Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 259 - The Absolute King (Seeking Subscription)

1.6 billion!

1.7 billion!

Two billion!

When Ivan's bid reached two billion dollars, the whole room was laid to rest.

Although a little reluctant, but also had to accept this reality.

Two billion was not a low price, and although the jadeite was very valuable, no one else dared to offer such a sum of money.

If you counted the previous piece of emerald, Ivan had spent a total of three billion in this auction.

He became the absolute king.

Ivan was very satisfied with the result. He came here for the sole purpose of supporting his daughter, and now he had done it. There is no one in this world whose love can surpass the love of a father for his daughter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction has now come to an end, such an unforgettable night, such a night worth remembering for the rest of our lives, this is a night with love and warmth, this is an auction with love and affection, now for the last part of the auction, I would like to ask the chairman of the DM Group, the organizer of this auction, to come on stage and make a closing speech, everyone! Welcome."

Thunderous applause.

Chen Dong stood up, gently straightened his suit, and walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

Today's auction was a great success, he had just been calculating his income when he was off the stage, it should be 3.8 billion 402 million.

I'll be amazed, this auction is too great, a down part-time than printing money fast, billions and billions of dollars on the hand, after such an auction will continue to engage in anything.

"The first thing I would like to do is to personally express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your love.

"First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you on behalf of myself.

"Finally, I wish all the auction guests can experience the ice and snow culture of Northeast China in the next few days, and experience the hospitality of Qingshan people, and look forward to next year! We will meet again in the second auction."

Listening to Chen Dong's speech on stage, the offstage Luhan couldn't stop nodding his head.

This is the kind of quality that Qingshan people should have, and they will have to think about the ten outstanding young people in Qingshan this year.

It's hard to forget, this night.

Unforgettable Tonight: .......

With a familiar melody, the auction ended here and the participants started to leave one after another.

"Dongzi, there's a dinner party later, why don't we go together?"

Lu Han came to Chen Dong's side and said, "No, Mayor Lu, there is still a celebration party for the group.

Chen Dong: "No, Mayor Lu, there is a celebration banquet here in the group."

Lu Han knew that Chen Dong was reluctant to participate in that kind of occasion and didn't force him to, shaking hands and leaving with other staff.

Chen Dong did not lie about the celebration banquet, before the auction began, has arranged for people to book a hotel, a few city tables were set up to entertain the staff.

For this auction, Chen Dong also recruited a large number of people, including Dongmei company and DM clothing side, nearly two hundred people.

At the celebration banquet, all the people were filled with smiles of victory.

Yes, it is not an exaggeration to describe the auction as a victory.

Although we don't know how much money Dong Chen made at the auction, and we know that many of the items at the auction were consigned by others, one thing is certain.

Chen Dong made a lot of money.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work in recent times, we have prepared a mate40 Porsche Edition for everyone."

Before Chen Dong finished speaking, a warm round of applause had already been heard.

A Mate40 Porsche version of the phone in the market is more than 10,000 yuan, the boss is really generous, the presence of employees but nearly two hundred people, this time to give out more than two million.

Chen Dong waved his hand: "Everyone don't worry, there is a reward I haven't said."

There was silence in the room, as everyone looked at Chen Dong, wondering what other rewards the boss had prepared for them.

"I declare the first auction of Qingshan successful, all employees rewarded RMB 50,000."

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

Looking at everyone's excitement, Chen Dong had to feel that money is really a good thing, and he was so excited about the 50,000 RMB reward.

During the celebration banquet, Chen Dong did not drink much wine, almost an hour or so Chen Dong left the hotel.

Tomorrow is his wedding day, so he can't drink too much wine.

Qin Daliang drove Chen Dong back to the villa.

"Daliang, how is it going over there at the wedding celebration company?"

Sitting in the car, Chen Dong squinted his eyes and asked.

"Boss, the wedding over there are all arranged, the wedding car is all Rolls-Royce Phantom, we shipped back from the South China Sea that head car."

Chen Dong nodded: "Has everything else been arranged?"

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services and products to the public, such as the production and sale of goods and services.

Chen Dong: "No way."

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and is now in the process of developing the new product.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services, including a full range of products and services, including a full range of products and services. "

Qin Daliang: "Good boss. "

As the two of them were discussing the wedding tomorrow, Chen Dong's phone suddenly rang.


"Jen Fernie, thanks for ......"

Before Chen Dong finished speaking, a man's voice came on the phone.

"Hello Chen, this is Jean-Fernie's father Ivan, would you be so kind as to join us for dinner?"

Father of Jane Feeney?

Chen Dong was somewhat blinded.

He had never heard of Jenfern's father, much less that he had come to Aoyama.


Chen Dong suddenly remembered the foreign man at the auction, which could not be Jenfernie's father.

Then the voice of Jenfernie came on the phone.

"Chen, if you don't have time, forget it."

"I haven't thanked you enough for helping me out so much, but Uncle is here.

On the phone, Jane Fearney told Chen Dong's exact location, and Qin Daliang drove away in his Lamborghini ......

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