Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 258 - Finale Auction Lot (Seeking Subscription)

Chen Dong was smiling from ear to ear at the rising bidding price.

How cool is the word.

Five hundred million!

Ivan finally started to raise his hand, and called 500 million directly from the opening.

Fuck, who is that foreigner?

If you ask me how I know, it's always a rich man.

Nonsense. If you don't have money, can you ask for 500 million?

The jewelers present at the meeting were all a bit surprised by Ivan's entry, as they did not know him, let alone be familiar with him. As the owner of Cartier, Ivan seldom appeared in the public eye, and if it were the president of Cartier Asia, they might still know him.

Li Lvacui was not frightened by the 500 million asking price, according to her plan this piece of material even if 800 million to buy it is still money to make.

"600 million!"

Li Vaisui's words were astonishing, and she directly raised the price by one hundred million.

"Seven hundred million!"

Zhou Bing raised his hand.

Holy shit, isn't that Zhou Bing, the president of Zhou Sheng Sheng Jewelry? She came too.

It's really a tiger without a dog's granddaughter, and this girl has Zhou Sheng Sheng's courage.

"Eight hundred million!"

I didn't wait for the crowd to finish their discussion, Rylin Xie, the owner of Rylin Jewelry Company, raised his hand.

The tiger does not shine as if I was a sick cat it, today let you see the strength of Rylin Jewelry.

"Nine hundred million!"

But before he could finish his complacency, Ivan raised his hand again.

Nine hundred million!

When this price came out, the audience was silent.

What is strength, this is called strength.

"Nine hundred and ten million."

Just when the crowd thought that the jade would be sold at 900 million, Li Vaisui raised her hand.

"It's still Hui Cui jewelry awesome, good job, win glory for the country."

"Come on, come on, win glory for the country."

"One billion."

Ivan raised his hand again.

Boom ......

Such a price made the audience a bit restless.

What in the world is this stone made of, even if it is gold, how could anyone willingly spend a billion?

"Come on, come on, fight for your country."

There were still people chanting.

Hearing the price of one billion yuan, Li Huicui had already put the sign behind her back.

Joking aside, one billion has exceeded the value of this material, there is no interest at all, which fool would be willing to do such a thing?

As the bidding hammer fell, this superb glass full green emerald was auctioned off by Ivan for one billion dollars.

Ivan smiled and nodded his head at Jenfernie who was not far away.

"Wow, Jen Fernie, your dad is so handsome."

All the members of the Barbie girl group were envious.

She was also proud of her dad, who was the richest man in Ulanke, and had investments in many industries, not just Cartier jewelry. If not for her lack of interest in business, she would have taken over her father's management of the company.

A piece of the finest glass full green emerald was photographed by a foreigner, many jewelers in China had to drink their hatred in their hearts, in the face of absolute strength, any idea is superfluous.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next item is the last item of the auction, and the final item of the auction, those who didn't get it just now can hurry up."

The staff then pushed this auction item up.

"This is a piece of emerald old ice jade, weighing 8.63 kilograms."



Luo Jianlin and others offstage didn't have any reaction, but the many jewelers did.

What kind of rhythm is this?

Can someone explain to me why there are so many superb emeralds and where they all came from?

If there is such a superb jadeite they should reasonably know about it, why have they never heard of it before?

8.63 kilograms of old emerald jadeite, which is absolutely worth a fortune.

Although Ivan was still calm on the surface, he was incomparably shocked inside.

Although the glass jade full green jade was of the highest quality, it was still a long way from this emerald old ice jade.

This is like a member of the royal family.

The glass emerald is at best a first-class official, while the emerald is like a member of the royal family with an authentic pedigree, which is incomparable.

While Zhang Wanting was explaining the value of the jadeite on stage, the jewelers off stage were calculating the value of the jadeite.

The key to this kind of thing on the market is almost rarely sold, and even if there were, it would have been bought by those tycoons long ago, and each piece of jewelry is also sky-high price, so how much would such a large piece of jade be worth?

Not only were the jewelers calculating offstage, but all the people watching the show were also guessing.

Yu Xiuqin: "Old Chen, how much is this thing worth?"

Chen Binglou: "I don't know. Anyway, my son is very rich now, so I don't have to worry about spending money.

Yu Xiuqin: "You're so foolish, the money is also the son's money, where did you get the money from? Show me one?"

I don't care, anyway, after my son gets married I'm going to take you around the world, and we'll buy a house wherever we want."

After this live broadcast, almost all the people around Chen Dong knew about Chen Dong's strength, although they didn't know that the auction was full of Chen Dong's things, but is it possible for an ordinary person to hold such a grand auction? Don't forget that people donated 260 million yuan just in donations.

Wang million has also been sitting on the stage, at the moment his mood is also not calm.

He was angry when his son was beaten up by Chen Dong's brother, and even thought of taking revenge, but then he thought about it and convinced himself that Chen Dong was really not a powerful man, and that what he casually donated was enough to buy him two buildings. It's best not to be an enemy of such a person, because such an enemy is too powerful.

Lu Han's face was smiling all the time, and his heart was also shocked incomparably.

The company's main focus is on the development of a new generation of products and services, and on the development of a new generation of products and services.

As each of us was thinking about our own thoughts, the auction officially began.

The starting price was 200 million RMB.

The auction had been going on for more than two hours, and many people were tired and unwilling to waste any more time.

After a short period of bidding, the price came to 500 million.

This price will certainly not be the end of the auction.

Joking aside, a piece of glass full green emerald were sold for one billion, how could the fast emerald old ice species be low.

After a round of bidding, it quickly came to one billion.

After such a price did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for bidding, everyone would be willing to let such a big cake fall into someone else's. This is the charm of bidding.

This is the charm of bidding.

Xie Ruilin bid 1.1 billion yuan.

Li Vaisui's bid was 1.2 billion.

Zhou Bing bids 1.3 billion.

Yifan bid 1.5 billion. .......

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