Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 288 first borrows billion (seeking subscription)

I have to say that Chen Dong is looking for Wang Xiaoyu is very implied. Of course, Chen Dong is not realized.

He just thinks that Wang Xiao Yu is more likely to fool, the fact is true, when Chen Dong promises to ensure that his monthly yield reaches 10%, Wang Xiaoyu has agreed to the group, and even did not ask Chen Dong to do what guaranteed.

Of course, Wang Xiaoyu believes that Chen Dong did not dare to black his money, unless Chen Dong did not want to mix.

The result is that Wang Xiaoyu took two billions to hand it over to Chen Dong, and the benefits of a month must reach 20 million.

After Wang Xiaoyu came out from the coffee shop, the first time told his big brother Rothic.

"What? The monthly yield is 10%?"

If you hear Wang Xiaoyu, Rosec is also a bit surprised.

It is not easy to know that even the person's person is, it is not easy. It is more about some insider news about his Laozi Dano Group. However, he does not dare to move. Now the SFC supervision is still more strict, he also I am more worried about my father.

"Boss, I am not like fake."

Wang Xiaoyu said.

"I heard that DM has recently talked about the acquisition of gathering jewelry. Is this guy borrowed money in order to buy this reason?"

Rosong pondes.

"This is possible, taking him, anyway, he promises to give me 10% profit, can't get it, don't blame me to face him to find him account."

Hang Wang Xiaoyu's phone, Russecheng also began to live, and the old blonde gave him five billion funds entrepreneurs. Although it looks very similar to that, it is also an establishment of investment companies to establish an entertainment company, but His hearts are more clear and not profitable.

It is better to lend money to Chen Dong?

Borrow from my mother, I can get a lot of more than 500 million, one month is 50 million. Ten months can turn to billions. Of course, Rosec also understands that Chen Dong does not dare to borrow. So long, even if it is only one month, it is 50 million, enough for a long time.

Thinking of this, Russecheng returned to Wang Xiao Yu back a call.


Sitting in the cafe, Chen Dongzheng wondered when he should call Rosecheng, Wang Xiaoyu is going back.

This guy will not repent?

"Master, I want to ask you if you still need a partner?"

Asked Wang Xiaoyu.

"What do you mean?"

"If I need me to help you talk to my boss Rusic, there is a lot of money in his hand."

Chen Dong's heart is a pleasure, how is Johon Rusic, this guy helped himself.

Chen Dong is deep, pretending to look at it.

"The total, it does not meet, plus your 200 million funds is almost enough, plus Luo University, I am afraid ..."

Wang Xiaoyu has an urgent, just as he is vowing to Russecia.

"Chen, bring my boss, if you don't bring him, I will quit."

Let Chen Dong have speechless that this guy actually played the trick of the child.

"Mr. Wang, not, I don't want to bring Luo Shao, but you also know that the fund is greatly paid, once it guarantees that you can't guarantee that your reputation is also a kind of damage to my reputation, so, if Luo Shao insists, I will join, I It can only be promised to give no less than 5%, earn more natural everyone, earning less, don't say that I can't pay attention to Chen Dong. "

When I heard Chen Dong, Wang Xiaoyu was some difficult.

However, he also understands the risk of stocks. Chen Dong can give him a 10% commitment is very difficult. Now, he is forced to give Rusic 10% of the income. I am afraid that there is a strong man, let alone, Russe Cong's investment is definitely more than himself, no less than 5% The income is already a good condition.

Wang Xiaoyu called Rosec to call Rosecao by going to the health of the bathroom. He said Chen Dong's meaning.

"I accepted this condition."

I heard that no less than 5% of the revenue Rusic immediately agreed that it would be a little hesitant to commit him about 10%, and he is really hesitant. Let's not say that DM can buy a gathering jewelry, even if it has completed the acquisition, Chen Dong pays Not small, light is high interest, I am afraid I will drag the DM.

"No more than two months."

Rosec gave a condition.

For this condition, Chen Dong is naturally accepting, let alone Rosecheng took five billion.

What makes Chen Dongle does not close the mouth, Wang Xiaoyu did not know where to pull itself a billion, no need to know that it is definitely those who are rich in his circles, and the middle of Wang Xiaoyu must be earned, as for earning How many Chen Dong did not care, he was a 10% promise to draw Wang Xiao Yu, which made Wang Xiao Yu is happy. To know that the money he gets only promises to give 3% interest.

"Chen, if I can still pull it, do you look?"

Wang Xiaoyu is now the same as the God of Wealth, and the speech is also welcome.

"Mr. Wang, really don't need it, of course, if you are really a friend, I can barely accept some, but I can't exceed 1 billion."

"It's good, then thank you Mr. Chen, you see the borrowing ....."

Chen Dong Yucheng, this guy still stayed.

"No problem, I will write a borrowing."

One day, Chen Dong's borrowing money is still a complete, Zhang Qingfeng is 200 million, Ros Song is 500 million, and Wang Xiaoyu has borrowed 1 billion in 300 million copies. Of course, there is no reply to the news in sunny, if it succeeds, it is 2 billion, and it has been more than 3 billion, which has exceeded Chen Dong's expectations.

Original Chen Dong also planned to call the cold mountain, but think about him, the most critical or all over the sun. When I was busy borrowing money, I just caught up with dinner when I came to Beijing University.

I didn't see Chen Hao for a while. Chen Dong also missed this sister. I didn't have a remote door from Xiaoyao. I didn't know how it was now.

At the time of the school gate, Chen Dong hit a call to Chen Hao.

I heard Chen Dong came to the Yangzhou University. Chen Hao is happy as a small swallow, and the jumping jumped to ran to the school gate.


Seeing Chen Dong, Chen Yu ran over, and suddenly rushed to Chen Dongji.

"Chen Wei, come down, so many people look at it."

Let Chen Yu are so awkward, Chen Dong is also a little unfortunate, and many of them have given him some embarrassment.

"I don't want it."

Chen Yu began to play Lai Lee.

At this moment, Guan Wei took the class and was ready to go out to have dinner. It happened to see this scene.

"I rub, this stinky woman, no wonder I always refuse me, my feelings are good."

Seeing Chen Yu ride across a man, Guan Wei burned in anger.

I have to see the knowledge, Chen Hao looks like a man .......

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