Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 227 Red Fei (for subscription)

As the saying goes, "Gold has a price and jade is priceless." In fact, jade is also valuable.

There are three factors that affect the price of jadeite.

The determination of the price of jadeite is indeed very complicated.Although jadeite is "colored for the best, green is precious", it is green, bottomless and seedless, and cannot be sold at a price.The beauty of emerald color is the soul of emerald. Its beauty is incomparable. The sky-high price of emerald is always respected by "cui".Green is the first element in determining the price of jadeite.

The bottom water is the second factor that determines the price of jadeite.

"Bottom water" refers to the transparency of jadeite, and there are many titles in the industry, such as "water head".In fact, the concept of "water head" is used on jadeite wool. The most typical use is to use the "separator" to borrow sunlight to see how much jade wool is, which is transparency.This is a special technology for looking at wool, but the finished material is thin and can be seen through at a glance, so this trick is rarely used.Others regard "bottom" as meat, and there are differences in thickness, but they are still transparent.Water is sufficient, but coarse meat is rare.Transparency is also called "seed", "foundation", "seed of water" and so on.

The third element is "species".

The specific performance of the species refers to the tough, vigorous, atmospheric masculine and noble beauty displayed by jade jewelry. This is the special beauty of the finished products made of some stones due to certain effects in the formation process of jade. It can be shaped by artificial means such as polishing and modeling.This is determined by the texture of jadeite.Most emeralds lack this performance.Therefore, there is a distinction between old and tender.The same green, the elderly have a sense of nobility, and the tender ones are at best gorgeous.

The first rough stone was cut open stunned everyone.

Violet Emerald!

Violet jade is a general term for purple jade, it is a more gentle color, the color of violet jade is a kind of elegant and gentle color, the color of violet jade is a more noble one, and violet has always been a kind of mysterious Color, judging from ancient legends, from the effect of color, violet jade is a high-end jade, and violet jade has many different colors from high to low.

Although this piece of violet jade material is not the best, but it is really good. The important thing is the weight of this piece of material.

Judging from the incision, there are at least tens of kilograms of material in such a large piece of rough stone, which is absolutely valuable.

"Husband, are violet jadeites very valuable?"

Meng Meiqi was also very excited when she heard the workers say that they cut out the violet jade.

Chen Dong nodded: "It's okay. Although it is not a superb jade, it is a very popular one. Violet is a kind of flower that symbolizes eternal love, so the symbolic meaning of violet jade is also very high. Violet jade is a mysterious color. In the ancient oriental sense, purple represents the color of kings, and is a noble and luxurious color. Therefore, violet jade also symbolizes many. The color of violet jade is a special fit It is a kind of female skin. Because the color of violet jade is a light and noble color, it is also loved by many women."

Meng Meiqi looked at Chen Dong with admiration: "Wow, husband, you know a lot."

Not only Meng Meiqi was surprised, but even the workers were surprised. Seeing Chen Dong's young appearance, he thought he didn't understand, but he didn't expect that the export would be so professional.

About an hour later, the first rough stone was completely cut out, a whole dozen kilograms of a large piece of violet jade material.According to the market price, it is worth at least tens of millions.

Then came the second rough stone.

Red Fei!

What surprised everyone was that the second rough stone was actually Hong Fei after it was cut.

Yellow and red jadeites are called "Jade" in the industry, and the jade color is mainly distributed under the skin of jadeite wool and near the cracks.If the crystals are filled with hematite, they appear red; if they are filled with limonite, they appear yellow.

Red Fei is mostly mid-range or low-end.

A full dozen kilograms of red jade is an eye-opener for the workers. I have seen red jade after cutting stone for so many years, but this is the first time I have seen such a big red jade.What's more important is that this piece of red jade is full of colors, and the red is very bright. The whole piece of red jade is as transparent as water, with fine texture and uniform color. It can be said that this red jade is the best of red jade.

At a jade auction in Nanyun last year, a pair of red jade bracelets sold for millions of dollars. We must know that this red jade weighs more than ten kilograms. How many pairs of jade bracelets can be made?

According to preliminary judgment, the price of this piece of red jade material is more than 70 to 80 million yuan.

I don’t know how this news will let the previous boss know how it will feel afterwards.

Chen Dong was also quite satisfied with the two rough stones. After all, the two rough stones were developed with only 1.8 million.There are almost a hundred times more income, such a return is really crazy.

Chen Dong was not greedy. After cutting two rough stones, he sent a big red envelope to each worker and then sent them away.After all, there are so many rough stones. If every piece of rough stone is made of jade, it might have any effect if it is spread outside. He plans to cut it himself.

After the workers left, Qin Daliang and others were surprised to see Chen Dong preparing to cut the stone by himself.

"Boss, how do you cut it yourself?"

"Yes, husband, how good it is to let those workers cut."

Chen Dong made a boo gesture.

"Don't you see it? We dug up the treasure. Originally, I thought the rough stones in this store were very ordinary, but I didn't expect to produce such good jade from just two pieces. What does this mean? It means that this batch of rough stones is possible. Cut out the jade, and let the outsiders stay here to cause trouble."

Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder Chen Dongnong was mysterious, and the feeling was that he had said when he saw this batch of goods, otherwise he would not be willing to pay such a high price for the store.

From this point of view, everyone admired Chen Dong even more.

The boss is the boss, and it is not unreasonable for such a person to get rich.

Arranged for Qin Daliang and others to move the violet jade and red jade aside, Chen Dong put the other two rough stones in the R&D center.

What surprised Chen Dong was that this time he needed to consume more wealth.

It is important to know that the more wealth that needs to be consumed, the better the quality of jadeite.

After entering the corresponding wealth value, start research and development.

This time it took significantly longer than the last time. After waiting for more than 20 minutes, the research and development of the two rough stones was completed almost simultaneously.

Chen Dong watched the workers do it before, and he had never done it before.Fortunately, Qin Daliang had a lot of manpower, and a large piece of rough was moved to the workbench.


As the machine turned, Chen Dong also learned to turn the blade towards the rough stone.

A burst of sparks splashed, and the original stone continued to shoot out sparks and stone chips.

When it felt almost the same, Chen Dong stopped the machine and took a look.

Damn it!

It turned out to be green, and it was still a more authentic green, but it was a pity that part of the jade was cut open because of excessive force.

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