Everyone, look at me, I will see you, no one says any objections of any objection.

I have joked, I have experienced just something, and I still have a courage to stand up.

Waiting until no one speaking, he nodded. Then, kneeling, kneeling in front of the guy.

After kneeling, the house didn't say anything, but the eyes of the opponent's eyes straight. After a moment, I reached out and was very kind to take the other side's shoulders.

This move looks like Fang Chenyi in the eyes of outsiders.

Only Fang Chenyi knows that he does not communicate with the other party. The reason why it is done, it is entirely because I have to use other people to use other people to brave control.

Today's Poseidong family has become a stateless state. So how can you let it go?

And if you have accepted the ethnic position of the Poseidong family with an outsider, even if there is no one to oppose yourself, then follow-up things will not be as simple as it.

After all, you can't use everything of Poseidong family to brainwash. Then you will definitely suffer from them.

Nowadays, I chose a puppet, a Poseidon family who came to control the Poseidon family, then their rebound would not be so big.

In other words, as long as you master this person, it is equal to master the Poseidon family in your own hand.

You can also slowly transform the Poseidong family to your own industry.

And this person is in the Poseidon family, as long as he has its own support, he can successfully master the Poseidong family.

Over time, the guys in front of the very quickly were brainwashed by Fang Chenyi.

At the same time, some information in the mind in Fang Chenyi is coming. I can't understand the language you can't understand.

"Poseidon Tellapping master."

With the recovery of Fang Chenyi arm, the foreign old old people suddenly scattered again in the ground, while the mouth was very respectful.

And this time Fang Chenyi also understood the other party's words, the other party called Poseidon Tel Le.

Standing and got up and strokes his guys, took the lead in walking towards the hall.

When Poseidon Telip saw the owner's gesture, he quickly followed up, as for the remaining people of Poseidong family, she still stopped in the same place.

After all, the dozens of men around Fang Chenyi, but the Tiger is in the hands of them, and through the momentum of them, anyone stands out than the elders of their families.

There is this group of people, people here, who dares to move.

If you come out at this time, then wait for yourself definitely the opponent's butcher.

After walking into the main hall with Poseidong Telip, Fang Chen also told him.

As for the specific content, it is naturally how to quickly gather the Poseidon family, and slowly convert its family's industry into its group.

Poseidon Trum is very serious, and it is also a head of his head.

Under the role of God, his loyalty is 100%.

Of course, even if there is no existence of God, it is afraid that he will not have any objections. After all, he can get this identity, which is already a dream.

Moreover, the strength of the other party is not allowed to have any non-division.

Previous Poseidon Robton is a good example.

Originally in this case, Poseidon Robton will. Falling with a king's position in the ethnic position of the Poseidong family, and there will be a good development space.

But this guy did not cherish himself to die, and the result is that it has come to an empty, but also on his own life.

After the explanation, after all, Fang Chenyi hied his hand, indicating that he can go out to do things.

Perhaps it is forced to be a deterrent of Fang Chenyi, and the people of Poseidon family. There is no one dare to come out to oppose Poseidon Trick, which makes it completely controlled the voice of the family in a short period of time.

When the Poseidon Trum is left behind, Chen Yi is slowly relying on the body of the body, and reached out and reached his own leather bag to explore a black autumn stone.

"This is already the second, the rest. Whose hand is .."

After muttered in his mouth, Fang Chenyi is also thinking. Nowadays, there are more than two rustic stones in their hands. So, don't go to the Taklamgan's large desert to put these two rocks in that mystery. The seat position.

After some thinking, Chen Yi also shakes the head, only two rural stone, even if it is put it, it is afraid that there will be no response.

In this way, it is better to wait until you collect all Renshi and then to activate it, see what mysterious response will be made.

After thinking of this, Fang Chenyi put the runes into the woven bag, but also at the same time, his eyes also fell on the woven bag.

"Oh, the old man, has a little cold for a few more time."

Just as the Fang Chenyi's mouth said, it is too busy recently, and he has even forgot the original intention of this woven bag.

I think that I have just got this woven bag, as if it happened yesterday.

The first time I got an excitement of a super-sports car and got excited when Louis Vuitton China's share.

This scene seems to occur in front of you.

Even now, Fang Chenyi still has this illusion. Is this a herme? Also or this will this only a dream?

Shake your head, put these ideas out of the mind, now you have to think about these topics, but I will find the drop of Wenshi in that time, the secret of the small stars I caught down. Thoroughly Unveil.

After thinking of this, Fang Chenyi smiled and shook his head.

However, since it recalls the previous scene, Fang Chenyi is also coming, and she will take the red blue woven bag.

Then, in one of them, a garbage clip appeared in his palm.

, reach out, finish the familiar garbage clips, and the heart of Fang Chen is inexplicably comfortable.

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