Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 235 Auction Preparation (for subscription)

December 15th.

There are still sixteen days before Chen Dong's wedding.

A smile appeared on Chen Dong's face when he saw the pile of jade rough stones in the processing plant.

"Mr. Chen, please pardon me, none of your rough stones look good."

Qin Daguang said worriedly when Chen Dong came over.

Chen Dong: "It's okay, just let it go first."

Qin Daguang: "Boss, these rough stones are not cut?"

Chen Dong nodded: "Don't worry about it."

Then Chen Dong arranged the security of the processing factory. Fortunately, the walls around the factory were high. Even if a thief wanted to steal it, it was not realistic at all. After all, they were all big rocks. People who didn’t know thought it was materials prepared by construction sites It."

While pretending to arrange work, Chen Dong put ten rough stones into the R&D center at once.


Do you want to develop this product?


Consumption of wealth value of 100,000, product research and development...


Do you want to develop this product?


Consumption of wealth value of 50,000, product research and development...


Although the value of each original piece of wealth that needs to be consumed is not much, it can't hold up too much. The upgrade of ten rough stones also consumes more than three million.

Looking at the rough stones in the yard, it is not a small amount to get so many rough stones.

After the ten rough stones were upgraded, Chen Dong was disappointed that he did not trigger a lucky blow.

Chen Dong marked each rough stone according to its serial number.

December 16th.

There are still fifteen days before Chen Dong's wedding.

Chen Dong called Zhang Qingfeng and Leng Shan respectively.

One is to invite them to participate in their own wedding, and also to invite them to the auction held on the 30th.

It was not surprising that the two of Chen Dong got married, but they were really surprised at the auction. I didn't expect Chen Dong to have such big ideas.

"Don't blame me, Dongzi, for not reminding you. It's hard to get things like auctions without connections."

Zhang Qingfeng reminded Chen Dong on the phone.

"Yes, Master, that's why I invited your old man to participate."

Zhang Qingfeng: "You are too high on your master and me. Don't hold on too much hope. At best, I can bring some of my old friends over to join in the fun. I have no other ability."

Chen Dong: "As long as you are always here to participate, by the way, Master, don't you know the boss who sells jewelry? Can you invite me?"

Zhang Qingfeng: "Are you kid selling jewelry or antiques?"

Chen Dong chuckled: "It's all the same. The auction didn't say what must be auctioned. By the way, Master, do you have anything that I can get to auction for you?"

Zhang Qingfeng: "You can pull it down, I'm afraid I will lose my life when you put you in the auction."

Chen Dong: "Master, you won't be righteous in this way. I am your apprentice. In the future, will you have to leave all those things to me?"

Zhang Qingfeng: "Go away, I have to give it to Wanting."

Chen Dong: "By the way, Master, I almost forgot if you didn't say Wanting, can you ask Wanting to come and help me host the auction?"

Zhang Qingfeng: "Let her host the auction for you? Your kid has a good idea. Although Wanting is not a first-line celebrity now, the TV series he made is already well-known."

Chen Dong: "So, let her come over to host the auction, isn't it because of her fame, besides, you accompany her to rest here for a few days as a honeymoon."

Zhang Qingfeng: "You brat, all right, wait for my news."

Hanging up Zhang Qingfeng's phone, Chen Dong smiled. Hearing Zhang Qingfeng's tone shouldn't be a big problem, and now it's the question of inviting more celebrities to participate.

I have to say that although Chen Dong is rich now, he has very few opportunities to contact so-called celebrities, and he has no good friends except Zhang Qingfeng and Leng Shan.

Suddenly Chen Dong thought of a person, someone similar to Sabi.

Wang Xiaoyu!

That's right, it's him.

Although I hate him in my heart, it is none other than him that can make auctions so popular.

He may not be a playboy, but don't forget that he also has a big brother Luo Sicong. As long as he can persuade Luo Sicong to participate, this auction will certainly attract the attention of others.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong dialed Wang Xiaoyu's phone number.

"Hey, who is it?"

As soon as he was connected, Wang Xiaoyu's arrogant voice came through the phone.

"Wang Xiaoyu, right? I'm Chen Dong."

Chen Dong's words were equally rude.

"Chen Dong?"

Wang Xiaoyu was a little confused. Of course he knew who Chen Dong was, and he was also the one who competed with Luo Sicong for pink diamonds at the auction.

"Are you looking for me for anything?"

Wang Xiaoyu's tone eased a lot.

"That's right, there is an auction on Qingshan, I don't know if you and Young Master Luo are interested in participating, but I heard that Young Master Han is going to participate, and it seems that there are some young celebrities coming."

"Qingshan Auction?"

Wang Xiaoyu was confused when he heard it. It seemed that he had never heard of such an auction, but when he heard that Han Guangwei was going to participate and there were also female stars, it means that this auction should be very famous. never heard of that?

"Okay, I know."

Hanging up, Wang Xiaoyu hurriedly called Luo Sicong.

"Qingshan Auction?"

Luo Sicong is also at a loss.

"Yes, and I heard that Han Guangwei and the others will also go, and many domestic first-tier stars have also gone. I heard that there is also a Barbie girl group, which is an international-level girl group group."

"What? The Barbie girl group will go too? So will Jennifer go too?"

"That's for sure, Chen Dong said on the phone."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get in touch. We have to join in the fun too. I have always wanted to find a chance to meet the foreign girl, Jeffery, just to get to know each other."

"Brother Cong, break off, I guess Jennifer will definitely be fascinated by you after seeing you."

"If you do, don't flatter yourself. Get a good understanding of this auction. When I look back, I will fight for more funds with the old man."


After Chen Dong called Wang Xiaoyu, he hurriedly called Jenniferne. On the phone, he brag to Wang Xiaoyu just now, and he didn't know if Jennifer would have time.

It took a long time before the phone was finally connected.

"Chen, why did you remember to call me?"

Jenniferne's lazy voice came on the phone as if she had just woke up.

Chen Dong: "Jeffney, how are you doing recently?"

Jennifer: "Fortunately, there are too many performances. This is why we have just arrived in Australia and are preparing for a concert. By the way, Chen, do you want to come to my concert?"

Hearing Jenniferie talking about the concert, Chen Dong's heart shook.

Chen Dong: "I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the concert. I am planning to organize an auction here. I wanted to invite you over. It seems that I can only do it next time."

Jennifer: "Auction?"

Then Chen Dong said his idea, and emphasized that the auction will have a charity auction.

Jennifer: "So..."

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