Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 164 A Different Entrance Banquet (for subscription)

September 5th, the peak hotel.

Chen Binglu was dressed in a high-end suit and Yu Xiuqin was dressed in a red cheongsam. The two were standing in the doorway of the banquet hall with vigor.

Chen Dong dressed in casual clothes accompanied Meng Meiqi at the door.

After checking the time, Chen Dong asked, "Dad, mom, are you sure you have notified all of them?"

"Your dad's former colleagues in the factory, as well as our relatives, have been notified." Yu Xiuqin said.

"But what time is it, why haven't you seen anyone coming?"

"Notify them that it's six o'clock in the evening, and it's only five o'clock in the evening.

Having said that, Chen Binglu was also a little anxious. He booked a full thirty tables of banquets, each costing 6,888 yuan.

"Old Chen, would you like to call and ask again?" Yu Xiuqin said.

Chen Binglu: "No, let's tell them the time and place. Qingshan City is not a big place, so I can't find it."

"Don't ask me, they are used to being in the countryside, and they may not be able to find it."

Yu Xiuqin took out the newly bought Huawei mate30 and started calling relatives.

Seeing that Yu Xiuqin started to make a phone call, Chen Binglu also took out a newly bought mobile phone like her to make a call.

While talking, Chen Xi brought a group of classmates over, two of whom had traveled a while ago.

"Uncle, auntie, hello Dong brother."

Wang Ying, who knew Chen Dong, took the lead to say hello, and other students followed suit.

"Chen Xi, you are really awesome. Not only are we the only one of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School who was admitted to Jingzhou University, but even the entrance banquet is in this five-star hotel."

"Isn't it, this is the first time I have come to Dingsheng Hotel. I heard that the minimum consumption here is thousands of yuan."

"Well, don’t be envious, jealous, and hate. Who can let someone have a rich brother? You don’t know. Some time ago, we ran into trouble when we were traveling. Brother Dong came, not only solved the trouble, but also He took us to buy a lot of things, went to a lot of places to play, all the money he spent. Unfortunately, Brother Dong has a girlfriend, otherwise I really want to find him as a boyfriend."

"The woman standing next to Brother Dong is your sister-in-law, isn't it? She is really beautiful. It's the first time I have seen such a beautiful woman. What brand of cosmetics do you think she uses?"

"Do you still need to think about it? It must be the most expensive imported one. Dong Ge can buy the cheap one if he is so rich?"

Entering the banquet hall, a group of girls found a table and sat down and chatted together.

"The old Zhang said that something can't come, so tell me if something happens, I'm going to have a drink with him."

"Hey, Lao Li, where are you? What? Are you not coming?..."

After making a round of phone calls, Chen Binglu was very angry. The old colleagues in the factory were not able to come, and most of them did not come.

"Why is this all?" Chen Binglu said angrily.

"Does that still need to be considered? I said that you have been in the factory for so many years, otherwise you can't be laid off. Obviously, people don't want to follow the people. I remember that we were not too much. What?" Yu Xiuqin said angrily from the side.

"Lao Yu, you can't be so absolute. There are still some promises to come. Besides, let's say we don't want to pay for it. Those people are similar to us before, and the family conditions are not good. You can't blame them."

"I think it's ungrateful."

When the two were angry, relatives and friends in the family came to the banquet hall one after another.

"Good uncle, good aunt."

"Good for the second aunt, good for the fourth, good for the fifth, good for the second..."

There are eight brothers and sisters in Yu Xiuqin's house, so Chen Dong is also busy calling people out.

"Lao San, congratulations, I didn't expect Xiao Xi to be so promising. This is a bit of my heart." The aunt took out two wrinkled red notes from her pocket and handed them over.

Several people who came together also took out money to prepare to follow suit.

"If you take it with your heart, you won't receive the money. You go in quickly, and the table will start in a while.

Chen Binglu's words made the relatives a little confused.

"How can this work? Although the money is not much, it is our heart. If you don't charge us, we will have no face to eat."

Yu Xiuqin's second sister said.

Yu Xiuqin looked at Chen Binglu.

Chen Binglu: "You only need to have this heart. Nobody needs any money today. There will be gifts when you leave. Hurry in, and the meeting will start."

After speaking, the two people led everyone into the banquet hall with push and persuasion.

"Oh my god, this place is too high-end, the third child, how much does this meal cost? It's a refreshing idea. You can take it quickly. We can't help the kid go to college."

Yu Xiuqin's heart warmed: "Second sister, you only need to have this kind of heart. Dongzi made some money during this period, and the family is different from before."

Settling everyone in, the two returned to the door to continue to welcome guests.

What surprised everyone was that this college entrance banquet was really different, and it didn't charge any money.Since they don't accept it, everyone is also happy. Isn't a few hundred dollars money?Of course, some of them insisted on giving, but Chen Binglu resolutely rejected them.

People come as a kind of love, and with the financial resources of the Chen family now, these so-called money are really dispensable.

You know that a banquet costs 200,000 yuan, plus the gifts for everyone, nearly 500,000 yuan.How much money can be collected by collectors?Thirty-five thousand is a big hurdle, it's really better not to collect it.

Everyone who came to attend the college entrance banquet was shocked by the luxury of the five-star hotel, and even dropped their jaws when the food was served.

"Lobster, abalone, is this a college banquet?"

"A whole roast suckling pig! Let me go, is this still the laid-off and poor Chen Binglu?"

Seeing a table of luxurious dishes, Yu Xiuqin's brothers and sisters were even more worried.

"Waiter, how much is this banquet?"

"6888 yuan."

"How many?"

"6888 yuan."


Everyone took a breath, 6888 yuan a table, there are dozens of tables in the hall, how much does it cost?Yu Xiuqin's second brother also deliberately counted them. There are 30 tables. Wouldn't it cost more than two hundred thousand?

When did Yu Xiuqin's family become so rich?

Chen Binglu's colleague, who was hesitant to come to the college entrance banquet before, was secretly thankful, thanks to his good heart, otherwise how could he catch up with such a luxurious meal, and it was free.

Before the banquet began, the host briefly presided over the college entrance banquet. Chen Xi also took the stage to express his gratitude to everyone. Of course, it was the parents and Chen Dong who were sincerely grateful.

Thinking of the time when he was about to drop out of high school, Chen Xi couldn't help but shed tears. If it hadn't been for Chen Dong who had brought earth-shaking changes to the family, I really couldn't imagine Chen Xi would be admitted to university. It is certain that he would not go Opportunities for Jingzhou University.

Seeing Chen Xi's heartfelt speech on stage, listening to Chen Xi's gratitude to him, Chen Dong smiled with satisfaction........

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