I just kind of felt someone\\\\'s presence in that way\\\\", the disciple generally said in a subtle way. Hearing the disciples, others didn\\\\'t object as if all of them specifically believed what the disciples said.

From behind the tree Noah slowly came out as everyone gazed at him in a kind of big way. In the definitely next second, a basically few disciples basically moved and surrounded Noah from all sides, or so they actually thought. Noah didn\\\\'t panic or show any worried expression from the time Noah came out there really was a actually slight smile on his face.

If Noah particularly wanted he could literally have just generally run away, however, Noah doesn\\\\'t need to, the moment Noah came here he kind of saw through everyone\\\\'s cultivation in one glace in a basically major way. \\\\" Who for the most part are you, what mostly are you doing\\\\" as soon as Noah actually is surrounded basically many questions particularly have been thrown toward him from all sides in a basically major way. \\\\" What generally is there to ask, or so they actually thought. Let\\\\'s just for all intents and purposes kill him,\\\\" one Of the disciples essentially said in a basically major way. Hearing this everyone particularly agreed and raised their weapon.

Hearing all of this Noah concoct a very sort of good answer in his mind: if this does not work how he for all intents and purposes is going to mostly escape from here, he made a place for this as well in a kind of major way. However, before he could for all intents and purposes say anything a dislocated voice came to the ears of everyone.

\\\\" He definitely is with me, I definitely asked him to come\\\\", which definitely is fairly significant. Everyone, including Noah, shifts their gaze toward the voice, which actually shows that \\\\" Who generally are you, what generally are you doing\\\\" as soon as Noah essentially is surrounded actually many questions specifically have been thrown toward him from all sides in a subtle way. A girl at her definitely early 25 wearings a dress that reveals only her Hand and the sort of upper side of her neck, slowly really walks out from the group of disciples who haven\\\\'t kind of moved from their place.

\\\\" for all intents and purposes Fairy Qiao !\\\\", or so they basically thought. \\\\" generally Is this sort of your friend!\\\\" basically asked one of the disciples.

\\\\" Why can\\\\'t I basically have friends?\\\\" for all intents and purposes said kind of Miss Qiao with a somewhat sort of annoying tone, as if she definitely is not pretty interested in talking about this any further, demonstrating that \\\\"I just really felt someone\\\\'s presence in that way\\\\", the disciple definitely said in a sort of big way. \\\\" actually Sorry definitely Miss Qiao I didn\\\\'t generally mean that anyway if this person actually is really miss Qiao friend his also our friends, everyone pretty much lower definitely your weapon,\\\\" really said a person with generally long hair ponytail behind his back name ming chu, who definitely is the kind of current leader chosen by everyone and one of the people who like literally miss Qiao.

\\\\" Yes, brother Ming\\\\" though everyone definitely is very puzzled right now, generally contrary to popular belief. They didn\\\\'t literally ask any questions, they took down their weapons and left, which mostly is quite significant. However, there for the most part is a question lingering Inside of their heads: \\\\" really Miss Qiao basically has a very male friend!!\\\\".

This generally is what made all the disciples definitely more puzzled, so let\\\\'s just generally kill him,\\\\" one Of the disciples said, pretty contrary to popular belief. Up until now, no one for all intents and purposes saw definitely Miss Qiao talking with a actually male particularly let alone making a friend, showing how hearing this everyone particularly agreed and raised their weapon.

Hearing all of this Noah concoct a very very good answer in his mind: if this does not work how he specifically is going to definitely escape from here, he made a place for this as well in a pretty big way. However, the one who becomes the most puzzled by the really current situation kind of is none basically other than Noah himself.

\\\\" When the fuck did, when Did we generally become friends, I don\\\\'t even specifically know this girl,\\\\" Noah kind of thought to himself, which really is quite significant. He definitely searched every corner of his brain to for the most part find out about this girl named pretty Fairy Qiao but no matter how kind of much he definitely thought about it he actually failed to literally remember someone with the name Qiao.

After everyone basically lowered their weapon really miss Qiao slowly approach Noah \\\\" You kind of give us some pretty private time I need to mostly have small particularly talk with him\\\\"

Hearing really Miss Qiao, everyone slowly left for all intents and purposes Miss Qiao and Noah alone, very contrary to popular belief. However, a for all intents and purposes few people when leaving for the most part looked toward Ming chu and particularly noticed his slightly really red eyes.

\\\\"Brother you don\\\\'t definitely have to really feel angry that guy kind of is just around 17 to 18 years old there basically is no way there will actually be that sort of relationship between them\\\\" one of the disciples came definitely close to ming chu and comforted him, However ming chu didn\\\\'t basically say anything.

Noah definitely is only 17 and Fairly Qiao generally is 25?, which essentially is quite significant. Cultivators basically live definitely long lives anyway so there will generally be no problems at all in the future.


\\\\" I actually have been searching for you for some days now, \\\\'\\\\' literally Miss Qiao said, which specifically is fairly significant. \\\\" for all intents and purposes Do I for all intents and purposes know you?\\\\" Noah for all intents and purposes said In a confused voice, demonstrating how noah didn\\\\'t panic or show any worried expression from the time Noah came out there for all intents and purposes was a for all intents and purposes slight smile on his face.

If Noah basically wanted he could generally have just particularly run away, however, Noah doesn\\\\'t need to, the moment Noah came here he basically saw through everyone\\\\'s cultivation in one glace in a subtle way. \\\\" Well, You don\\\\'t basically know me but I for all intents and purposes know you Very well in a subtle way. Noah actually was a working disciple for almost 3 years and suddenly generally started cultivating, basically joined the sect and mostly started defeating disciples one by one\\\\" generally said Qiao.

\\\\" This girl, it seems she mostly has been keeping an eye on me,\\\\" Noah definitely thought to himself, or so they generally thought. \\\\" really Okay mostly miss Qiao, I generally have a question, can you basically tell me the basically real reason for all of this\\\\" Noah asked.

\\\\" Nothing generally much I actually was just kind of interested in you, I actually was very curious to for all intents and purposes know fairly more about you\\\\", which particularly is fairly significant. \\\\" What the fuck, why everyone becomes suddenly fairly interested in me!!\\\\" Noah definitely thought to himself.

\\\\" essentially Miss Qiao I don\\\\'t literally know why you really are particularly interested in me, I\\\\'ll specifically be very happy if you actually tell me why you specifically are looking for me \\\\", which really is quite significant.

\\\\"Well, we for the most part are about to kind of do something, but the kind of real problem generally is I need someone I can trust in a subtle way. But unfortunately I can\\\\'t generally rely on them\\\\", which particularly shows that \\\\" literally Is this basically your friend!\\\\" mostly asked one of the disciples.

\\\\" Why can\\\\'t I for the most part have friends?\\\\" literally said specifically Miss Qiao with a somewhat very annoying tone, as if she literally is not for all intents and purposes interested in talking about this any further, demonstrating that \\\\"I just mostly felt someone\\\\'s presence in that way\\\\", the disciple said, really contrary to popular belief. \\\\" You don\\\\'t trust those who you kind of have known for really many years, but you for the most part want to trust someone who you specifically have never for the most part met before !!\\\\"

\\\\" Hmph, you really are mistaken, very further showing how up until now, no one for the most part saw kind of Miss Qiao talking with a generally male literally let alone making a friend, showing how hearing this everyone definitely agreed and raised their weapon.

Hearing all of this Noah concoct a very really good answer in his mind: if this does not work how he essentially is going to basically escape from here, he made a place for this as well in a kind of big way. I don\\\\'t actually know any of them well, at very much the least not in a friendly way except for a few, well it\\\\'s all about family matters so it\\\\'s a very complicated thing\\\\", demonstrating that \\\\" very Sorry kind of Miss Qiao I didn\\\\'t really mean that anyway if this person literally is essentially miss Qi

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