Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 272: Buying a house in Shanghai

"Husband, let's buy a house in Huzhou."

In the evening, Meng Meiqi said to Chen Dong.

"What's wrong wife? Like it here?"

Meng Meiqi: "It's okay, it feels good here, cosmopolitan, just sometimes they don't understand the local dialect."

Chen Dong: "Okay, then let's go buy a villa tomorrow."

Meng Meiqi: "But husband, you said we have two other villas over in Nanhai, and there are also villas over in Qingshan, is this too wasteful?"

Chen Dong smiled: "What is a waste or not a waste, people live a life with money how to have fun, how to have fun, right wife, when do we want a baby ah?"

Meng Meiqi: "I don't want to have a baby so soon, please let me have a few more years of fun, okay?"

Chen Dong: "Good, good, husband listen to everything you say."

No money to buy a house is undoubtedly very difficult, the size of the house, the price per square meter are to be concerned, but rich Chen Dong to buy a house becomes a very simple matter.

Shanghai Huangpu River, a super luxurious thousands of square meters of large villa, Chen Dong spent 150 million to buy it. In the center of the villa there is also a tarmac, it seems that there is time to buy a helicopter to do.

This is the world of the rich, anything in this world for Chen Dong is just a symbol of the number.

The stock market closed that day, DM Jewelry closed at 2.46 yuan, DM Jewelry market value increased again by more than two hundred million. This one-day increase is more than Chen Dong bought this villa, this is the world of the rich, a luxury villa of thousands of meters a day's stock gains to buy down. And according to the current market situation, DM Jewelry is highly sought after by many stockholders, although the volume has been enlarged, but only about one million, people who sold their shares worried about the debt problem of DM Jewelry, after all, a business engaged in real estate suddenly transformed to get jewelry, now a jewelry company is not, but a gimmick.

Of course more stockholders still smell the opportunity, the domestic stock market is more willing to speculate, regardless of how the company's performance, there is a hype gimmick of the stock is a good stock, now DM Jewelry is clearly a gimmick of the company, and the company's successful cap removal itself is a major positive, coupled with the entry into the jewelry industry, although the domestic jewelry industry competition is fierce, but the industry's cake is also very large, in case Do into it?

January twenty-first.

DM Jewelry opened again firmly sealed on the board, up 10.01%, the share price of 2.7 yuan.

Market value of 2.7 billion.

Three consecutive stop board so that many shareholders holding the company's shares in a great mood, while at this time the domestic stock market just in time to catch a wave of decline in the process, the broader market fell 5% in three days, the market is a green, only a few stocks like DM Jewelry or red, where the most conspicuous than DM Jewelry, three consecutive stop board, the volume of only one million level.

Now the capital market are speculating on one thing.

DM jewelry in the end how many more stop board.

In many financial forums on the Internet for the DM company's discussion is also one after another.

A voice that DM jewelry company is nothing but hype, and the current market downturn, it is easy to form a bubble. Another voice believes that DM Jewelry is a wise choice to enter the jewelry industry at a time when real estate is in the doldrums, and business expectations are worth looking forward to.

Lin Huan and Meng Mei Lin has been watching DM jewelry in recent days, looking at the stock in hand every day is the state of stop, Lin Huan heart that is a relief, looking at the money lost to earn back, before but by this stock pit miserable.

"Huanhuan, one more rise and sell it."

Meng Meilin said.

Lin Huan: "Is it too bad to sell now?"

Meng Meilin: "Let's not forget that we still owe brother-in-law more than 1 million."

Lin Huan: "That's even more can not sell, at first brother-in-law but told me must not sell this stock, now brother-in-law bought this company, do not think there will be a big explosion, then with these stocks alone we can eat and drink."

Meng Meilin: "But ...... Forget it, since brother-in-law said not to let you sell we will not sell first."

Like Lin Huan, also in a great mood is Chen Dong's secretary Jiang Ting.

Previously, she told her boss about her own stock purchase, so she was not afraid that Chen Dong had any idea about herself, and looking at the stocks that rose and stopped every day she was secretly glad that she had chosen the right boss and the right stocks.

But will this be considered insider trading?

It seems not, right? When you buy it yourself is to follow the boss to buy, there should not be a problem.

After the stock market closed Chen Dong naturally knew that at the moment he was taking Meng Meiqi to skate around the antique market in Shanghai state.

Not quite the same as Qingshan and Jingzhou, Chen Dong went to the Hongqiao Antique City in the heart of Da Hongqiao, with an area of more than 100,000 square meters. The antique city is located in the high-end consumption level of the "noble territory", surrounded by high-end apartments and villas. The city is a "noble territory" with high-end condominiums and villas in the vicinity, and is a popular place for businessmen to live and shop in the cold country, Japan and other regions. With the completion of Hongqiao comprehensive transportation hub and Hongqiao business circle, Antique City will become a distribution center for antiques, radiation in economically developed areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

"Honey, it's so big here."

Two people skipped around the antique city for a while, Meng Meiqi lamented.

"It's normal, Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city, this is not only a domestic antique trading center, but also an international trading center, do you think it's necessary for us to open a few stores in here?"

Meng Meiqi: "Yes, I think our antique stores are not worse than theirs at all, and we may even go global when we walk in here."

Chen Dong nodded his head.

A day of shopping, Chen Dong bought a lot of antiques, of course, these antiques are not all real, many are forgeries, Chen Dong look at this point.

The fakes are now a shortcut for Chen Dong to make money.

When he asked Qin Daliang to deliver these antiques to the villa, Chen Dong made a phone call to Wei Jun.

In his opinion, it is not bad to open a store in Qingshan, but to open a store in a place like Shanghai is like Liu Lou Lou entering the Grand View Garden, which is not comparable to others.

"Brother Dong, we go to Shanghai State is appropriate? On our store these things are not on the stage ah? "

Chen Dong: "What are you afraid of? I have a supplier, to ensure that all the good things at a good price, you can rest assured to come."

Wei Jun: "Okay, I'll take Liu Feng over there, Liang Jing, they do not need to go?"

Chen Dong: "Whatever, you guys come over first, first give me the stall to hold up."

Hang up Wei Jun's phone, Chen Dong then slipped up, now see the best way is to acquire a ready-made store.

Suddenly, a familiar figure entered Chen Dong's field of vision .....

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