Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 236 Indiscriminate bombing (seeking subscription)

After hanging up Jennifer's phone, Chen Dong began to wonder how to hook Han Guangwei over.

Unexpectedly, Leng Shan really had his phone number.

Looking at a series of 8 phone numbers, Chen Dong felt in his heart. It is estimated that this phone number alone would be able to buy a house in Jingzhou. He is indeed a rich person, and he has to get a phone number that is all 8 someday.

The phone number was dialed several times but no one answered it. Chen Dong guessed that someone did not want to answer the unknown phone number.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong sent a message to Han Guangwei.

"Hello Shao Han, this is Chen Dong, we saw the last auction."

Not long after the message was sent, the phone rang.

Looking at the phone number with all 8, Chen Dongyile, it seems that the events of the last auction left a deep impression on this guy.

"Hello, how are you Han Shao."

After answering the phone, Chen Dong said politely.

"Hello Chen Dong."

Han Guangwei's voice is very nice and very magnetic.

"Shao Han, there is an auction on Qingshan who wants to invite you to participate. It is quite large, and Luo Sicong and Wang Xiaoyu will also participate..."

Chen Dong told Han Guangwei what Huyou Wang Xiaoyu had said.

Han Guangwei was even more confused about the Qingshan auction, and Luo Sicong also went there. Could there be anything about this auction?

Han Guangwei also didn't make a statement immediately, only to check the latest schedule.

Treasure Pavilion antique shop in Qingshan flea market.

When Chen Dong said his thoughts, everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Dong played so big.

Wei Jun: "Brother Dong, can the people you mentioned come?"

Chen Dong: "Don't worry about it, you can quickly create a momentum for me. All portals must have advertisements in the most conspicuous position. In addition, immediately contact the most famous advertising company in Qingshan City. Make the auction look decent, and contact Qingshan’s most famous director."

Wei Jun: "Boss, why are you looking for a director? Are we still preparing to film?"

Chen Dong: "Lack of heart and soul, what kind of scene we are filming, we have to invite the stars quickly."

Chen Dong assigned everyone a good task, and everyone immediately started to act.

Fortunately, the city of Qingshan is not big. It didn't take long for Wei Jun to contact an entertainment company in Qingshan. The company specializes in self-media production, but some online skits are also produced on the Internet, and the director is still somewhat famous.

But Chen Dong was disappointed when he found this director.

Not to mention domestic celebrities, even third-line celebrities do not know a few, let alone invite well-known directors and celebrities to the line.

Just when Chen Dong was unable to do anything, the phone showed an overseas call.

After picking up the phone, it was actually Jennifer.

"What? You pushed down the Australian show?"

Chen Dong was surprised to hear what Jennifer said.

"There is nothing great about a broken performance. I haven't been to Qingshan for a long time. I want to see it too. Now it seems to be snowing over there?"

Chen Dong: "Yes, the snow here is particularly heavy."

Jennifer: "I have always wanted to go to the north to see the snow scenes, and now I finally have an excuse, but the compensation for rejecting the performance is deducted from your commission."

Chen Dong: "Okay, OK, no problem. By the way, when will you come over, Jeffery?"

Jennifer: "It's good to wait a few days, there are still some things to deal with here."

Chen Dong: "Can you invite some stars and directors for me in your name?"

Jennifer: "I know a few celebrities, but there are not many directors. I will contact you later, but I may not be able to help much with their appearance fees. After all, everyone has an agent."

Chen Dong: "Good, good, great."

When she hung up Jennifer's phone, the self-media boss was also dumbfounded.


Is the Jennifer Chen mentioned by Chen Dong the head of the Barbie girl group?If so, isn't this guy looking for his own happiness?Do you have to ask yourself for help when you know such a big star?

No matter what the young director thinks, Chen Dong doesn't need to stay nonsense since he doesn't need him, and leave here with Wei Jun.

Chen Dong has been busy making calls all afternoon.

With Zhang Qingfeng's help, plus Zhang Wanting, and now with Jennifer's help, the stage is finally set up, and now we need to think about how many celebrities can come.

Take the time to look at ST Dongfang's stock.

Damn it!

what's the situation?

Actually the daily limit.

According to Chen Dong's idea, it should be to lower the stock price, so that negotiation would be easier, but now the daily limit is really hard to get.

Just as Chen Dong looked at the stock price, Zhang Ru and Liang Jing walked over.

"Boss, I have already contacted the website, and they want a lot of advertising fees."

Chen Dong scratched his head, now it is really hard to move without money.

"How much?"

"The price required by each website is different, but the advertising fee for several portals is not less than 10 million."


The so-called reluctant children can't set up wolves, now the money that should be spent at this time has to be spent.

Looking back, you immediately followed the news of the Barbie girl group participating in the auction with the advertisement, so that everyone can know about the Qingshan auction in the shortest time.

"By the way, boss, should we also put some ads on the Duan Video platform?"

Liang Jing suggested.

"This is a good idea. Contact the Duan video platform immediately. The ads must be bombarded."

"Good boss, let's make arrangements."

When Liang Jing mentioned a video, Chen Dong thought of coming alone.

Zhang Xiaobei.

After thinking about it again and again, I called Zhang Xiaobei.

In a cafe in Qingshan City.

Chen Dong saw Zhang Xiaobei again.

I haven't seen it for a while and feel that she has gained a lot of confidence. A white mink coat has a bit of noble temperament.

"Mr. Chen, it happens that I also want to report one thing to you."

Seeing Chen Dong, Zhang Xiaobei said solemnly.

"Haha, why do you still talk about reporting? Ms. Zhang has nothing to say."

Zhang Xiaobei: "Mr. Chen, my uncle fan has reached one million now. I wonder if I have the capital to cooperate with your company?"

Listening to Zhang Xiaobei's tone, Chen Dong was happy.

Feelings, this little girl is still angry about what happened before, but how did she know that if Chen Dong hadn't secretly helped, she might have left the circle long ago.

"Yes, then congratulations to Miss Zhang. I called you today to discuss cooperation with you."

Zhang Xiaobei was a little proud.

"I don't know how Mr. Chen wants to cooperate?"

Chen Dong: "That's right. I am planning to prepare an auction recently to invite some domestic stars and celebrities. I would like to ask Miss Zhang to be responsible for the live video of this auction."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, Zhang Xiaobei was taken aback.

Let's not talk about auctions and not auctions. It is enough to invite some domestic stars.

You can imagine it with your heels. This is definitely a golden opportunity. If you do it well, you can completely build your reputation.

"I promise."

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