The next morning, after breakfast, he came in with the wind to report.

"Lu Xinian has been transferred to a special hospital for the police. The situation is stable. When he is ready, he will arrange an interrogation. Chen man's first interrogation has come out, but she doesn't cooperate very much!"

Gong Ming nodded. "I'm not surprised that she doesn't cooperate. People like her won't give up resistance until the last minute! But it's okay. We have time to wait! You've been paying close attention to the situation there lately!"

"OK!" nodded with the wind.

When Qiao Qingning was about to turn and leave, he suddenly opened his mouth.

"How's FIA?"

I was stunned by the wind. Wasn't it this woman who almost stabbed miss yesterday? So she wants to know what happened to FIA?

Fortunately, he paid attention to it before.

"She's an accomplice. It won't be very serious. But prison must be done! Now let's see how long the sentence is! I estimate it will be at least five years!"

Qiao Qingning pursed her lips, "I see!"

Suifeng didn't quite understand her meaning, but he didn't ask again.

When he left with the wind, Qiao Shiyu took a cake and handed it to Qiao Qingning.

"Let her go of the past! We should look forward."

Qiao Qingning basks in the sun. Does mom think she wants revenge?

But didn't want to explain, just nodded. "Good!"

After dinner, Qiao Shiyu pulled her, "my little coke, you've had a good time with me recently. If you're okay today, you can play with us!"

"I want to go to work!" Qiao Qingning said.

"Don't worry!" Josh shook her head. "Your father will handle the company's affairs! Moreover, many things are on the right track! Don't worry about these things. This time it's too big. You can rest at home for a few days."

"Really not." Qiao Qingning shook his head.

"I want to work now."

"Since she wants to work, let her go!" Gong Ming's voice sounded. "I'll play with you and coke."

Qiao Shiyu couldn't help but give him a white eye. What's the mess?

However, Gong Ming spoke. She didn't want to save his face, so she nodded.

"Then go! Take care of yourself."

"Yes!" Qiao Qingning nodded.

After Qiao Qingning left, Qiao Shiyu pinched Gong Ming.

"Can't you see? I just want my daughter to heal at home. You don't help me."

Gong Ming pursed his lips. "Our daughter, do you think she will need to heal like others? In fact, she should be more sad than we are when the company is so hurt this time. Now she has the opportunity to go out and make up for it. I think she can't wait!"

In fact, Gong Ming is right. Her daughter has been strong and independent since childhood.


"Well, don't worry! Our daughter will be fine."

After that, he reached out his hand again, broke off the finger Qiao Shiyu pinched on his arm, and looked down to check.

"Does your hand hurt?"

He didn't say it was OK. When he said it, Josh really found her fingers red.

"Who called you a muscle and pinched my hand?"

Gong Ming was helpless, "then I won't exercise in the future!"

"That's not good. What if you get fat and become a ball? It's best to have four muscles and six figure, just like the little fresh meat I focus on in my short video, which is perfect..."

Before the voice fell, Gong Ming began to unbutton.

Qiao Shiyu's eyes suddenly widened, "what are you doing? In the daytime..."

Gong Ming had already stretched out his hand to carry her. "You don't want to see your figure. Go back to your room and have a good look."

"Hey... You put me down."


On the other hand, after Qiao Qingning arrived at the company, he still couldn't help looking for Zhuang Chen.

"Rare guest!" Zhuang Chen smiled. "Why did you come to me today?"

Qiao Qingning was embarrassed. "I just want uncle Zhuang to find someone for me."

"Who is it?" Zhuang Chen got up. "Isn't it faster to ask the wind to find it?"

"No! Uncle Suifeng will tell my father when he knows!"

Zhuang Chen was speechless, "so, your uncle Zhuang, I am a treacherous Minister?"

"Of course, I mean, uncle Zhuang, you are the best! You care about our younger generation most!"

Zhuang Chen chuckled, "one day I can still hear the people of the palace flattering me! Well, tell me, what's going on?"

Qiao Qingning just said. "Yes, there is a man named FIA among the people arrested yesterday. I want you to check her fiance for me!"

"FIA? Is it the one who almost stabbed you? Why are you checking this?"

What for?

Qiao Qingning doesn't know.

It probably touched her heart to see her talking about her fiance with hope!

"Nothing, just want to know, you help me!"

"All right!" Zhuang Chen thought Qiao Qingning wanted revenge or something! Anyway, he knows that Qiao Qingning won't do anything bad! Just help her!

"I'll check it for you as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, uncle Zhuang!" Qiao Qingning said.

After that, she went to work!

Although the company's situation is better than before, it has been affected in many places.

After Qiao Qingning came out of Johnson's office, as soon as he entered the marketing department, he heard the manager lecturing inside.

"What's the matter? We spent so much time on this project this year. Finally, you told me you couldn't do it?"

"Manager, we can't be blamed! The reputation of the company has been damaged. Now people are unwilling to cooperate with us..."

"Yes! I beg people every day, and I'm almost kowtowing!"

"Did you knock? If you didn't knock, you didn't do it well. You don't have any bonus this month!"

"Ah?" everyone looked reluctant.

"It was originally made by the fiance of the eldest lady! You can't blame us. Why should we deduct our bonus?"

Qiao Qingning took a deep breath and walked slowly to open the door.

"Manager, I'll do it!"

The people in the room were stunned. The two people who said Qiao Qingning just now were embarrassed. Don't open your head.

The manager was very strict with Qiao Qingning before, but this time, as a woman, she didn't think Qiao Qingning had done anything wrong.

Who hasn't seen a few scum when he was young?

It would be unfair to extend all the disasters to a woman because of this!

"It's all right. I'll deal with it. Just do your own thing!"

"I've finished my work. Let me do it!"

Qiao Qingning insisted.

"I'll come too." Fang Yuan came in from the back, "Miss, you can't forget me!"

"OK!" Qiao Qingning nodded.

Seeing this, the manager was very pleased and agreed, "I'll leave it to you, but if you encounter any difficulties, you must come to me!"

"Good!" Qiao Qingning said with a smile.

"I will!"

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