Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 361 War outbreak (seeking subscription)

When Chen Dong decided to put Jin Zhe, everyone was shocked.

Is this to surrender?

But it is not like it.

No matter how everyone suspicion, Jin Zhe is still put it so much by Chen Dong.

This time Jin Zhe did not dare to pick up the words, and the letter to the letter to Chen Dong gave him the horse and ran in Jinmu City.

I learned that Chen Guo took the initiative to put Jin Zhe, and let Jinli Tian believe that the other party is because it is afraid of active, this is shown.

"Accelerate the transfer of the army, I want to give this Chen Guo as soon as possible." Order will shout the golden balance of Jinzhe.

As for the Jinzhe, Chen Dong, is of course not afraid of Jinli Tian, ​​will not be because of a good fortune.

The purpose of him is to make Jinli Tian we are showing weakness, according to the character of Jinlian, there is no bondage of Jinzhe, and it will definitely not give a good fortune.

20,000 rifles have been trained, but now Chen Dong does not dare to give these people's real bullets. If it suddenly riots, it is really not able to control, and of course the theoretical knowledge of the shooting is basically mastered. Usually doing a live shot drill.

The golden army is assembled from all directions.

Chen Guo army is waiting.

A century war has been touched.

At this time, Chen Hu reported the current situation of the enemy.

I learned from the lion scorpion mouth, the enemy currently gathered around 3 million toil, mainly from the three directions of east, south, north.

I am clear that the other party wants to pinch at the same time, defeating the Chen Guojun.

"Your Majesty, still wait?"

Chen Hu asked.

"Wait, why don't you wait, we are in the south, and the north is a huge swamp. The enemy wants to attack from both sides is not so easy, unless you take the initiative."

"Your Majesty, then we will fight them from the front."

"Yes, we are going to fight them from the front, in front of strength, all the counseling is a waste of time."

So everyone has been with the sexy child for two days, and finally the probe is reported, the enemy army has been assembled.

set off!

Under the order of Chen Dong, Chen Hu, Chen Wei, Zhang Wu and others led the million army to start to enter Jincheng.

Received this news, but also gave the Golden Trunters General Jinchao.

I thought about how to induce Chen Jun in the city, and I have sent people to watch the terrain around them. It is not easy to complete the three-sided siege. The demon forest is complex, and the crisis is heavy, and the north is even more unfavorable to the march.

Now, the other party actively sent it.

Full attack, prepare to fight!

The five million people in the golden country are divided into three directions, and the main battlefield is on a huge plain outside the Jindu City.

The plain is looking forward, but at this moment, he is densely moving a soldier.



With the arms of the army, the soldiers have sent a burst.

Compared to the five million troops of the Golden Ken, the Military Military Tourism in Chen Dong is significantly weak.

Million Army divided into five legion, with a plum blossom array.

The two parties are increasingly close to each other.

Some soldiers in Chen Guo began to be timid.

One million pairs of five million, can such a winning?

It is not afraid of Chen Hu Chen, and even some expectations.

It is important to know that 20,000 infantry is not jealous. Now everyone has already equipped with sufficient bullets, and even Chen Yu believes that even if it is only these two thousand people, it can defeat this five million people. .

The two parties stopped from the distance from about 500 meters away.

The gold super hate at this moment shall not immediately start the offensive.


At this time, the Chen Guo army has changed, and all soldiers raised the shield to form a shield defensive big array.

The reason why it is naturally worried about the archer of the golden army.

I saw a change in the team of Chen Guojun, and Jin Chaohaha laughed.

"I thought that a small shield was defended to defend? I ridiculous."

"Iron roller leader is prepared."

"Raised charges."

With a burst of military, the iron ride army in front of the Golden Radanese has launched an attack.

This kind of iron ride is the relying on the golden country, and it is also the most proud force of Golden Dynasty.

Sure enough, when I saw the iron ride army, Chen Guo's soldiers were obviously fearful when they shocked to Chen Guojun.

As a gold soldier who used to know, they naturally know the power of the iron ride.

"The Rifle Legion is prepared!"

With Zhang Wu, the soldiers in the front row of Chen Guo raised AK47 in the shield.

50 meters!

30 meters!

Seeing that the iron ride army must rush to the array.

"All shots!"

After Zhang Wu Da, the sound of the shot was endless.


A iron rider was hit down.



The continuous iron ride army fell to the Chen Guo army.

The power of 20,000 rifle crags can also be seen in the same way, even the other part is divided into three direction impact, but the distance from about 30 meters is as if it has formed an invisible wall.

A murderous wall!

The flesh is flour, the horse is wrapped.

No soldiers can break through the murdere wall, even the best battle horses can't do.

Da da da......

Every gun ringing, it seems to be the bell where the dead is shaking.

When I started, Jin Chao was still not interesting, but he was shocked when he led the army to the distance from one hundred meters away.

50,000 iron rides, this is almost half of the number of gold iron rides.

What is it seen in front of you?

Have you spent the eyes?

The corpse is in the wild!

The horse is running, and it has become a human purgatory field.

How can it be?

How could this be?

Who tells you what happened?

This is 500,000 iron rides, how long is it, almost all the whole army.


At this time, I came to the opposite shout.

"Chong, fight with them."

Jin Chao red eyes loudly, this battle can still keep his head, which is the most intentional iron ride army, but did not expect to be buried in his own hands.


Chen Guo's Chi-tiger Legion has rushed over. The knife in his hand has become AK47. This time they are mainly trained to ride shooting.

Da da da.....

This snoring sound is so harsh at this moment.

In the impact of the Natherajuri Legion, such as the flood spread, it is a dead.

This is not a contest of a peerless civilization.

In front of high-level civilization, low civilization is so fragile and small.

Some people have warned, the Golden Director is in front of the Chen Guojun, which is so good, and has no power.

Even before you rush to the Chen Guo, wait for them to die ...

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