Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 299 Malicious is empty (ask for subscription)

Whether it is possible, Chen Dong already knows the secret of this.

Bitcoin is the number of the gods of the god horse.

Just why God's planet does not recall these warships until the destruction?

Chen Dong is a little curious.

As for these battleships? How to unlock the battleship now is not the problem that can be solved now.

Because the significant favorable benefits of DM companies, DM share price is also rising.

On the same day, the closing was 20%, became the most dazzling stock in A shares, and the previous decline was all over the day, and the company had 18 billion yuan.

More Chen Dong is happy is that the price of Bitcoin has fallen nearly 50% in the day, almost approaching 10,000 meters of price.

Although Chen Dong is still worried, but think of the value of Bitcoin, he still chose a big purchase.

10,000 mens were bought in the end of the bits near the transaction, spent $ 100 million.

In the next few days, Chen Dong's good news continued.

The first thing is that Chen Hailong and Zhuang Sau has contacted several important shareholders of gathering jewels. After a negotiation, they finally acquired another 26% of the shares with 6 billion prices. Plus the 25% of the two people, Chen Dong's 51% shares of the gathering jewelry.

Of course, this is all secret transfer, and the outside world does not know, even the chairman of the gathering jewelry is also in the drum.

"Master, why not announce this good news? This is certainly a major advantage for the company."

DM headquarters building, Chen Dong office, Yuanrui Cheng asked someone.

"What is the urgency? You didn't see the company's share price is rising every day? What do you want to wait for the gathering of jewelery."

"I don't know if Li Hui knows what is the expression of her gathering jewelry that she operates?"

"Hahaha ....."

One thing in these days has made Chen Dong very happy.

That is the Bitcoin.

I don't know if it is affected, and the trend of Bitcoin has recently been very downtime.

If you are not Chen Dong quietly start buying, the estimated price will be lower.

On April 6, Bitcoin has created a historic low and 8500 yards.

When the time of Bitcoin fell, Chen Dong also bought it.

About one week, Chen Dong's accumulated investment approaches approximately 30 billion, and the component is also close to 5 billion meters.

The number of bits in the account reached 520,000.

Looking at the large number of bits in the account, Chen Dongzhen is a little worried that it is black by the trading website.

Fortunately, there is no happening, and the bitcoin in the account is safe.

April 10th.

Just when Chen Dong was eager to be warm, Yuanrui became rushed to call.

"Chen, the company's stock has fallen."

"What? Drop?"

Shouldn't it be a daily limit? Chen Dong has some accidents.

Is it because I have risen too much?

Open the stock software and read the DM's stock price, and suddenly downg, and the pen will be large.

"Maybe this time is too fast."

Chen Dong did not think about it.

"Chen, do you want to release the acquisition of jewelry shares?"

"Don't worry, wait."

April 11th.

DM's share price will down again.

And it is opened by a large number of sold orders.

Two consecutive days of decline also caused attention to the capital market.

The phone received Yuanrui Cheng, and Chen Dong was still a bit of a bit.

"Chen, now there are many articles on our DM, saying that we are hanging the sheep head selling dog meat, and said our company's cash flow has been broken ........"

Listening to Yuanrui Cheng's online public opinion about DM, Chen Dong felt a feeling of being unhappy.

"Chen Dong, I suspect that someone is maliciously unsatisfactory stocks."

Yuan Rui said his own view.

"Do you empty?"

But what is the meaning of the other party's empty DM? Is it that Chen Dong does not plenantly smash down the DM share price?

"Chen, do you want to convene a reporter conference? Say that our cash flow is not purely pulp? A few days, you have just turned 20 billion to the company, we play the face of each other."

"Don't worry first, then look at it, and send someone to investigate. Who is it in malicious, specially paying attention to gathering jewels."

Hanging up the phone Chen Donghui.

If you are a gathering jewelry, it is interesting to maliciously doing DM.


Qingshan City Business Center DY President Office.

Gu Shao Feng is proud to look at the stock chart in front of the computer.

"Chen Dong, I let you proud, now I will let you taste the taste of the names."

It turned out that the mainsthesis of this air conspiracy is the DY Group's Gu Shaofeng.

"The young master is amazing, just the master called the phone to praise the grandfather."

Gu Shaofeng, Yuan Zijing.

After listening to Yuan Yun, Gu Shao Feng smiled.

As the company is less than two billion yuan, it is a nine bull and a hair with the DY Group. This time, Gu Sharfeng used five billion funds to prepare empty DM, wait until the DM share price fell, then took the opportunity to acquire DM's shares.

As long as you buy enough shares, you will kick Chen Dong, let him taste the taste of failure.

"Uncle Yuan, how is the other thing?"

Yuan Yu: "Young master, Miss Meng we have sent people to track, but her workshop is very regular, it is difficult to implement."

Gu Shaofeng: "What is difficult, put the secretary named Liu Li, then find an excuse to go to celebrate, and give her a soul of the soul, I want Chen Dong to watch a good show, haha."

After talking, Gu Sharp dew the evil smile.

"Good Gu, I will do it."


At this time, Chen Dong knows that Gu Shaofeng against his conspiracy, but he is also investigating something that is maliciously empty DM company.

"The boss, I found some clues."

Qin Da Liang reported.

"Talk about it, will not be a gathering jewelry company?"

Qin Dawei: "Let's go to the transaction to check the data. These two days of malicious sale of DM companies are mainly two business departments in Qingshan."


Chen Dong was slight.

How do you talk to Qingshan?

"I immediately sent people secret investigation, I want to know who I want to get me."

"Good boss."

Just when Gu Shaofeng was launched, Chen Dong also started investigations.

April 12th.

DM's share price fell by 15% again.

The big fell of the company's share price for several days, the company's market value is also shrinking.

At noon, Chen Dong received a call from Meng Meiqi.

"Husband, what happened recently? Is it difficult?"

When the phone was connected, Meng Mumei asked.

"Nothing Meiqi."

"But I saw a lot of negative news for DM companies, saying that the company's funds have encountered trouble, the fund chain breaks, there is also a demolition, can not be issued in time, husband, what is going on, don't you, don't I will return to you tomorrow. "

"No baby, you take care of yourself."

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