Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 289 Conflict (seeking subscription)

"Chen Wei, is because this man rejects me?"

Guan Wei got off the bus and pointed at Chen Dong whispered.

Chen Dong looked at Guan Wei's top.

Chen Hao also looked down from Chen Dong to look at Guan Wei and asked: "Do you have sick?"

Chen Dong naturally guess a probably, and when he looks at Chen Yu's pursuit.

"Well, Xiao Yan, this is not long for the university, and some people chase."

Chen Dong said whispered.

Looking at Chen Dong's intimate voice with Chen Hao, Guan Wei is not invincible.

"An annoying, all day long, I am bothering with flies."

Chen Hao said, but didn't care if he didn't hear it.

"Chen Hao, I don't understand, where is this man gets on me, what is your clothes? If you are looking for a boyfriend, you have to find a good thing?"

Guan Wei pointed to Chen Dong's face.

Lying, embarrassing.

It was actually despised by a college student.

Chen Dong looked at the dress of Guan Wei's flow of flow.

"What is you?"

Guan Wei refers to the way to refer to the roadside BMW car: "What is the capital pursuit Chen Hao, do you have a car?"

Chen Dong looked at Passat not far away, and it was really a BMW that was not in the people.


I saw Chen Dong didn't talk, Guan Wei was more proud.

"I promised Chen Yu, as long as she be my girlfriend, I gave her 20,000 pieces of pocket money for a month, can you?"

Chen Dong shook his head.

"I can....."

"Stop stop, can you have your uncle, there is still something? Nothing can roll."

Listening to this guy, I can't help but I can't help it. I didn't want to move in the university. As a result, this guy was still on his nose.

"Xiao Yan, didn't you have dinner?"


"Walk, take you to eat well."

After that, Chen Dong pulled Chen Yu to his own Passat.


Looking at Chen Yu followed Chen Dong Passat, Guan Wei's face was green.

One of the Kaassat is still with him, this is nothing to do.

Run back to the BMW car, follow the front of Pasat in front of the front.

"The boss, the BMW after it has been following us."

Qin Da-brightly opened the car and reminded.

"Make carefully, find a good restaurant."


Guan Wei's car skills with Qin Dashi is not small, and there is no long-lasting effort.

Drunken building!

A restaurant that looks also still quite advanced.

The car was parked, and Chen Dong took the car.

Three people just entering the drunk fairy building did not have long, Guan Wei opened the BMW car rushed here.

"Do you determine how many of them come here?"

Looking at the drunken rushing building, Guan Wei asked uncertain.

It is necessary to know that this drunken building is also a graded place in Beijing. Some big girls in Jingzhou often take good care, and there is a meal of eight thousand.

"Boss, I am sure is here, my eyes are absolutely good."

"Okay, you are staring first, I am a few people."

After a while, Guan Wei found a few fouf director, the family is also a good mixed second generation, which is the kind of mixing day all day, usually not much resistance to the wind.

Four five hairstyle have different, and the guys who have decorated all costumes see Guan Wei is also full of smile.

"Viagra, you are too paying attention to today, please come to the drunken building to eat?"

Don't look at a few guys, it is good, but it is also a few days to eat in this high-end place.

"If you have a good job, please eat."

Guan Wei bites his teeth.

"It is not to clean up a township, this is difficult, wait for you, you will be good."

Another yellow hair laughs.

"Do guys bring it?"

"Reassure, bring it, absolutely don't trouble."

After finishing, several people showed a cuffs, and there is a steel pipe.


A drunken building in a private room.

Looking at the delicious table of the table, Chen Yu was excited to clapping.

"Still, my brother is the best, I have to eat very special today."

Chen Dong drank a soup and smiled: "Your guy, the old brother gets like you, I am not given you money? Don't you improve your life?"

Chen Hao smiled: "I also like college cafeteria, people are lively."

Chen Dong: "Take a little, buy a house? Is it habits to the school? I advise you to buy a house near the school, hire a babysitter to give you a meal every day, or you should worry about it. "

Chen Yu greeted: "Brother, I am very big, let you get it with a child. Good to stay, the school environment is good, then I can go to the library."

"Ok, no matter you, hurry to eat this ..."

When the two people were eating, the door of the private room hit this.

Rush in between the private rooms.

Qin Da Liang stood up with Chen Dongteng, Chen Dong pulled Chen Yu to his side.

"You are Chen Yu, you can go."

I said the first yellow hair pointed to Chen Hao.

"What do you want to do? I want to be alarm."

Chen Yu pulled out the mobile phone threat.

A yellow hair rushed over and prepared to grab Chen Yu's mobile phone.


Chen Dong shot quickly, a box of yellow hair in a box.

"Brother, give me."

Under the order, several people took out the steel pipe from the sleeves and rushed over Chen Dong.

"court death."

The Qin Da, next to it.

I have to say that Qin Dawei's skill is very good, in such a narrow space in the private room, it is a long time.

Chop neck, fall back, traverse kick, hook.

In front of the yellow hair of these abreasy worlds, Qin Daw is like cutting the stake, and several rounds, the three of the three hazel have been fallen.

If you have your arms, you have a stomach, you are very painful.

For the first yellow hair, it is not good, ready to run.

Qin Dawn will give him the opportunity to run, and the hard top has another yellow hair, and Qin Dat is grasped as the collar of Huang Mao, like a chicken, and fell to the ground.

"Hey ..."

It is a painful voice for the first yellow hair.

I thought it was packed two towns, and I knew that I met my own.

"Big Bear, I am called Viagra."

At this time, the staff of the drunken building also found the movement between the private room, several security guards rushed over.

At the same time, Guan Wei also ran up with his own with his class and prepared to read jokes.

It's just the same as the painting in the private room.

Several guys who have found them are screaming on the ground.

"What are you doing? Who dares to learn in Wang's site?"

The security guard did not know the situation and looked at Qin Datun threat.

"Brothers, these few foreign bulls, kill him."

Guan Wei looked at a security guard who was headed.

See Guan Wei, Chen Dong naturally understood what happened, it was clear that these hazags were Guan Wei to learn from themselves.

"I have a special first."

Chen Dong has rushed over, did not wait for security to react, one foot in Guan Wei's belly, just next to the stairs, Guan Wei snorted to climb down to the staircase.


While the security captain stops, the manager has called the manager .......

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