Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 205: Too crazy (seeking subscription)

On the way back, Chen Dong activated the autopilot mode.

What surprised Chen Dong this time was that before the autopilot mode was activated, a three-dimensional map also appeared in front of him.The map is located in Kouhai City, and Chen Dong can easily find the villa of the resort at the top of the map.

The destination is set, and the autopilot mode is activated.

At the beginning, Chen Dong stared nervously, and after a while, he lay leisurely in the driver's seat.

Really smart.

Chen Dong discovered that after the car started the automatic driving mode, the route chosen was neither the nearest nor the farthest, but the one with the smoothest traffic.What surprised Chen Dong most was that on the way back, he didn't even touch a red light.

This meow is amazing.

Is it possible to be smart enough to calculate the time of the red light on which road?

When they returned to the villa, Qin Daliang and others had already returned. They saw the black Rolls-Royce Phantom, and they were surrounded by circles when they saw Chen Dong getting off the car.

"Boss, have you modified the car?"

Chen Dong: "Hmm...ah, modified."

Qin Daliang: "This color is so domineering, boss, or let me drive it out and enjoy it."

Chen Dong smiled: "Okay, as long as you can open the car door, you can open it."

Qin Daliang was surprised: "Really boss, great. Where is the key?"

Chen Dong threw the car key into Qin Daliang's hand. Now this car key is actually a waste product and is of no use at all.

[Please enter the voice command, otherwise the system will alarm in one minute...]

What shocked Qin Daliang was that when he held the car key and pressed the lock, the car door did not respond at all.When he went to the car door, the car did not know where the voice prompt came from.


"You can't open it. I have installed an intelligent voice recognition system in this car. No one can drive except me."

Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Fuck, this is too awesome."

While several people were chatting, Long Xiaoyun drove the Land Rover back to the villa.

Everyone hurried over to help move things.

I had to admire the women's shopping ability. In the entire Land Rover car, two women bought a lot of things, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, bath towels, and almost everything needed at home.

When things moved to the villa, a few people began to busy organizing things, while Chen Dong took Meng Meiqi and strolled outside the villa.

"Husband, Nanhai is so developed. In a small city like Kouhai, there are more than a dozen luxury stores alone. I remember only one in Qingshan City."

Meng Meiqi took a sip of the coconut milk that Chen Dong handed over.

Chen Dong: "It's normal. Now Nanhai is an internationally open metropolis, and it will develop better in the future. By the way, my wife, guess what, who did I meet just now?"

Meng Meiqi: "Who?"

Chen Dong: "Gu Shaofeng."

Hearing Gu Shaofeng's name, Meng Meiqi was stunned for a moment: "What is he here for? Isn't he coming with us?"

Chen Dong: "Wife, you think too much, guess who else did I see?"

Meng Meiqi: "Who is it? Don't betray you."

Chen Dong smiled and leaned on Meng Meiqi's ear and told her what he saw.

"What? No? Manager An looks at someone who is not like that. Besides, I have also seen her sister. How could it be possible?"

Chen Dong: "I know you won't believe it, I will let you see now."

After speaking, I took out my phone and turned to the close photos of three people and handed them to Meng Meiqi.

Seeing the photo, Meng Meiqi looked incredible.

"It's crazy, how can they do this. There should be some misunderstanding in this?"

Chen Dong was speechless, this stupid girl was really simple enough.

It is said that there is no coincidence. When Chen Dong led Meng Meiqi to the beach to play, An Qi and Annie walked back from the beach in swimsuits. Gu Shaofeng wore a pair of swimming trunks to greet them, embraced the two women, and kissed them separately. .

This scene happened to be seen by Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi.

Meng Meiqi took Chen Dong and was about to go back, but it was a coincidence that An Qi saw Chen Dong.

Angie: "........."

The moment An Qi saw Chen Dong, she was a little at a loss.

"what happened, Babe?"

Gu Shaofeng asked An Qi in a daze.

An Qi didn't speak, her eyes still looked at Chen Dong not far away.

At this time, Gu Shaofeng followed An Qi's gaze and turned around and happened to see Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi.

Seeing Meng Meiqi holding Chen Dong's arm, Gu Shaofeng's face changed rapidly.

He already knew that Chen Dong and Meng Meiqi were getting married, and Gu Shaofeng smashed things in the office all over.Regarding An Qi, Gu Shaofeng knew Meng Meiqi when he was in contact with him before. At the beginning, he thought of relying on An Qi to get Meng Meiqi in his hands, but Meng Meiqi resigned.

The two people hooked up once and again.

Gu Shaofeng pulled An Qi, who was a little stiff, and walked towards Chen Dong.

"Mr. Chen, Majestic, what a coincidence, you guys are also on vacation? I have an advertisement shot with Manager An here..."

Gu Shaofeng explained.

Chen Dong smiled, this guy responded very quickly, and found the interface so quickly.

No wonder people say that they would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world than that the broken mouth of a man, especially Gu Shaofeng's broken mouth.

"Well, that's a coincidence. Majestic and I came here to take wedding photos. I have time to watch your commercials."

Annie naturally knew Chen Dong, and she turned away from a distance and did not dare to follow.

"Well, I really want to congratulate Mr. Chen. By the way, Meggie, how is Aunt Leng? I heard that she was hospitalized some time ago, and I wanted to go and see it because I didn't go abroad to discuss business."

Seeing Gu Shaofeng's face, Meng Meiqi felt disgusted in her heart.

He said nonchalantly: "Thank you for your kindness, my mother is in good health."

Seeing Meng Meiqi's expression, Gu Shaofeng gritted his teeth.

All of this is because of Chen Dong. If it weren't for him, it would be Meng Meiqi who was playing with him on his bed, but now everything has changed."

"Mr. Chen, I don't know which hotel you are staying in. Since it is fate, let's get together at night?"

Chen Dong smiled: "We can find a place to live, and get together to avoid it. In the evening, Majestic and I are still preparing for a world of two."

Just when Chen Dong was about to leave with Meng Meiqi in his arms, Gu Shaofeng spoke again.

"Don't Mr. Chen, it happens that our company has a villa here, and a few of us can't live in it. If you want, you can move in, and you can save some money."

Of course Chen Dong could hear it, but Gu Shaofeng was mocking him for having no money.

"Oh, isn't it? I happened to buy a villa here too. Why don't you come and visit?"

"Bought a villa?"

Gu Shaofeng was happy, just thinking about finding an opportunity to humiliate him. Now he came to the door and bought a villa without looking at his virtues. A guy who set up a street stall in a night market could buy a villa here. ?Don't think it is fake...

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