Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 242 - Xu Inca (Seeking Subscription)

December 19th.

Twelve days before Chen Dong's wedding and eleven days before the auction.

Chen Dong slept until very late.

Last night, he was at the processing plant until late at night, cutting the whole ten pieces of raw stone.

Cutting the stone is really not an easy thing, Chen Dong stretched his arms, feeling sore all over.

Today, we have to continue to cut, at the auction, no matter what, we have to get two pieces of excellent jade to do, before entrusting Zhang Qingfeng invited some jewelers, just take advantage of the auction to sell a good price.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong quickly ate a bite of breakfast, and then gave Meng Meiqi a phone call.

"I heard about the auction on the Internet, and my parents especially admire you and praise you all day long," she said.

Meng Meiqi praised on the phone.

Chen Dong: "Hehe, who is your husband, he will definitely make you the richest lady in the future."

Meng Meiqi: "I can't stay with you these two days, you must take care of yourself, have you eaten breakfast yet?"

Chen Dong: "Don't worry wife, I've eaten, these two days too many things, you take care of yourself ah."

The two of them chatted for a while, and Chen Dong hung up the phone.

After packing up and leaving the house, Chen Dong went straight to the processing plant.


Did you develop this product?

In one breath, Chen Dong put the ten raw stones into the R&D recess again and clicked the OK button.

Chen Dong selected the advanced reset option for each of the original stones.

While there was still some time left in the progress bar, Chen Dong sat down and rested while taking out his cell phone to look at ST Oriental's stock.

There was no up and no down, the trading volume of the stock was very small, and the trend was choppy, and the exchange rate was only a few percent.

Chen Dong was about to call Yuan Ruicheng when the phone rang, and it was Yuan Ruicheng.

"The first deal we negotiated was for 20 million shares at a 10% premium to the trading price.

Chen Dong: "No need to ask my opinion after the premium is within 20%, it will be acquired immediately."

Yuan Ruicheng: "Okay, Mr. Chen."

Chen Dong: "Hurry up the acquisition and try to get 200 million shares within five days."

Yuan Ruicheng: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we will definitely complete the task."

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and is now in the process of developing it for the next two years.

Although he is now very rich, but Chen Dong knows that most of this money are earned by selling jadeite wool, East America, although the company's side of the profit, but not catch a raw stone, so now there is an urgent need to have a listed company.

The ST East is the most simple way to list itself on the shell.

For the company's future development direction Chen Dong also has a plan in mind.

The main engaged in the jewelry industry, because they have a large number of original stones to do security, there is no doubt that the jewelry company will be the most profitable, development mode Chen Dong also thought well, direct acquisition or mergers and acquisitions, so as to achieve a rapid development of the purpose.

With a ding sound, all ten original stones were reset.

The next step is the stone cutting process.

Looking at the emergence of jadeite piece after piece, Chen Dong's heart did not have much joy, but on the contrary, his whole body was sore to death. This can't go on, there are thousands of original stones, we can't cut them all by ourselves.

However, there is no way to do so, the original stone has to be cut one by one.

The whole ten pieces of raw stone, all of them have jadeite, but not one piece of the best jadeite.

Chen Dong had no choice, he had to choose ten pieces again to reset.

Finally, at the twenty-sixth piece, the best quality emerald appeared.

The best quality emerald, old ice seed.

Judging from the size of the original stone, the emerald was at least five kilograms or more.

Thinking that the previous piece of jadeite material in Beijing state was only two kilograms of imperial green sold for several hundred million, Chen Dong could not help but have some expectations.

After half a day's work, he finally cut out the material completely, of course, there was so much waste in the process that Chen Dong could not care about it, and now the key is to get the finished material.

After half a day's work, the emerald emerald was finally cut out.

8.63 kg!


Chen Dong happily moved the jadeite to one side and continued to cut the stone.

The thirty-second piece finally came out.

The glass jadeite was full green!

This jadeite is also of the highest quality, and once a bracelet fetched tens of millions of dollars.

12.6 kg!

After digging the groove, Chen Dong actually weighed 12.6 kilograms after completely cutting it.

Such jadeite has been rare, but also so heavy, I believe this material can also be sold for a sky high price.

Looking at the jadeite stones everywhere in front of him, Chen Dong was so tired that he sat on the ground and rested for half a day.

If the more than thirty pieces of raw stones in front of him were sold, Chen Dong said that he would absolutely immediately let his wealth turned over several times, but not now, it is impossible to come up with so many jade out at once, to choose again and again, decided to take a piece of emerald old ice and glass species full green and selected a piece of excellent red feiji.

With these three pieces of jadeite is finally able to take out.

As for the jadeite material in front of us, we can wait until the acquisition of ST is complete.

After loading several pieces of material into the car, Chen Dong drove back to the antique store.

We have to say that Wei Jun's efficiency is very high, two people who answered the phone has been found and are young girls, two people are busy taking phone registration, one person is busy sending and receiving e-mails.

Seeing Chen Dong over, Wei Jun personally brewed a pot of Longjing and brought it over.

"Brother Dong, guess who's coming?"


"Inca Xu."

"Fuck, he seems to be fourth in the wealth list."

Wei Jun: "That's right, last year, Forbes ranked fourth in China, worth more than 180 billion yuan, mainly in real estate, its also a soccer club, last year the Asian club competition won the championship."

Chen Dong: "There is a chance that we will also get a soccer team, and buy the world's most powerful athletes over here."

Wei Jun: "Brother Dong, a soccer team is too wasteful, you know D Luo, right?"

Chen Dong nodded his head: "I know, isn't it some kind of world footballer?"

Wei Jun: "People's annual expenses are hundreds of millions of US dollars, that's equivalent to 700-800 million yuan, this one is worth as much as a soccer team."

Chen Dong: "What's the big deal about 700 or 800 million? When my buddy has more money, he'll definitely buy him over and play for us."

After the two of them bullshitted for a while, Chen Dong inquired about the number of people who had signed up so far.

Five thousand people!

It's not just a matter of a few days, but more than 5,000 people have signed up, and there are quite a few celebrities among them.

Just as Chen Dong was complacent, Liu Jinming walked into the antique store.

Chen Dong glanced at him, as if he saw air.

Liu Jinming was slightly embarrassed, but immediately adjusted his expression.

"Hello Mr. Chen, the last time was my bad attitude, after I went back, the leader criticized me, I came to apologize to you."

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