father to deal with the matter.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Chen Yi turned his dad's phone to mute, and only then put it back on the bedside table in his bedroom.

This time, he turned around and carefully closed the door for them and walked out.

After leaving the villa, Fang Chen Yi accompanied Brother Xiao Ma to have a breakfast together. After eating, because he was in a hurry to coordinate the matter of Penguin Group's upcoming relocation, Brother Xiao Ma directly said goodbye and left.

The company's main business is to do business, and Fang Chen Yi did not have too much courtesy to stay.

The company's main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

In the end, Fang Chenyi did not insist, but let Qi Xiaotian personally drive him to the airport, and explained that he used his own Cumulus to send Brother Xiao Ma back.

After Brother Xiao Ma and the others left, Zhang Chenyi slipped back to his villa.

Just walk into the villa cell phone ringing, take out a look but can not help but be a little surprised, did not expect this call is Poseidon Robton called.

"Hello ah old Luo, how do you remember to call me this. Shouldn't you be busy taking over your family at this time?"

Casually closed the villa door, while answering the phone and sitting on the sofa in the living room, crossed his legs and spoke to Poseidon Robton on the phone with some semi-flirtatiousness.

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