Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 163 Two hundred and thirty million (seeking subscription)

August 30th.

Zhang Qingfeng took Zhang Cuicui back to Jingzhou.

September 2nd.

Chen Binglu and his wife returned to Qingshan from Nanhai.

Seeing Chen Xi hot on the admission letter of Jingzhou University in Phnom Penh, both of them were very excited.

"Our family's ancestral grave is smoking." Yu Xiuqin said with emotion.

"What's the smoke? It exploded. All this is Dongzi's credit." Chen Binglu said.

"If you want to tell me, don't I know?"

"Mom, Dad, are you going to travel or are you out of Europe?" Chen Xi took the words.

"It's not your father yet. He wants to buy everything with his son's money and hesitates.

"What's wrong with my son's money? When he was a kid, he spent mine now. Isn't it right for me to spend his money? Since I go out to play, I have to have fun. How are you, don't let me buy anything."

"Why didn't I let you buy it?"

"Which one did you let me buy more than fifty dollars?"

Seeing the parents arguing like children, Chen Dong couldn't help but become happy.

"Mom, I have to be fair about this matter. My dad is right. My money is yours. Besides, now I have a lot of money. You have to spend it if you should. Don't be reluctant."

"Smelly boy, even if you have money, you can't mess around. Do you understand the truth of sitting and eating the sky?" Yu Xiuqin said unhappy.

Chen Dong laughed, "Mom and dad, I'm afraid you really can't afford to eat? You have done a big business recently. Guess how much I made?"

"five million!"

Chen Xi said first.

Chen Dong shook his head.

"Six million!"

Chen Dong laughed: "Can't you guess more?"

three people:"............"

Chen Binglu: "Tung Tzu, don't tell me I made 10 million."

Chen Dong smiled and shook his head: "Guess again!"

The three people looked shocked. Looking at Chen Dong's appearance, he definitely made more than ten million. When would ten million be too much for him?

"Come, let you open your eyes."

Chen Dong took out his mobile phone, opened the mobile banking and handed it to Chen Binglu.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand..."

Seeing countless zeros, Chen Binglu's eyes widened and counted them one by one. After the count, he was speechless.

"Dad, how much money does my brother make?"

Chen Xi snatched Chen Dong's phone.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million... hundred million!"

After the count, Chen Xi was equally surprised and speechless.

Two hundred and thirty million!

Chen Dong had so much money in his bank card, and Ren Chen Xi dared not even imagine that Chen Dong's wealth had reached hundreds of millions.

"How much is it?"

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Yu Xiuqin asked anxiously.

"Two hundred and thirty million! Mom, my brother has two hundred and thirty million!"

Chen Xi screamed.

The reason why Chen Dong wants to tell his family about his wealth is to hope that they will not be as frugal as before. What is the purpose of making money?Of course, it is to make them live better and happier lives. If parents still save money, what is the point of making so much money?

Chen Dong's wealth really frightened the three people, and Yu Xiuqin also reacted for a long time before relieving.

"Son, tell mom how you have so much money, so don't do anything illegal."

"Yeah, Dongzi, we must never do illegal things, as long as the money is no longer enough." Chen Binglu also asked quickly from the side.

Listening to his parents, Chen Dong couldn't laugh or cry.

Is it true that parents all over the world tell them to make more money when their children have no money, and when they have made money, they worry about this and that.

"Parents, don't worry, since childhood, you didn't know that I was timid and how could I dare to do things that broke the law? To tell you the truth, I earned this money from selling a painting."

Therefore, Chen Dong explained the origin of Wu Daozi's painting to Lengshan from beginning to end.

"Crazy, crazy, someone actually spent 200 million to buy a painting, it's crazy." Yu Xiuqin said incredibly.

Chen Dong: "Mom, this is normal. The so-called troubled times of gold collection, now rich people are willing to collect a lot. Now you know how rich we are? In the future, you can spend whatever you want, and buy whatever you want. , Don't be reluctant, don't you still want our money to grow?"

"You bastard, how can you grow hair if you have money? Even if you have money, you still have to marry a wife. Your dad and I will not drag you down."

Chen Dong: "..........."

Yes, talking for a long time is equivalent to not saying.


Chen Dong simply transferred 30 million to Chen Binglu's account.

"Dad, I transferred the money to you. I want to spend it at will. And I told you that now I have opened an antique shop and I can make millions in a day."

Seeing the 30 million transferred into the account by the mobile phone, Chen Binglu smiled with satisfaction.

"Lao Yu, you really gave birth to a good son. From now on, we two can live the rest of our lives smartly."

"Brother, you are partial, I also want money."

Seeing Chen Dong transfer money to his parents, Chen Xi pouted.

"Okay, can I forget you? I will go to Jingzhou to attend college in a while. I will transfer 5 million to you first. If it is not enough, I will ask you for it at any time."

"Brother, I love you so much."

Seeing the five million that Chen Dong had turned around, Chen Xi hugged Chen Dong and kissed him.


Looking at the close brother and sister, Chen Binglu and his wife laughed.

The two of them never expected such a big change after returning from a short trip to the South China Sea. Chen Dong's wealth has increased to 200 million, 30 million, and 30 million. How should he spend it?

Without Zhang Cicui, Yu Xiuqin personally cooks a meal for everyone.

Yu Xiuqin was very angry looking at the bitter faces one by one.

"What? Don't you think the food I cooked is not delicious?"

The three nodded at the same time.


Yu Xiuqin slapped the chopsticks on the table and shocked the three of them.

"Go, let your dad invite us to have a big meal today, and tomorrow I will find a nanny who can cook."

"Okay, okay, I must kill my dad today." Chen Xi clapped her hands and said with a smile.

Chen Binglu smiled triumphantly: "Small, my dad is a millionaire now, and I will have to enjoy the life of a local tyrant in the future."

Yu Xiuqin: "Old Chen, I can warn you. I will take care of the money in the future. If you men have money, they will easily learn badly. Don't get me a junior."

"Lao Yu, what did you say in front of the child? Who am I? You still don't understand?"

"I knew it before, but I won't know it after I have the money."


There is a hotel called Zuixianju near the Huanhai Villa area.

Seeing the same expensive dishes that Chen Xi ordered, Yu Xiuqin was still distressed, but Chen Binglu was pulling it.

"Old Yu, calm, calm, think about the money his son gave."

"You can't be so prodigal if you have money. A meal costs a few thousand yuan, and 10,000 meals will be eaten.

"Lao Yu, how many years do you have to eat 10,000 meals? Besides, you are not tired of eating only these?"

Yu Xiuqin: "Yes."

Chen Dong: "By the way, Mom and Dad, what about Chen Xi's school banquet?"

Chen Binglu: "Of course it's a big deal. Tomorrow I will tell your mother all the relatives in the family. We don't want them to come and eat."

Yu Xiuqin: "Yes, listen to your dad, our family hasn't had a happy event for a long time, but the money should be collected or the money should be collected."


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