Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 257 - Ivanovsky (subscription)

Four hundred million!

Luo Jianlin gritted his teeth and shouted out a price of 400 million yuan.


When the price of four hundred million was announced, the whole audience was in awe.

It was really Luo Jianlin. He was really rich.

He has hundreds of billions of dollars and still cares about this little money?

These people do not know the plight of Luo Jianlin, now the Luo group is facing a huge debt crisis, in order to deal with this crisis, Luo Jianlin is also running around, and even began to secretly sell some of the properties of the Luo group, of course at such a time he wants to prove his strength.

This may be the dumbest of all, with no place to say.

When the price of 400 million yuan came out, Guan Yongnian also fell into a deep thought.

In recent years, the aviation industry has been in the doldrums, both the maintenance of the equipment and the expenses are increasing, while the operating income is decreasing, which has virtually brought a lot of pressure to him.

From the outside looking very bright, but behind the scenes, who knows who is suffering?


Guan Yuqing was afraid that Guan Yongnian would continue to increase the price, and wanted to remind him.

With a glance at Guan Yuqing, Guan Yongnian held up the sign firmly.

Four hundred and twenty million!


Crazy, crazy, Guan Yongnian is actually raising the price.

As soon as the price of $420 million came out, Luo Jianlin breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a little unhappy, once he had lost contact with this work, and now the opportunity was once again in front of him, but he felt powerless to do anything about it.

Now, if you want to bid for it, it is estimated to be 450 million conservatively, and Guan Yongnian, who was opposite, looked as if he was determined to win it.

"Four hundred and twenty million at a time."

Zhang Wanting's voice was like a sharp knife stabbing at Luo Jianlin's chest.

"Four hundred and twenty million twice."

"Four hundred and twenty million three times, Sold."

The moment the bidding hammer fell, Luo Jianlin felt a pain in his chest.

This former richest man was really a bit frustrated.

Seeing that Luo Jianlin didn't continue bidding, Luo Sicong was also relieved.

Guan Yongnian revealed a smug look.

Whoever said that the second and tenth can't compete, now he proved that as long as you want something, even if the other party's strength is much higher than yours, you may not necessarily lose, the key is still whether you insist.

As for her father's insistence on taking the picture, Guan Yuqing also had no choice, although she was helpless, but she understood her father's character.

"Congratulations Dad."

Guan Yuqing said.


Guan Yongqing snorted, he was not satisfied with his daughter's opposition to his performance just now.

Luo Jianlin closed his eyes, this trip to Qingshan he suddenly felt a little worthless, and even had the feeling of being used by Chen Dong, but who could blame him, he blamed his own decision.

The next two items were auctioned off with Luo Jianlin squinting his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.

The ninth auction item was a 12.6 kg glass jade full green jade.

As soon as this item came up for auction, the jewelers present went crazy.

Glass emeralds have been rare, but this green emerald is even more rare, and the most rare is a piece of 12.6 kg.

A lot of jewelers have even started to pick up calculators to calculate how much jewelry they can make, and the result is that this piece of raw material can be sold for at least five hundred million or even more.

What does the so-called merchant care about?

Of course it was profit, and in front of the great profit, nothing else mattered.

Vera Lee, as the chairman of Vera Jewelry, was also on stage.

"How much would this piece of raw material probably sell for if it were all processed into jewelry?"

Li Huicui asked the staff around him.

"Chairman, if according to the current market price of glass jade can be sold to at least five hundred million above, but this is a full green jade, the value can not be calculated purely according to the glass jade, so this conservative estimate is about eight hundred million."

Li Huicui nodded.

It seems that this is really a treasure.

Zhou Bing, the CEO of Zhou Sheng Sheng Jewelry Company, was also on the stage.

Grandpa Zhou Sheng Sheng sent her to participate in the auction mainly because he wanted her to exercise, but he didn't expect her to buy anything at the auction, but what he didn't expect was that there would be such a big piece of glass full green jade material at the auction.

As a precaution, Zhou Bing made a phone call to her grandfather.

"What? 12.6kg of the finest glass full green jadeite material?"

Zhou Sheng Sheng on the other side of the phone is also surprised, before he had bought a piece of the best jade over there in Southern Cloud, how to appear a piece, now the best so easy to appear?

As long as the price is not too high, there is still money to be made in getting it.

"Fight for it."

Zhou Sheng Sheng did not say too much, for Zhou Bing this granddaughter he is very important, otherwise he would not let a girl as the company CEO, her ability is not inferior to any man at all.

"Okay grandpa, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Bing probably had a plan in mind.

Also interested in this piece of jadeite was Xie Ruilin, the owner of Xie Ruilin Jewelry Company, which, as one of the top ten jewelry companies in China, had been committed to building a high-end jewelry field, and now was a good opportunity.

As long as the jade material to the auction, then it is bound to make a large number of high-end jade jewelry, in one fell swoop to establish Rui Lin jewelry in the industry among the status.

There was also a special person sitting on the stage, a foreigner with yellow hair and white skin.

The owner of Cartier Jewelry, Ivan, whose full name is Ivanovsky, the largest shareholder of Cartier Jewelry, is from Ukraine.

Another secret is that he is also the father of Jenfoni.

He followed his daughter to Aoyama because she insisted on going to Australia to see her in concert, but she changed her mind and went to Aoyama, China to attend an auction, for which he paid a large amount of compensation.

Originally, he came to the auction with the idea of accompanying his daughter, but what he didn't expect was to see such a large piece of jadeite in the auction, knowing that the Ukraine also produces jadeite stones, and more than 90% of the original stones are exported to China.

China is one of the largest jewelry markets for Cartier in the world, and Cartier has always been committed to the research and development of jadeite and jadeite jewelry, which has made the brand more diversified.

This time Ivan did not want to waste such a good opportunity, such a superb jadeite is not hard to get anywhere.

With a large number of jewelers, the auction was not destined to end easily.

The starting price of one hundred million is neither high nor low.

Of course, this was just a starting point, and the real competition was still to come.

In less than a minute after the bidding began, the jadeite went from one hundred million to three hundred million.

Meng Meiqi secretly asked Chen Dong: "Hubby, where did you get so many good things?

Chen Dong smiled: "Do you believe me when I say that I turned out?"

Meng Meiqi: "Fuck you, I sometimes really doubt you have superpowers."

Chen Dong: "Fine, I'll take you for a stroll in the sky at night."

Meng Meiqi: "Grenade ......"

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