Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 204 Flight Mode (for subscription)

Annie and Angie.

Although she is not familiar with Annie Chen Dong, she also knows she is the girlfriend of classmate Hao Jiajun.As for An Qi, isn't it because she let Qin Feng divorce her original partner.

Why are these two people here?Are you here on vacation?

Chen Dongzheng pondered and saw a man walk in front of the two of them with two glasses of juice in his hand.


Chen Dong's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that it was him.

Gu Shaofeng!

What made Chen Dong's eyes fall even more was that Gu Shaofeng actually reached out his arm and hugged two people, with a particularly intimate look.

Sisters take it all?

This completely subverted Chen Dong's three views over the past two decades.

Chen Dong took out his mobile phone and took a few photos at the three people. How could such a breaking news have to leave evidence?

After taking the photo, Chen Dong called Qin Feng.

"Mr Chen, hello."

Qin Feng's voice came from the phone, but it sounded a little low.

Chen Dong: "Ms. Qin, is it sick to hear your voice? Or is there trouble in business?"

Qin Feng: "Hey, this is a long story. I'm back to my original home."

Chen Dong: "Under what circumstances, didn't I sell all the raw materials to you, why?"

Qin Feng: "I don't lie to you when I treat you as my own brother. I used to think that I could stand on my own with the raw materials. I registered a jewelry company with An Qi, but I hesitated when I really wanted to divorce."

Chen Dong: "Why hesitate?"

Qin Feng: "The lady went to the court to sue me for transferring property before the divorce, and for this I have already withdrawn from the Jade Association. Even the qualification of XX representative was disqualified. If this continues, I will lose too much."

Chen Dong: "Then you compromised? What about Miss Ann?"

Qin Feng: "What can I do if I don't compromise? An Qi, although I can't give her a marriage, but I can give her everything she wants. My wife also agreed. About An Qi, she can open one eye and close one eye. "

After hearing Qin Feng's words, Chen Dong smiled bitterly. There are really all kinds of people in this world. Is it worth it for a broken marriage?One is reluctant to pay, but the other?What can't you bear?


Chen Dong suddenly felt that sometimes women are very sad. In any case, this kind of tragedy cannot happen to him. He promised Majesty to make her happy all her life.

Qin Feng: "Hey, An Qi had a big quarrel with me about this, and I went to travel to relax."

It's really a relief to travel, but Qin Feng doesn't know that he has already put a green hat on his head.

Originally wanted to send the photos to Qin Feng, but after thinking about it, this guy is pitiful enough now. If he knew about this, he wouldn't have to vomit blood on the spot.

After hanging up Qin Feng's phone, Chen Dong looked around, and several people had disappeared.


Product research and development has been completed.


[Because of the lucky blow, return 10000000 wealth value, research level +1]

At this time, there came the news that the Rolls-Royce Phantom's research and development was completed. What made Chen Dong excited was that the lucky strike was triggered for the first time. He couldn't wait to see what would become after the research and development level +1 kind.

Chen Dong hurried back to the villa. When he saw the Rolls-Royce Phantom again, Chen Dong was surprised that the color of the whole car had changed. It was gray before, but now it has become black and black. Of shiny.

The tire has also changed. Chen Dong touched it with his hand, and felt that the tire was not like rubber but a new type of material, which seemed to be a lap larger than before.

Chen Dong was about to open the car door and take a look.

But when the hand touched the door handle, the car actually issued a voice prompt.

[Voice recognition initialization, please enter the voice command.

Fuck, it's really advanced enough.

"Open Sesame!"

Chen Dong thought for a while and said.

[Voice recognition has been completed and voice commands have been stored.

[Open Sesame.

Chen Dong gave a voice command.


The door opens automatically, and the car has started to ignite.

Chen Dong got into the cab, and there were obvious changes in both the seat cushion and the interior.

In order to prove his conjecture, Chen Dong brought a sharp knife and scratched it at the seat cushion.

Sure enough, no matter how hard Chen Dong tried, he couldn't cut the leather seat cushion, which meant that the leather had changed.

Chen Dong found a button under the steering wheel again. After Lamborghini's transformation, Chen Dong did not dare to move again. There were tourists all around here, and it would be troublesome if it hurts others.

Chen Dong stepped on the brakes and put in gear to start driving.

At this moment, the voice prompt sounded again.

Please select the current driving mode.

Then a transparent image appeared in front of Chen Dong with four options.

Autopilot, free driving, underwater mode, flight mode.

Seeing the latter two patterns, Chen Dong's eyes were almost staring.What does this special meow mean?

Underwater mode?

Does it mean that this car can be used as a submarine?

Flight mode?

Could it be said that this car can fly to the sky?

Despite his curiosity, Chen Dong didn't dare to use it indiscriminately. He flew to the sky so terribly, didn't he become a monster?It won’t be long before, and I’m sure to be arrested by relevant departments to investigate and see if I’m an alien.

To be cautious, Chen Dong chose the free driving mode.

As you might guess, the free mode is a man-made control mode.

Skilled in gear, the throttle car drove out of the villa parking lot.

As soon as the black Rolls-Royce Phantom appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of surrounding tourists, and from time to time there were people taking pictures of the car.

Chen Dong was not in the mood to wander in the resort, drove out of the resort and onto the highway.

He stepped heavily on the accelerator and saw that the speedometer quickly changed to 120.

Damn it.

It seemed that it took less than three seconds to accelerate to 100 kilometers.

Step on the accelerator again.

I saw the speedometer began to climb gradually.

150, 180, 220...

At 220, Chen Dong looked to the front through the car window. He didn't seem to feel how fast. He just saw the scenery around him constantly receding back.

Chen Dong didn't dare to step on it any more, although he knew that it would be fine even if he stepped on 300, but it would be a trouble if it was captured by surveillance.

When approaching the exit, Chen Dong slowed down.

"Hello sir, it costs 20 yuan."

At the toll gate, a girl said to him affectionately.

Chen Dong touched his pocket a bit embarrassed.

"Old girl, I have no cash."

"It's okay sir, we support QR code payment."

"But I don't seem to have a cell phone."

"Sir, can you tell me the phone number? I can pay for you first."


Chen Dong told the girl his phone number and left the toll booth...

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