Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of Chen Dong.


It was before the Toon's field in Qingshan ancient playing market, this guy was moving with butt.


Chen Dong shouted at him.

The field turned back and looked at it. It was a little excited when he saw Chen Dong.

Put out something and come over.

"East brother, how come you?"

Chen Dong: "Is your kid not a rich second generation, how did you work for others?"

Field watched Meng Meiqi around Chen Dong, a little scratch-in-law: "Last time I go to Qingshan to do business is not lost, I will help in the old man."

Chen Dong has some accidents: "Is this a store of your family?"

Field: "Yeah, my father has been working here for more than ten years."

Pulling Meng Mumei walks into the store, he has to say that the boy in Tianye is absolutely a veritable rich second generation. The whole ancient shop store has more than five hundred square meters. It doesn't have to think that it is not a small number. The store is full of things. , Large to porcelain copper, small to walnuts, there should be.

Field: "East brother, since you are coming, I invite you to eat, go back to my house, and many rooms are empty."

Chen Dong: "No, I will buy a house with your nephew, but I can have it."

Two people look at Haha smile.

In the impression of the field, although there is not much contact with Chen Dong, but it is a rare to walk into his heart, and when you are drunk, the fields have almost all hidden in the heart, and they also put him. When it is confirmed.

For fields, Chen Dong's heart just thinks he is a silly kid, a stupid to a fool of love.

A senior Western restaurant in Shanghai.

A foreign service life handed a full-written menu of English to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong smiled and handed Meng Meiqi: "Wife, your English is better than me, or you order, don't give me the brothers, he is rich second generation, just slaughter him."

Meng Meiqi smiled, Chen Dong is really righteous, saying these words directly when people are.

Meng Meiqi: "What'STODAY'SPECIAL?

Service students: "Today'sspecialisgrilledCodwithsteaMedbroccoli."

Meng Meiqi: "OH, Butidon'Teatseafood.i'dliketohavechickensaladAdachocolatelavacake."


Meng Meiqi is skilled in English, there is no effort for a while, I have some things, then handle the menu to the field: "Tian Ye, I am a little with my husband, what are you?"

Field is just two.

Field: "East brother, when did you come to Shanghai? Read more?"

Chen Dong: "There is a little business here, and it will return to Qingshan for a while."

Fields have clearly don't know what Chen Dong's acquisition of the company here, Chen Dong did not say so much, but only with the mouth.

Chen Dong: "Tian Ye, there is no girlfriend?"

When it comes to my girlfriend, the field is a red, and some are hard to say: "Just known a girl, now is pursuing."

Meng Meiqi: "Long must be very beautiful?"

Field: "There is no nephew, but I looked very pleasing, but I feel a little female man feel."

Chen Dong haha ​​smiled: "The female man is not just right, I still feel that you have a little girl."

Field: "East brother, when you say that I am so good in front of the scorpion? But I still like her strength."

Chen Dong looked at Meng Meiqi: "I am not wrong? It is a skin."

Meng Meiqi made a white eye, and this guy talked, but it was really damaging.

After a while, the few dishes of the point came up in turn. Chen Dong wolf swallowed, and there was no one billion in the same way. Meng Meiqi knew that Chen Dong is deliberate, he may tell others in this way, he Different.

"Why don't you eat your wife?"

I saw Meng Mimei smiled, Chen Dong stopped.

"East brother, you are too embarrassing this, you didn't see many people around you?"

The field said on the side.

"Look at it, wait ahead, give me a bottle."

"Sorry Mr., we have no Maotai here."

Foreign service students say in Chinese.

"Maotai is not, you can't do this."

A meal is eaten, and the field is a little bit hard when the account will be consumed, and more than 10,000 pieces have been consumed.

"What happened to see you crying, spend 10,000 yuan, please eat it?"

Looking at the fields, Chen Dong smashed.

"No, I am selling more than a month." Tian Ye said.

Chen Dong: "Rely, your old man is too door, just give you 10,000 wages a month?"

Field: "You think it, I am still going to save my girlfriend to send a diamond ring."

Chen Dong haha ​​smiled: "Okay, wait for the Shanghai-Shanghai Jewelry Store to open, let you choose a diamond ring?"

Field: "This is what you said, you have to give me a testimony."

Three people were separated, Chen Dong pulled Meng Mumei to the villa.

"do not move."

Just when Meng Mumei was ready to open the door, Chen Dong was said.

"what happened?"

When I heard Chen Dong, Meng Meiqi was shocked and quickly recovered his hand.

Chen Dong pulled out the phone and opened the remote monitoring app for the villa.

At this time, Qin Dawei, also found it wrong, and quickly ran over.

"Boss, it seems to be in the villa."

Chen Dong nodded and pointed to a footprint at the door of the villa: "You are careful."

Qin Dazza nodded, carefully pushed the door door.

Chen Dong looked at the monitoring screen inside the mobile phone, while following the body of Qin Daw, holding Meng Mumei's hand.

When I arrived in the second floor, I heard a room to pass the sound of the .

Qin Da Liang made a stopped action, Chen Dongxin gods gods to stop the steps of Meng Meiqi.

Qin Da is in the past, quietly walked over, and carefully opened the door.

"what are you doing?"

Let Qin Dawn are surprised that the room is actually a "child", a "child" of a hops is being turning things in the room.

Seeing Qin Daw, "Child" is frightened, and turns through the window and ran in the window.

He wants to skip the window.

Qin Da looked quickly, and a arrow rushed over the past, he seized the back of the "child".

"Let me go, let me go."

"Child" issued a scream.

At this time, Chen Dong and Meng Mumei also ran over.

This scene in front of seeing is a lot.

what's the situation?

Qin Daxiang took "children" back and fell on the floor.

When the child exposed the face, several people were covered.

Where is this child, it is a woman, just a small body.

Who is she? Why do you appear here?

"Child" issued a scream.

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