Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 224 Danger (seeking subscription)

"Passengers, please be aware that there will be turbulence in the plane due to the strong wind ahead. Please wear your seat belts..."

The passengers on the plane clearly felt the violent turbulence following the notification sound on the radio.

The water glass on the table in front of it shook violently following the turbulence of the plane.


Finally a child cried, and then came the screaming voice of a girl.

"Majestic, don't be afraid, I am here."

Seeing Meng Meiqi's face pale, Chen Dong quickly grabbed her hand and comforted.

"Husband, what's the matter? There will be no trouble with the plane, right?"

Although airplanes are known as the safest means of transportation, don’t forget that once an accident occurs, the probability of survival is very low.Meng Meiqi had seen reports on some crashes on the Internet before, and she was even more afraid.

"My wife, don't think about it, it's okay. The weather has been bad recently, probably because of the air currents. It will be fine."

Chen Dong comforted.

Sure enough, the turbulence did not last long before it calmed down.


All the passengers on the plane let out a sigh of relief. The gust of air just now was really scary.

At this time, in the cockpit, the captain and the co-pilot also breathed a sigh of relief.

The storm zone that I passed just now is really scary. The most terrible thing is that I don't know when lightning will occur. Once the plane is struck by lightning, it is fatal.

After the two people clapped and celebrated, the co-pilot stared at the instrument panel.

"Captain, we are in trouble."

The co-pilot pointed to a red light on the instrument panel and said.

The captain looked solemn when he saw the flashing red light.

That place is the wing, which means that the wing was damaged when it passed the airflow layer just now.

"What should we do now?"

The copilot asked.

"Get in touch with the tower immediately, and we will try to land at the nearest airport."


Then the co-pilot started calling the tower.

What makes people desperate is that the aircraft's radio radar also malfunctioned, and there was no response after many calls.

The captain was very calm, and then gave the order.

"First switch to the autopilot mode, you continue to contact the tower, I will go out first."

After speaking, the captain left the cockpit.

"The flight attendant, immediately notify all passengers that they must turn off their mobile phones and other communication tools."


After receiving the order, the flight attendant immediately began to act. After a while, the entire plane heard the broadcast.Next, the flight attendants seated themselves to check whether mobile phones and other communication tools were turned off.

"Sorry sir, please turn off your phone immediately."

"Why should I close it, do you know how much loss I would lose if I delayed a business?"

The flight attendant ran into trouble during the inspection, and a middle-aged man with a bald head in the first class refused to turn off his mobile phone.

"Sorry sir, this is an extraordinary period, please turn off your phone."

"Who are you so special? You can close one for me to try. I have hundreds of millions of dollars in a business, so I can almost buy one of your planes.

The flight attendant was very helpless when meeting such a person, and quickly contacted the air police.

Even if the air police came, the man was very arrogant, and he did not turn off his cell phone alive and well.

"Sir, if you don't close it again, we have the right to take coercive measures against you in accordance with relevant laws."

The air police issued a warning again.

"I won't turn it off, you try to move me."

Chen Dong knew exactly what happened here, and he was very angry.

"Are you sick? You want to die but we don't want to die."

Chen Dong got up and walked over, pointing at the bald man and cursing.

"I don't want to shut down, let's die together."

"Go to your uncle."

Regardless of three or seventy-one, Chen Dong grabbed the man's phone and slammed it on the ground with a slap. The phone fell to pieces.

"Ma De, I want..."

The man stood up before he finished speaking, the plane shook violently again, and the man's body bumped into the plane's shield.

Chen Dong's body almost flew out too staggeringly, but fortunately he grabbed the armrest of the seat next to him.

"Dear passengers, we will make an emergency landing in the next few games due to damage to the wing of the plane. Please wear your seat belts."

With the captain's voice on the radio, chaos in the plane was also a mess.


Several children started crying, and the women screamed.

Chen Dong did not dare to move, and quickly returned to his seat and fastened his seat belt.

At this time, it was already obvious that the aircraft began to descend as if it had lost its balance. Although the descending speed was not fast, the turbulence in the aircraft was no worse than when it encountered the airflow.

"It's over, are we going to crash?"

"Please stay calm, please believe that we will be able to land safely..."

The flight attendants kept comforting the passengers, but their hearts were also up and down.It is necessary to know that the most feared thing an airplane will encounter is broken wings. This is like a flying bird suddenly breaking its wings. It is impossible to fly with only one wing. First, it will lose its balance.

"Husband, I'm afraid."

Meng Meiqi clung to Chen Dong's hand and said.

"My wife, don't be afraid, we will have great luck and nothing will happen."

While Chen Dong comforted Meng Meiqi, the plane was still descent, and the speed slowly began to increase.

The rapid descent made the people on the plane feel like they were riding on a roller coaster. Many passengers simply closed their eyes.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, Mom, I haven't even looked at you yet."

"Wow... my wife, I don't want to die, I haven't seen my newborn son yet..."

A sad atmosphere permeated the entire cabin.

Isn't Chen Dong scared in his heart, will everything that he has finally had now disappear?

I really didn't expect a crash like this to happen to me, and I didn't expect Meng Meiqi to be tired because of going to Nanyun.Think about it since I got the system, my life has changed drastically.

There was a house, a ticket, and a beautiful wife, but this ending made him reconciled.

While comforting Meng Meiqi, Chen Dong forced himself to calm down.


Chen Dong suddenly brightened his mind, and a thought flashed out.

Don’t forget, the R&D center in the system can develop any product. I wonder if the aircraft will work?

Thinking of this, Chen Dong quickly closed his eyes and entered the system.

Sure enough, through the system, I saw countless virtual icons, including this aircraft.

Chen Dong immediately dragged the airplane icon to the R&D center, and also put another item in it.That is the life jacket in front of Meng Meiqi...

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