Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 297 Conditions (Subscribe)

4.5 billion!

This is the bottom limit given by Chen Hai Longzhuang Dazhao.

"Master, this price is our bottom limit, which is not necessary to talk about this price."

Chen Dong smiled: "I can give you five billion."


"five billion?"

Two people face each other, even Yuanrui Cheng is also a bit I can't understand, the boss is not enough to have money, of course, he speculates that Chen Dong will have something else.

Chen Hairaong Zhuang Daowau was surprised to understand the meaning of Chen Dong.

"I don't know what conditions do Chen always have?"

Chen Dong: "I want you to help me acquire 50% of the shares."


Both people are surprised, and there is no free lunch in the world.

"Mr. Chen, other shareholders are Li Hui's hardcore supporters. This condition is probably we can't do it."

Chen Dong smiled: "I don't care about the iron pole. I just need to do itself from 26% of the shares outside of you, and five billion labor services yourself."


Chen Hairaong Zhuang Da Shao has advanced and retreat, two people look at each other.

Chen Hailong said: "Mr. Chen, let's go back to discuss it."

Chen Dong: "Yes, give you three days, expiration this agreement is invalid."

Two people walked out of the Chen Dong office and spitting.

I don't know why, in front of Chen Dong, two people feel a strong pressure, this pressure is invisible, more like a temperament of the king.

It is necessary to blame the two people to be too greedy. If it is not an alone, all the family is put on the stock market, it will not be so miserable.

"Old Chen, what do you see?"

"You are absolutely old, I think the gathering jewelry makes Chen Dong leaders not necessarily bad things."


"Don't, in a few days, we will break the sem, we will act, I will do the work of old Liu and you will work with the old man, as long as you get their hands. The shares are enough. "

"Oh, can only be so."

Chen Dong, who was sitting in the office, couldn't hear two people's conversation, but Chen Dong felt that this is 70%. Don't underestimate the energy of a lack of people, people can do when they are missing.

"Chen, do you think they can do it?"

Yuanrui asked.

Chen Dong: "Don't do it, it doesn't matter, a gathering jewelry, the acquisition is just for more efficient, I really can't get the store. Yes, how is Yuan Fang?"

Yuanrui Cheng: "Mr. Chen, I am going to report with you, Yuan always has reported the report as early as last week, and the tidal Acer has reached the acquisition intent, the total price of 2.2 billion, Jingzhou 30 stores. "

Chen Dong: "Why don't you tell me?"

Yuanrui Cheng has a speechless, is it useful to tell you? The entire home of DM is not enough, not to mention that the money is transferred to a personal account by Chen Dong, and now many company employees are worried.

Yuanrui Cheng: "Chen, we have no money on our company account."

Chen Dong haha ​​smiled: "Notify Yuan Fang, do a good job in the acquisition, look back, I will transfer a money to the company, but do you save some flowers? I still plan to buy a gathering jewelry."

I heard Chen Dong to turn money to the company, Yuan Rui has a face.

"What is Chen you intend to turn?"

Chen Dong: "How much do you think now?"

Yuanrui Cheng: "........"

Of course, the more you better, the company needs money on the bottom and bottom.

"Is 20 billion not enough?"


"20 billion?"

I heard 20 billion, Yuanrui Cheng was shocked, when did Chen Dong did so?

"See you have no interest, 20 billion, look back, contact Yuan Fang, continue to collect store in Beijing."

"Good Chen."

When the finance manager reported Yuanrui Cheng, Chen Total individuals turned 20 billion to the company account, Yuanrui Cheng was again surprised to say.

Is this still a teenager?

I want to go to Chen Dong without a stable job, a high-point salary, now I have two billion cash in the company's account, how many big things can you do?

The more I want it, the more excited.

Yuan Rui Cheng quickly went to the call of Jingzhou Yuan Fang.

"What? Really acquired?"

The phone received Yuanrui Cheng, Yuan Fang was also surprised.

To be honest, when Chen Dong sent him to Beijing to buy, he has always believed that Chen Dong faded means, so he was also a lot of motion after he arrived in Beijing. No more than a dozen, but? It's all about the sound, this is also expected.

But what is the situation now?

Really acquired!

This is unexpected.

"A nonsense, of course, it is true to acquire, Chen has just turned 20 billion funds to the company, and the special intentions have to continue to acquire, and strive to reach 100 in the Beijing store before the end of the year."

20 billion, 100, Yuan Fang's brain has some short circuit.

But in the end, Yuanrui Cheng, he was very clear, and 2.2 billion acquisition funds were immediately in place.

"Yuan, is we should we do a grand press conference?"

Yuanrui Cheng: "Strap, don't you watch DM's share price has fallen for a few days? Now I have held a reporter reception will definitely be a major goodness, or if there is a stipulate that I can't buy my company's stock, I really want to buy a big pen."

Arranged in Beijing, Yuanrui Cheng immediately gave the gathering jewelry team to the phone, quickly preparing the acquisition, recently negotiated.

Out of the DM headquarters building, Chen Dong gave Wei Jun a call.

I have been coming for so long, several people have not gathered for a long time.

"East brother, no, there is no way to go here, now business is good."

Let Chen Dong speechless is that the guy of Wei Jun actually refused him, the reason is that the business is too good. I don't know, I thought it was the Wei Jun's own business.

"Less nonsense, don't close the door."

"Get, you are the boss, you are a uncle, I am arranged."

A seafood in Shanghai in Shanghai.

Chen Dong, Wei Jun, and Liu Feng were sitting together.

"East brother, is there a bonus of our husband?"

Liu Feng said on the side of the seafood.

"No, our brother came to Shanghai. This time, it is tired to talk to the dog. It is also to have to do English. A lot of foreigners will come to buy antiques, and now they will not speak English."

Chen Dong glanced at the two: "Don't be a fool, don't you hire a waiter? Is it difficult to find an English now?"

Two people smiled.

"We are not asking for progress, and the east brother, the ancient shop is really making money, do we want to expand the facade?"

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