"Miss..." shouted anxiously with the wind.

"It's all right!" Qiao Qingning said and looked at Chen man again. "Then you say, did I cooperate well just now?"

Before Chen man could react, Qiao Qingning turned around and grabbed Chen man's arm. The dagger hit Chen man's neck again.

"How could you?" Chen man couldn't believe it.

Qiao Qingning said with a smile, "how can I win? Martial arts, or how can I win you? Martial arts, I learned it since I was a child. Thanks to my Grandpa Zhang. As for how can I win you, why can't I win you?"

After that, she clapped her hands and turned around very handsome.

"Give her to the police!"

Chen man has been subdued. Naturally, those other subordinates are not the opponents of the wind. They will soon be subdued!

FEIA suddenly shouted to Qiao Qingning.

"Miss Qiao, I haven't done anything bad. Let me go!"

Qiao Qingning turned back and looked at FEIA.

"Are you?"

"I'm Mr. Lu's assistant. I haven't done anything bad."

"No?" Qiao Qingning sneered. "What's the matter with Fang Yuan being cheated? Do you think Fang Yuan can erase everything if she loses her memory? I tell you, Fang Yuan remembers everything!"

FIA was stunned.

"My original intention is not to harm her! I just carry out orders!"

"What about this time? If it was to execute the order last time, why did you collude with Chen man this time?"

"I... I was forced!" FIA screamed.

"I don't understand. Cows don't drink water and press their heads. If you really don't want to, who can force you? You don't want to be rich?"

Qiao Qingning was inexplicably depressed in his chest at the moment, so he was completely impolite!

"I don't want to be a man at all. My biggest wish is to go back to my hometown and be with my fiance. My fiance is ready for everything! When I go back to get married, Chen man won't let me go. She said that if I help her succeed this time, I can realize a wish. I'm really forced!"

Qiao Qingning frowned and looked at FEIA's sad appearance. For a moment, his heart was soft and he couldn't say anything important!

Women, in terms of feelings, are too involved after all!

After all, I used to be the same, full of fantasies about feelings.

"Forget it, I won't say anything. Since you haven't done anything bad, the police will certainly give you justice at that time!"

"No! I beg you. Chen man has such means. What if she goes to the police station and pushes all the problems to me? I beg you, you let me go and let me go now."

Qiao Qingning was helpless. "Now that you're gone, do you think you can be alone? If they want to harm you, they don't want to give you up. Do you think you've really become a person with a bad reputation, and will your fiance still be with you?"

"Yes!" FIA nodded firmly. "My fiance is very good and loves me very much. He has been waiting for me for eight years. He will love me whatever I become!"

"Then you don't have to worry. Don't worry!"

After that, Qiao Qingning turned and continued to walk forward.

But I didn't want to. FIA behind me suddenly seemed crazy. I don't know where the strength came from. She broke away from the control of dark guard and was about to run forward.

Qiao Qingning hurriedly stopped, "you are really too impulsive! No one can help you if you are so stubborn!"

"I don't want your help. As long as you don't tell me my identity, they won't find me."

"I won't!" Qiao Qingning turned around and didn't want to see FIA. "I will handle it fairly."

FIA's face gradually looked ugly. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the cold light on the ground, and suddenly a trace of resentment came into her heart.

The next second, she picked up Chen man's dagger on the ground.

He stabbed Qiao Qingning.

"Then you die!"

Qiao Qingning was defenseless and didn't escape for a while.

Until the wind reminded her that it was too late to dodge!

In front of her was FEIA's resentful face. Maybe she wanted happiness and freedom too much. At the moment, she stared at Qiao Qingning fiercely.

Qiao Qingning almost felt that a cold wind had rushed towards his face door with her actions.

At the critical moment, someone suddenly rushed out from behind, hugged Qiao Qingning, and then turned around.


Familiar breath, and familiar stuffy hum.

Qiao Qingning only felt his heart shrink, "Lu Xi Nian?"

She didn't know her voice was so trembling.

"Are you all right?" Lu Xi Nian's voice was a little hoarse.

Similarly, FIA was just impulsive. When she saw that she really stabbed someone, she was stunned.

"Lu... Mr. Lu, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it!"

Lu Xinian shook his head, "I don't blame you."

In fact, if he can die for Qiao Qingning like this, he also thinks it's worth it!

"I have no regrets."

"Lu Xi Nian!" Qiao Qingning gritted his teeth, "don't think you'll forgive you if you block me like this. You used to cheat me like this! I won't believe you anymore! Even if you die here today, you're still an unforgivable liar in my heart!"

"That doesn't matter." Lu's pale lips smiled.

"Worth it!"

After saying that, Lu Xi Nian slowly closed his eyes.



Qiao Qingning didn't know how long he had been sitting there. There was a hurried sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Then the voice of Josh sounded, "what's the matter? Why is it so serious?"

She was really scared to death. I heard that she saw blood. I thought Qiao Qingning had an accident!

He hurried to the outside and blocked the road. He came here abruptly.

"I'm fine." Qiao Qingning raised his head and squeezed out a smile at Qiao Shiyu. "Someone helped me block it."

Qiao Shiyu was stunned, "Lu Xinian?"

I don't know why, she just remembered Lu Xinian!

"Yes!" Qiao Qingning smiled sarcastically.

"But I won't forgive him for it."

Josh opened her mouth and stopped talking.

Gong Ming came in from the outside. After looking into Qiao Qingning's health, he grabbed Qiao Shiyu's hand.

"What are you running for? Forget your joints?"

"It's all right. I'm not made of glass!"

As they were talking, the emergency room door opened. The doctor came out from the inside and looked at the three people sitting or standing opposite.

When they saw him coming out, they still did what they had just done, and they didn't respond at all.

The doctor was a little surprised. When people saw the doctor coming out, they surrounded him. It was good for them. Isn't it family?

Just thinking, several policemen came from the side.

"How's it going?"

Suddenly, the doctor looked at the police.

"No problem. Although the wound was deep, it didn't hurt the key..."

Before he finished, Qiao Qingning stood up. "All right, mom. We're home!"

Doctor, "..."

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