Becoming rich starts with a street stall

Chapter 362 summary (seeking subscription)

In the face of death, there is no real warrior.

What's more, there is no life?

As more and more gold soldiers die, the people behind will finally start filling.

"Respond to Jindu City."

Jin Chao finally wake up from the impulsive, and under the order, the remaining gold soldiers began to escape towards Jin Tuo City.

Painted a poodle and chasing the chasing.

Chen Guadao began to hit the soldier who fled in the golden country.

The screams have jeopardized ear, and countless gold soldiers are poured in the pursuit.

This is a winning war.

This is a single slaughter.

The residual gold soldiers fled to Jin Tuo City, and the soldiers were not full of millions.

"Close the city gate, death."

Looking at the city gate of Jindu City closed, Chen Guo soldiers did not pursue.

Looking at the body everywhere on the battlefield, Chen Dong's heart is also ambiguous.

Director, all of themselves, countless governors die because of him.

But Chen Dong did not live out.

This is the war.

It is necessary to be beaten behind, as long as the war is to pay homage.

"All the bodies are all incinerated."

So many bodies are easy to cause plague, Chen Dong orders all the bodies to incinerate.

The light is such a process, and the Million Army of Chen Guo took the time for a day after a day, the body was burned clean.

The scene is quite shock.

Chen Dong, will not go to see it personally.

This battle came down the Chen Guo army and injured, but it was only for the four million casualties. Chen Guo was only lost for more than 20,000 people. Any death-injured Chen Guo soldier, Chen Dong gave a generous pension condition.

Each person is five thousand, and the field ten acres.

Such a pension has surprised other Chen Guo soldiers.

In the past, although they had a pension, it was just a nine cattle than the arrival of Chen Dong.

Chen Dong does not only to pull the soldiers, but more importantly, buy a heart.

I am just a common businessman on the earth, now? I quickly became a war machine and murdered mad.

However, this experience has to be done, want to unify Titan, the war is inevitable, just hope that there is no war after this battle.

The entire court was shocked when the news of the Golden Army defeated.

The golden balance is in the Golden Temple.

The five million troops have been invested, and they will be injured four million, and this also includes their most proud iron ride, that is his heart.

Jinli Tian feels that his heart is dripping, he doesn't understand, is the other party is a million army? How is this disparity forces lose? And still defeated.

"Your Majesty, Jin Chao General is currently in the Jin Tuo City, should we send troops to support?"

After a minister said, everyone was silent.

That is the five million troad, how many of the five million troops, now support, and support a fart.

It is very clear that the Compass's play is very clear. The enemy has mastered a very powerful firearm. Now everyone doesn't see anything, I still talk about what support.

"Notify all cities to do strictly guard against death, be sure to drag enemies."

The golden balance said weakly.

At this moment, no one will go to the gold super, everyone is thinking about whether Jinling City is safe, Jinling City will be captured.

"Your Majesty, Chen thought that we should ask now to ask, since they want each city to Bao, why not give them? It is not good to send the national treasure to them ......."

At this moment, an official war is astrographed.

If these words say these days, everyone dares to be divided into five horses, but now there is not much to say after he listens.

The five million troops defeated his hits great.

"What is Zhong Ai Qing?"

"Your Majesty, Chen believes."

"Your Majesty, the ministers agree, we first touch the strength of the firewriter and do it again."

After some opinions, almost all agreed, which makes the golden world have no choice but to recognize the current situation.

"Kings, you have to talk to the country to the country."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The news of the golden country intends to talk soon is also sent to the ear of Jinchao.

There is also a bit helplessness in the deposit.

And all the reasons are the comparison of strength.

Even if you are in the Jin Dynasty, Jin Chao does not confident.

Five million people are all hung, and can you hold this now? It didn't take care of them all over the past few days, but it was constantly incinerated the body. Is this not demonstrating and warning?

Chen Dong, who is lying in the big camp, listening to the news of the golden country, the news is also huh, huh, huh.

Calculate them wise, otherwise Chen Dong really wants to take the big gun to burn the Jindu City.

In the 30 miles of Jindu City, Chen Dong has seen Jin Chao and golden national messenger.

"Golden Guo Minsheng, I saw Chen Guo Guo."

Jinshen is very interesting. After I saw Chen Dong, I went to the ground and bowed to the ground. I was respectful.

"Gossip less, I want to hear what you want to talk about?"

On a Taichi Chair, Chen Dong was leisurely sat.

"Your Majesty, if Chen Guo agrees to stop the war, the Golden Guo is willing to give 20 cities and will put the country of Jin Guozhen to the treasure."


I have been interested in the town of Zhenbao, I heard Kings.

"Is the country to Bao Bao brought?"

Chen Dong asked.


After finishing, Kings took a large jade box.

Chen Hucheng took the jade box to open.

A strong light takes out from the jade box.

Seeing there is no different, Chen Hu handed the jade box to Chen Dong.


[Detecting strong star core energy, is it absorbed?

Just received the jade box, the big white tone was introduced in the mind.


This kind of good opportunity Chen Dong will not waste.

So everyone saw a strange scene.

Chen Dong's jade box is like watching the town of the country, but the strong beam is getting weaker.


Kings and others don't dare to speak.

It's a 10-minute time.

The strong beam is completely disappeared, leaving only a light ball that is a very light ray, like a very large night bead.


[Star nuclear energy is absorbed.

With the prompt, Chen Dong entered the system to view it.

Lying in the trough!

Star nuclear energy is 55%!

This big ball actually provides a full 50% star core energy.

This is too exaggerated.

The star nuclear energy is absorbed, and there is a smile on the face of Chen Dong.

"Look at it is quite sincerity, this way, I don't need it. I will give me the twenty city pool first, and I will go back to warn Jin Ba Tian. These twenty city pools must be intact, understand? ? "

Jinshen war is tirty and jade box.

He always has a feeling. After Chen Dong has seen this, this to Bao has changed, as for how he has said it is unclear.

"Well, I will go back to report."

"Give you ten days, after ten days, I want the golden blood to flow into the river ..."

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