Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 226 Buying directly at the store (for subscription)

There are two jade trading markets in Nanyun Province.

One is Tengchong. Tengchong is less than 100 kilometers away from Dian-Myanmar. It is also a provincial-level port. Most of the rough export from this place comes from Dian-Myanmar.The other is Ruili. Ruili is opposite Dian-Myanmar. It is a famous jewelry market and an international jadeite trading market.The jade here is mainly finished and semi-finished.

Simply put, Tengchong is rich in rough jadeite, so stone gambling is popular here.

Many people come here rushing to bet on rocks. Once they win, they may be rich.

Of course, many people go to Ruili. Although they are all finished products or semi-finished products, the profits are low but the risks are relatively small.

For Chen Dong, Tengchong is the natural first choice.

What is he afraid of BUG, ​​and now there is an even more dangerous BUG in the R&D center. To put it bluntly, even if he buys ordinary stones, they may become the best after R&D.

In a large rough shop in Tengchong.

Chen Dong amused the boss when he spoke.

"Sir, come to bet on rocks?"

Chen Dong: "No, I want to buy from your store."

The boss laughed: "Sir, you really know how to joke."

Chen Dong: "Do you think I am a joke? Shall I make a price?"

The boss still felt that Chen Dong was joking at first, but the people around Chen Dong weren't simple people, and Chen Dong didn't look like he was joking.

"Sir, are you sure you want to buy from my store? My store has just pulled back a batch of old pit goods from there. The price is not small."

Chen Dong smiled: "Needless to say, just make a price."

The boss called over: "Xiao Wang, you call our finance company."

After a while, a man over half a hundred years old came over, wearing thick glasses.

"Accountant Hu, can you tell me how much our store is worth now?"

Accountant Hu took out a ledger, picked up an abacus, cracked it and said, "Boss, our shop is worth at least 30 million now."

The boss chuckled: "Sir, did you hear that, my shop is currently worth at least 30 million yuan. Are you sure you want to buy my shop?"

Chen Dong laughed: "Let's sign the contract."


Of course he understands how much his shop can be worth. Even if he counts all the stock of rough stones, he can sell for about 20 million at most. The price of 30 million was deliberately increased by him, but what he didn't expect was other people. I don't seem to care about this price.

Boss: "Sir, what I just said is a minimum of 30 million."

Chen Dong's expression sank: "Boss, it's better to be honest sometimes. Greedy people tend to die faster."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, the boss shook his heart.

Boss: "I don't have ink marks. 35 million will be given to you immediately. If it is less than this number, you should go to another store and ask.

When the boss said this, he had no bottom in his heart. At this price, he could completely find a new place and open a store, and he also had a large amount of working capital.

Chen Dong looked at the boss: "Okay, deal."

Although Meng Meiqi and others who stood beside Chen Dong felt that Chen Dong had suffered a loss in this deal, no one said anything to stop it.You must know that Chen Dong has always seemed to have suffered a loss on the surface, but in the last time it was not a full profit.

The price is negotiated, and the rest is much easier.

The boss never dreamed that as soon as it opened in the morning, the guests who came would actually buy his entire store, which made him extremely excited.What is the concept of making more than ten million between hands?How many rough stones have to be sold?

Chen Dong is also very happy. What he needs to do now is no longer careful selection, as long as quantity does not require quality, because quality can be improved.

Under the leadership of the boss, everyone checked the rough stones in the store. There are a lot of them, probably thousands of dollars. The largest of them weighs more than one meal. If this is a special material upgrade, I don’t know how much you can earn. .

Looking at the piles of rough stones and wool in the courtyard, Chen Dong felt happy.

After seeing the original stone, the other is not important. The two parties immediately signed a transfer agreement, and Chen Dong transferred 35 million to the other party.

According to Chen Dong's plan, this is only the first step of the plan. Now we have to think about transporting these rough stones to Jingzhou. You can't research and cut all the rough stones here, because that would easily cause a sensation.However, in view of the current shortage of funds, appropriate research and development of a few pieces is still necessary.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong picked some big rough stones.


[Do you want to develop this product?

Chen Dong clicked the OK button.

The research and development cost of each rough stone is not the same, of course, this is related to the quality of the rough stone itself.

[Please set the R&D level of the product, A: Normal enhancement (1000) B: Material enhancement, (5000) C: Advanced reset (100000)]

The first rough stone was put into the R&D center, and it only needed 1,000 yuan for normal reinforcement. It can be said that this is an ordinary stone at all. It looks quite big, and if you buy it, you will have to lose the pants.

For this kind of rough stone, Chen Dong did not hesitate to choose advanced reset.

While this rough stone was undergoing advanced resetting, Chen Dong put another rough stone into the research and development center.

[Please set the product research and development level, A: normal enhancement (5000) B: material improvement, (50000) C: advanced reset (500000)]

The second rough stone needs a lot of wealth, and advanced reset requires 500,000 wealth. This wealth cannot be said to be high, so Chen Dong did not hesitate to choose advanced reset.

After about ten minutes, the two rough stones were developed.

"Cut these two rough stones."

Chen Dong said to the staff.

The boss has changed, but the staff has not changed. The stone cutters in the store are also old employees who have worked in the store for many years.I said before that it was very surprising to change the boss. They didn't expect the boss to be so young. What made them even more unexpected was that the boss randomly chose a few large rough stones to cut the stones on site.

Under normal circumstances, the owner of a stone gambling shop does not gamble on stones. This is like the owner of a lottery shop who does not buy lottery tickets. The owner of a mahjong hall does not play mahjong often. Tiandian would have to close down.

They never imagined that the first thing a new boss would do was to bet on rocks.

"The boss looked at the rich young man, didn't you see it, these two pieces are big and you just don't know how to bet on rocks."

"If you don't understand, let us cut it and just cut it well."

The stonecutter murmured while putting the stone on the machine with great effort.

"Boss, seeing these two pieces are so big, you can definitely produce good things, right?"

Qin Daliang looked at the two huge rough stones and asked with a smile.

Chen Dong happily said, "It should be."

The words of the two were also heard by the workers, and they laughed secretly in their hearts.

These two lack of heart, judging from the appearance of these two stones, it is impossible to produce anything at all. I still have such great hopes. Wait, I will cry after cutting them out...

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