Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 241 Boss, don't fire me (for subscription)

After buying the calligraphy and painting, Chen Dong asked about the red sandalwood bed in Wang Beiqiang's shop.

Unexpectedly, Wang Beiqiang was quite generous, and he directly gave this red sandalwood bed worth 200,000 yuan to Chen Dong, and arranged for the clerk to deliver it to Chen Dong.

Seeing that Chen Dong bought another wooden bed back, everyone was wondering, wouldn't the boss want to take this rotten thing to auction?

Everyone put down the wooden bed.


[Do you want to develop this product?

While everyone was busy with the auction, after Chen Dong dragged the red sandalwood bed icon to the research and development groove, the system actually heard a warning sound.

Chen Dong clicked the OK button.

[Please set the R&D level of the product, A: Normal enhancement (20000) B: Material enhancement, (50000) C: Advanced reset (200000)]

Chen Dong did not hesitate to consume 200,000 wealth value for an advanced reset.

Looking at the slow progress bar, Chen Dong was full of expectations. He remembered seeing this red sandalwood bed on the Internet, which is also a valuable antique. Although this bed is an imitation, it is indeed a pure one. Carved in red sandalwood, I don’t know what it will become after advanced reset.

Time passed, and finally the progress bar reached 100%, and the advanced reset was completed.

There seems to be no change.

Looking at the wooden bed that has not changed much from before, Chen Dong is a little puzzled, the advanced reset will always make it resistant to fall, right?

Chen Dong called Liang Jing over.

"Liang Jing, help me look at this bed."

Liang Jing was stunned, then squatted down and began to observe carefully.

"Boss, this bed is called Rosewood Girdle Passionflower Bogutu Arhat Bed. It was used by Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, but an identical red sandalwood Arhat bed has been auctioned on the Internet before. This one should be an imitation, but I observed it just now, and it doesn’t look like an imitation but it’s real."

After Liang Jing called Zhang Ru over, Zhang Ru also carefully checked.

"That's weird, are there two identical Arhat beds in this world?" Zhang Ru also murmured.

Chen Dong chuckled: "What's impossible. Qianlong doesn't necessarily have to sleep on one bed. There are so many concubines, maybe every concubine has one."

Liang Jing: "Boss, there has been an Arhat bed so far. I remember it appeared at the Jingzhou auction a few years ago, when the transaction price was 34 million. If this one is also true... ...."

Chen Dong: "You two will double check again. If you are sure that it is true, then we will also go to the auction."

After Chen Dong finished speaking, the two picked up professional tools and started to check. Liang Jing even took a piece of wood chips from a convex-concave joint and took it to a testing instrument for more professional testing.

Finally, the result of the instrumental test is that the age of the sawdust is about 290 years away from now. If we calculate it according to this calculation, it would not happen to be when Qianlong was in power.

Seeing this result, Chen Dong was also stunned. This advanced reset was used as a part-time restoration expert in the field of antiques and cultural relics. A counterfeit red sandalwood Arhat bed has a history of nearly 300 years after advanced reset. What is the system? Did it?

No matter how the system did it, now Chen Dong is no stranger to it. Think about it after Rolls-Royce Phantom's advanced reset can have a flight mode, what else can't be done by the system?Chen Dong even suspects that when the system is unlocked to a higher level, things about cosmic civilization will appear. Although the distance is still relatively far away, he also firmly believes that there is always time to unlock.

Chen Dong thought about it in his heart. Now the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty provided by Zhang Qingfeng and the thousand-year-old agarwood tea table provided by Lengshan are available at the auction. There are three colored horses of the Tang Dynasty, red sandalwood and Luohan beds plus Wang Xizhi's " There are already five pieces of "Kai Xue Shi Qing Tie", and there shouldn't be much problem to prepare about ten more pieces. Now Chen Dong has to consider what to use as the finale.

And we have to consider a question. Since there is a charity auction, what kind of thing is more suitable for auction?To put it bluntly, this link is the donation link, and the auction arrears are used for charitable purposes.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong called Wei Jun over.

"Immediately collect charity auction items on the Internet. To put it bluntly, you don't need much expensive things in this link. People are more interested in charity. For example, a celebrity pen and a medal can be auctioned.

After arranging these, Chen Dong once again walked out of the antique shop and strolled around the flea market from beginning to end.

Because of Chen Dong's fame now, he is very popular everywhere he goes.

After a lap, Chen Dong Harvest also bought some fakes to prepare for advanced reset, and then Chen Dong drove to the jade processing factory.

"During this time, you are also very hard. Don't use it in the factory for now. Take a good rest at home."

Qin Daguang was startled when he heard Chen Dong's words.

"Mr. Chen, did I do something bad? I have always worked hard since you let me here, and I have never made any mistakes."

Seeing Qin Daguang crying, Chen Dong smiled.

"Where did you guys want to go? You really have been working hard during this time. Go home and take a good rest."

Qin Daguang: "..........."

The boss still wants to be fired. Isn’t it ironic to say that it’s hard work? Except for processing some rough stones for the boss before, he has always been idle here. Does the boss know that he’s okay to go out and watch someone play chess?

"Boss, I know I was wrong. I won't watch other people play chess in the future. I can't live without this job. Besides, I don't have a place to live except here."

Chen Dong smiled bitterly.

Why didn’t this guy understand what he meant? He was going to the auction soon. He wanted to get some better jadeites, but he didn’t want Qin Daguang to participate in this matter. He was terrified. Besides, it would easily cause trouble if it spreads out.

"When you go back to Daliang, I will give you a bonus of 200,000 yuan. If you go to the city and buy a house first, the boss is not too young, and you should start a family."

Qin Daguang was even more alarmed when he heard that Chen Dong was going to give him 200,000 yuan. This was obviously to give him money to let him go.

"Boss, I really need this job. If you are not satisfied, my salary can be lowered..."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you talk any more, I really want to fire you."


Qin Daguang left the processing plant uneasy, and asked his relative Qin Daliang to talk about this matter. If the boss wants to fire him, it will definitely work for him to plead.

Naturally, Chen Dong didn't care what Qin Daguang thought in his heart. After Qin Daguang left, Chen Dong also sent all the workers home from the factory, leaving him alone in the huge processing factory.

After finding the rough stone that was marked before, Chen Dong began to cut the stone...

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