Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 225 Survival (seeking subscription)


[Do you want to develop this product?

After Chen Dong dragged the airplane icon to the research and development groove, the system unexpectedly heard a beep.

Chen Dong clicked the OK button.

[Please set the product research and development level, A: normal enhancement (100000000) B: material improvement, (200000000) C: advanced reset (500000000)]

Seeing three options, Chen Dong just wanted to scold his mother.

The most basic general enhancement requires 100 million, the material upgrade requires 200 million, and the advanced reset requires 500 million.

Fortunately, there was more than one billion in his account. Although a little distressed, Chen Dong did not hesitate to transfer the one billion of funds and immediately clicked to confirm.

I don't know if it was because the wealth value needed was too much. After the research and development started, Chen Dong was a little broken looking at the long progress bar.

At this speed, even if the research and development were completed, the plane crashed.

18 minutes and 30 seconds!

This is the time required for development.

The next time can only be resigned, even if the research and development are completed, there is no guarantee what will happen.

The panic continues. At this time, many people have turned on their phones and said goodbye to their families.

The crying and crying one after another.

If it were you, who do you most want to say goodbye to when your life is about to come to an end?

This is really a tormenting topic.

At this time, the mood of the co-pilot in the cabin had also collapsed.

"Captain, I don't want to die yet."

Captain: "Slow talk nonsense, control the balance of the plane and call the tower."

At the same time, the nearest airport to the plane above also received a distress signal from Flight K848.The emergency plan has been activated, and passengers at the airport have begun to evacuate, including all the planes that stayed on, giving up the main runway.


The ground emergency rescue operation has already begun, and the relevant departments have made preparations for the emergency landing of K848. Whether the emergency landing can be carried out smoothly is a question everyone is thinking about.

From the perspective of the history of civil aviation development, there have been cases of broken wings. Usually there are only two results in this case.

One is the destruction of people by plane, and the other is resignation to pray for miracles.

After all, it was such a big plane falling from the sky, and the danger can be imagined.

Go back to the K848 plane.

Qin Daliang finally couldn't stand it anymore, turned on the phone and started to leave a message to his wife and family. The only one who didn't move was Long Xiaoyun.At this time, she was extremely calm, holding the oxygen bag tightly with both hands.

"Chen Dong, do you know what my greatest regret in this life is?"

Seeing Chen Dong's eyes closed tightly, Meng Meiqi asked with tears in her eyes.

"The biggest regret in my life is that I didn't hold a wedding with you, so that everyone knows that I am your bride. But I am content. If I have my next life, I must be with you, and I must have a wedding with you. wedding."


Chen Dong slowly opened his eyes, watching Meng Meiqi cry into tears and said with a smile.

5000 meters!

4000 meters!

2000 meters!

1500 meters!

As the plane gradually descended, the rate of descent became faster.

Everyone is waiting for the final moment of death when the plane crashed.


[The product research and development has been completed, due to the lucky blow, the wealth value is 100000000, and the level of enhancement is +1]

At this time, Chen Dong heard the sound of research and development completed in his mind.

At the moment when the development was completed, the captain and co-pilot in the cabin were surprised to see that the plane's wing had miraculously restored the normal signal.

Not only that, some of the failures caused by the previous rapid descent unexpectedly all returned to normal when they were one kilometer above the ground.

The captain's experience is so sophisticated. Seeing this, he immediately raised the lifter to restore the fuselage from the descending state to the flying state.

After a violent shaking, the plane miraculously resumed its normal flight state.


Chen Dong let out a sigh of relief. He really should not be killed. He did not expect to trigger a lucky blow at the last moment, changing from ordinary enhancement to texture enhancement.

Think about the Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce that have been modified before, and you know that the aircraft after the material upgrade must be quite sturdy.Even if it really fell to the ground now, Chen Dong felt that he might not fall to death.

Similar to Chen Dong's feeling, as the plane returned to stability, the entire plane's passengers cheered.

The feeling of the rest of my life is really different.

I believe that after experiencing this danger, many people will understand a lot of truths in life, and have more insights in life.

Although I dare not say a thorough understanding, but I will definitely see some truth.

"Tower tower, tower tower, I'm the captain of flight K848. Our plane encountered an airflow failure on the way and requested to land at your airport for maintenance."

"After receiving it, we are ready to land at any time."

As the plane landed smoothly at a certain airport, all the moods followed the plane's landing smoothly. A certain airport that was still nervous before saw the plane landing smoothly and was relieved.

Although the plane landed smoothly, many ambulances came.

Many people got off the plane and cried, saying that the most hurt after the disaster is the soul.

It is estimated that after this incident, many people dared not fly again for a long time.

Chen Dong and others got off the plane, refused to get in the ambulance and followed most of them to the airport terminal.

Then the airport staff began a thorough overhaul of the aircraft.

It's just that the results of the overhaul made them a little confused.

This is obviously an aircraft that has been in service for five or six years, but from the test results, the aircraft’s parts are absolutely new. What surprised the staff was that the broken wing not only recovered as new, but even a little. There are no signs of breaking.

No problem at all!

This is the result of the final check.

Even if the result of the check was no problem, many passengers still chose to refund their tickets.

Chen Dong did not refund the ticket.

Just kidding, this plane can be said to be the safest right now.

After a delay of more than ten hours, Chen Dong and others boarded the plane again.

The bald man in the first class who had quarreled with the flight attendant has disappeared. It is estimated that the ticket has been refunded.Except for Chen Dong and others, there were a lot fewer passengers on the huge plane.

The flight for the next few hours was smooth, and it was early in the morning when the plane arrived at Lida Airport.

After getting off the plane, Chen Dong and others checked in directly at a hotel near the airport.

I don't know if it was because of what happened this time before, Chen Dong felt that Meng Meiqi's love was particularly violent, and even made him feel a little overwhelmed.


"Wife, why is it so fierce today?"

While resting, Chen Dong joked.

"I'm scared, I really thought I was going to die, I'm so scared, I don't want to lose you."

After Meng Meiqi finished speaking, she burst into tears.

Chen Dong did not speak, and quietly hugged Meng Meiqi.

Isn't he feeling the same...

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