Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 298 Special Battleship Number (Subscription)

April 1st.

Western April Fool's Day.

DM shares released an announcement, the company recently completed the acquisition of 30 stores of Beijing Hongchao Jewelry, here, the Hongchao Jewelry of Jingzhou is renamed DM Jewelry ...

Such a message is like a heavy bomb detonated the capital market.

We must know that since DM acquires longan Eastern Real Estate Company, it has always been thunder, the rain is small, noisy all day, the acquisition, the last one is not realized.

It's different now, the company has released an announcement, which shows that the company really acquires 30 stores in Hongchao, Kikang.

It is very clear in the announcement and costs 2.2 billion.

I have been rushing to the DM company for trouble, and there is a news in the industry saying that DM's boss will borrow money around. How come now I suddenly acquired?

The person who sold the DM shares will regret it. The company's share price has been falling recently. Many people can't sell it, and now there is only a copy of the thigh.

Conversely, those who firmly hold DM shares have been happy, such a major good news will undoubtedly let DM's share price climbed a higher height.

For DM stock prices, Chen Dong is really not particularly concerned. According to the current company's market value, it will look at 15 billion or so, even if it is more than 30 billion, it is now more than 4 million funds.

Now Chen Dong is considering how to make money faster.

Although the investment domestic stock market can make money, the speed of making money is obviously not fast enough.

Chen Dong put his gaze in the European and American capital market.

It is important to know that there is no rising decline in the rice stock market, some stocks can turn more than ten times a day, of course, stocks can also change the time a day.

Chen Dongnou learned, if you want to buy a stock of rice, there are two ways.

One is to go to the M country account, this program applies to people who have fixed addresses and exchanges themselves, accounting documents require passports and driver's license or your access to M country documents.

This method is obviously not suitable for Chen Dong.

The other is to open an account through the online US stock investment platform, through the online US stock investment platform for online US stocks, the US stocks, is a more viable solution.

Chen Dong felt that this method is feasible, but now I need to find a strong investment platform, and there is a lot of money in my hand, this is big, it is great.

Thinking of this, Chen Dong played a call to the cold mountain. It seems that he didn't seem to listen to him to say the speculatory stock.

"Do you want to stir American stocks?"

I received a call from Chen Dong, and I was also very surprised, I didn't expect Chen Dong interested in stocks.

"Yeah, the cold uncle, recently I feel very good, so I want to try it."

"Eastern, fried American stocks, you have to be prepared, sometimes it is very exciting, one night heaven, hell."

"Nothing is cold, I am young, I like to stimulate."

"Haha, if you are not afraid of stimulation, don't buy Bitcoin, that's stimulus is old."


For this digital currency Chen Dong is not strange, I have heard of this stuff before.

"Where is the cold uncle, what is Bitcoin?"

Cold mountain: "........."

Just say this, I didn't expect Chen Dong, I really want to buy.

"Eastern, listen to the cold uncle to persuade, the stuff is best not to touch, is dangerous than stocks, this time, the people who have fry the building in the bits of Bi Terco are arranged."

"There is no cold uncle, I just want to play."

"Well, if you can play, you can do it, but don't be true, look back, I will send you information and websites. The trading website is still very reliable. I know that many of the domestic big giants are traded above. "

"Okay, thank you for your cold uncle."

"Okay, I will also have anything to me, have it, I heard that DM acquires Hongchao,?"

"That is not, just acquired several stores in Jingzhou."

"Let's take a VIP card for the cold uncle."

"no problem."

Hang up the phone, Chen Dong .

He, of course, understand what VIP does not care, this means that the cold mountain is really closer to him.

After a long time, the website and related information have been sent over the cold mountain.

Also said that the people's website is still very humanized, the global trading website, the text versions of all countries have.

Chen Dong chose to enter the Chinese version of the Bitcoin Trading Network.

Register according to the above prompt.

After the registration is completed, Chen Dong took a closer to the website, and it is basically about some information about Bitcoin and the trading market.

Tell, this trend is really scary.

Looking at the trend of the mountains, Chen Dong can't help but feel some emotions.

One day has fallen from 40,000 US dollars, then fell from 20,000 US dollars to 10,000, then rising from 10,000 to 30,000, then 50,000, then 20,000, 10,000 ...

No one in this kind of market will not be caught.

However, Chen Dong is not afraid.

Just joke, you can have a super bug, will you worry about bankrupt?

It is more than 1,500 million to transfer to 1,500.

According to the price of the current Bitcoin, the price of 15,000 US dollars can only be purchased.


[Transaction Success]

The account reminds Chen Dong successfully purchased a thousand Bitcoin.

In fact, the so-called Bitcoin is just a formula for special digital symbols, which is not the same as Chen Dong imagination.

After purchasing, Chen Dong entered the system interface.


After dragging the Bitcoin virtual icon to the system interface, Chen Dong launched the detection function.

[System detection .....]

With the big white tone, the system starts to detect a string bits.

[System detects that the special symbol is the special battleship series number of God horse, do you continue to test?

What Chen Dong is shocked is that the big white actually said that these bitcoin are the number of the special warship of the god horse.


This can be seriously exceeded by Chen Dong.

[What is the special warship?

Chen Dong asked.

[Adult, the special battleship is what Plaza Rule Saipan reserved an armed force in the alien ball, and the other information has no permission to view.

I am tired.

According to the white saying, these Bitecoin actually the number of the special battleship on the earth in the beginning, is it to capture the earth?

[This should not, according to the memory of the big white, the god horse is an advocated star, the planet has been working on the mystery of the multidimensional space, and does not capture the plan of other planets.

That's it, is it a battleship? spacecraft?

Chen Dong had a certain understanding of Bitcoin, and the reason why Bitcoin is precious is because it is limited, it seems to be 20 million is the limit. Do you say that 20 million spacecrafts hidden on the earth?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

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