Fang Chenyi shrewd the black runes in the hand, and immediately stabilized it in his hand. The eyes were very cold and glanced over a mistaked Poseidong family.

At this moment, all people of the Poseidon family are stupid, they don't know how this is a situation.

This guy is not a helper for Poseidon Robton?

So how do you get rid of Poseidon Robton now?

Such doubts, emerge in the mind of each Poseida family.

And all of this Fang Chenyi is indeed not to pay attention to it.

And as for why Poseidon Robton is given away, of course, Fang Chenyi has discovered the greed of this guy.

Although the Poseidon Robton is very good, don't forget how the strength of Fang Chenyi has reached a horrible point.

Unless Poseidon Robton doesn't have this idea, as will it take a little a little bit of a spider mart.

When the first time, Fang Chenyi did not shoot it, just giving it a chance.

However, this guy is dead.

For such guys, the dust suppression is too lazy, don't change his thoughts.

The corner of the mouth hangs a touch of smile. Everyone who has swept the knife, and then reached out and gently finger a look at the ground. It also said that there is also a seventy-eight-year-old old man, and the mouth is a faint opening:

"You, come out."

The old man who kneel on the ground heard the words of Fang Chenyi and saw that his finger pointed to him, and suddenly scared it.

I quickly climbed a few steps forward, and I said to Fang Chen Yisheng in his mouth.

Although I can't understand what the other person is specifically said, even if I guess, Fang Chenyi also guess this guy should be in my right for mercy.

Looking at this guy dressing, it is obvious that a long-term man of Poseida family should be.

I didn't think of the long act of the Hordic Poseidae family, this is really ironic. Is this the style of the legendary world?

In his arms, you touched your skull and pulled the pull lock, followed by pushing the inner stone in your hand into the spatial. This lifted his head to kneel the old people in front of him, and the tone was very calm open:

"Oh, I don't know if you can understand what I said?"

In the words of Fang Chenyi, the other party quickly smashed his head. What did you say in the mouth, it is obvious that the Chinese guy who said in Fangchen is understandable.

Since the other party can understand what you said, then this is all good, so I don't care what the other party is talking about, and the opening of the opening:

"Very good, since you can understand what I said, it will be good. From this moment, you are the palace of Poseidon family."

With this sentence, everyone in Tudon is still breathing, and it is unbelievable to look at Fang Chen Yi.

And this quiet moment only insisted that it was less than three seconds.

Just as I swung in the same time, the sentence of Fang Chenyi instantly detonated the owner of the Poseidong family.

One of the people who gave the end of the launch, after a moment, there were three old agents who were originally low-headed, and they reached out and pointed at the person in front of Fang Chenyi. What is dissatisfied with dissatisfaction in his mouth? .

It is obvious that it is obvious that the appearance of the red earliness is obvious.

After hearing the sounds, the old man who was originally squatted in Fangcheng was also bloating his face.

Looking at the noisy scene in front of him, Martial Chen was slightly frowning, and then looked at the Jin Gang standing in the field and got to the nuts.

The original station, some bored King Kong just later saw the boss, and suddenly broke a big mouth.

Two thick arms were even more embarrassed. After a moment, the figure was like the arrow of the strings, and the three heads were rushed in the past.

At the next moment, there is still something that three old ages come back, accompanied by three dull impacts, the three people have fly out.

Still like the previous shape, people have hanging it.

Difficult to solve the problem of three people, the King Kong is a rush, and it is more horrible to see more horrible in the eyes of the Poseidong family. .

And the same in their hearts, there is a few people who have just want to stand against. Also closing my mouth, biting the teeth, and didn't say a word.

I swept the crowd in a circle, and Marthen Yi nodded.

Subsequently, the faint opening of the mouth:

"Very good, since you have no opinions, then he, in the future is your family."

After the sentence of Fang Chenyi once again, all people in the field did not have previous emotions. There is no one to stand up and refute.

Just kidding, these guys standing in front of them are the magic of killing people, if they are really standing against, then they are afraid that they are still the same as those of their families.

Now it is now to keep your own life, not who cares to do your family's family.


The guy who smashed the foot of Fang Chenyi's feet was in seeing his family, there was no one to objection, and suddenly became extremely excited.

I didn't think that I had a very late look that I have the opportunity to sit in the classroom. This is what I dare to dream.

And some Fang Chenyi does not know, that is, this guy is very special in the family.

It is not important, but because he and the relationship between the people in the family is not very harmonious, let's talk, he can sit in the family's position, it is because of his identity.

This thing is not much more complicated. In a simple words, he is the brother of the Poseidon family and her mother.

And it is the location of the illegitimate child.

If it is not because the father of the old family, it is the end of the patriarch, forcibly put it into the family, and the family will not recognize his identity.

"Oh, now I will give you a chance, and whoever has an objection to this matter, can stand up."

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