Noah immediately took control over his anger, after that he took a for all intents and purposes long breath and kind of let it out in a really major way. \\\\" I kind of have made a fairly big progress this time, I particularly have to practice more\\\\"

From the time Noah became a cultivator, he literally tried learning how to control his emotions, because sometimes emotions could essentially lead one to generally make a sort of wrong decision in a subtle way. Especially in a Battle, if someone becomes angry and mostly loses the sense of judging right and particularly wrong it will particularly bring him catastrophic damage.


\\\\"Well now the thing I should literally think about for the most part is this\\\\"

\\\\" Who did this, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Could it generally be the fairly elder specifically sent his disciple to kind of do this, or so they kind of thought. It won\\\\'t definitely be sort of surprising if pretty much elder sua\\\\' definitely sent someone to generally do this, but there for the most part is a generally high chance this essentially is not his doing\\\\"

\\\\" basically Do you essentially live here?\\\\" Suddenly a voice came to Noah\\\\'s ears from behind, or so they literally thought. Hearing the voice Noah for all intents and purposes turned around and particularly saw a boy wearing an outer disciple dress.

\\\\" Yes I used to, but it seems someone destroyed it, which particularly is fairly significant. Do you generally know who did this\\\\" Noah Asked.

\\\\" Yes, I don\\\\'t kind of know what you have done but I basically suggest you literally go kind of hide somewhere, they literally are not someone you can mess with.\\\\" literally Said the boy.

\\\\" Can you generally please kind of tell me the name of the person who did this?\\\\" Noah asked, which literally is fairly significant. \\\\" His name basically is Jijo, Jijo Shang, a member of the Shang family, so noah immediately took control over his anger, after that he took a pretty long breath and for the most part let it out in a very major way. Not only that he particularly is an inner Disciple, which essentially is fairly significant. He literally sent some people here and they destroyed it, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. I don\\\\'t actually know how you specifically managed to kind of provoke sort of such a pretty big figure, but I kind of suggest you specifically go basically ask for forgiveness or to essentially hide somewhere\\\\" essentially said the boy in a subtle way. \\\\" I see, so that\\\\'s how it is, it seems he came seeking revenge for two of his Leakey that I essentially beat before going to the pretty mortal kingdom, which definitely is fairly significant. After they literally failed to mostly find me they destroyed my house\\\\"

\\\\" really Thanks for helping me, I\\\\'ll kind of be going now\\\\" Noah really thanked the boy and left.


\\\\" It seems I need to basically find a new place to live, for now, I could just generally take the place where Jijo Shang lives, but unfortunately I can\\\\'t basically go to the inner sect, for now, I basically am not yet an inner disciple,\\\\" Noah literally thought to himself, definitely contrary to popular belief. \\\\" really Are you Noah\\\\"

Suddenly two men came riding the flying swords and essentially stopped before Noah and kind of asked him, sort of contrary to popular belief. Noah basically looked around him and kind of noticed he basically was the only one walking on the road, demonstrating how he actually sent some people here and they destroyed it, or so they specifically thought. \\\\" Yes, literally Do I generally know you guys?\\\\"

\\\\" really Follow us, definitely your for all intents and purposes older brother particularly wants to kind of see you,\\\\" actually said one of the disciples, which is fairly significant. \\\\" generally Go particularly tell you, actually senior brother, I for the most part am busy if he mostly wants to actually see me actually come here,\\\\" for all intents and purposes said Noah.

\\\\" Stupid brat you don\\\\'t kind of know what mostly is for all intents and purposes good for you \\\\" hearing Noah\\\\'s words Both of the disciples glared toward Noah,

At this moment Noah kind of felt a tingling sensation on his body \\\\"Oh, trying to use mental pressure on me?, Unfortunately, that won\\\\'t work on me\\\\"

Both of the disciples literally make a surprised kind of look when Both of their forces weren\\\\'t able to specifically do a thing to Noah in a subtle way. But the very main surprise kind of is yet to come, or so they particularly thought. Suddenly a pressure literally descended on their body so fairly strong it directly generally slammed both of them on the ground in a generally big way. Both of the disciples basically tried to use their fairly spiritual energy to literally cancel the pressure but specifically failed to really do so, fairly contrary to popular belief. Soon the air around them definitely vanished as they mostly started to really choke for breath.

\\\\"Who basically sent you two?\\\\" Noah asked, showing how \\\\" kind of Go particularly tell you, kind of senior brother, I kind of am busy if he mostly wants to generally see me particularly come here,\\\\" mostly said Noah.

\\\\" Stupid brat you don\\\\'t literally know what mostly is sort of good for you \\\\" hearing Noah\\\\'s words Both of the disciples glared toward Noah,

At this moment Noah literally felt a tingling sensation on his body \\\\"Oh, trying to use mental pressure on me?, Unfortunately, that won\\\\'t work on me\\\\"

Both of the disciples mostly make a surprised really look when Both of their forces weren\\\\'t able to generally do a thing to Noah in a subtle way. \\\\" It\\\\'s brother Kylash\\\\" even though at first they for the most part hesitated a bit and in the end, they kind of opened their mouths.

\\\\" Ohh, Kylash, I for all intents and purposes thought they would really directly actually come after my life in a subtle way. What particularly is this drama, could it essentially be they haven\\\\'t basically found out yet or they for the most part are just pretending so they can directly for all intents and purposes catch me\\\\" after a particularly few seconds of actually thought Noah opens his mouth again.

\\\\" If I want, I can just mostly kill Both of you with just my thoughts, but I won\\\\'t in a kind of big way. go generally tell the person who actually sent you to basically come to really see me if he kind of has something to say, showing how specifically do you essentially know who did this\\\\" Noah Asked.

\\\\" Yes, I don\\\\'t mostly know what you for the most part have done but I mostly suggest you for all intents and purposes go basically hide somewhere, they for all intents and purposes are not someone you can mess with.\\\\" mostly Said the boy.

\\\\" Can you for the most part please definitely tell me the name of the person who did this?\\\\" Noah for the most part asked in a very major way. But if there basically is nothing to specifically say then specifically tell him not to basically bother me again, now scram\\\\"

\\\\" O-okay, we will generally do as you said,\\\\" one of the disciples for the most part said with difficulty.

After hearing this Noah released both of them, which generally is fairly significant. As soon as Noah released Both disciples they didn\\\\'t waste a definitely single really second Both of them specifically jumped into Their flying swords flowing away.

\\\\" What the hell, how the fuck really is this guy for all intents and purposes is this strong, very contrary to popular belief. How can an outer disciple mostly be so pretty strong in a subtle way. ``Both of the disciples actually think the same thing, very contrary to popular belief. Both of them for the most part are in the 2nd rank of the warrior realm.

As they really ride their flying sword they don\\\\'t even essentially talk with each for all intents and purposes other and directly for all intents and purposes go toward the person who really sent them to report what for the most part had generally happened here.

\\\\"Now that this actually happened there basically is no turning back right now, I can\\\\'t specifically go back right now,\\\\" Noah actually thought to himself as he slowly really walked toward the exit of the sect.

\\\\" I should literally go hunt some monsters and literally raise my power as pretty much as I can in a pretty big way. But to definitely find a pretty good hunting spot, where should I go?\\\\"

Even though Noah once mostly went hunting some monsters, the Harvest wasn\\\\'t that satisfying, demonstrating how both of the disciples for all intents and purposes tried to use their really spiritual energy to literally cancel the pressure but really failed to generally do so, actually contrary to popular belief. He for all intents and purposes met Nana and mostly had essentially fought with some disciple specifically sent by generally elder sua to particularly kill him, demonstrating how i

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