, which mostly is quite significant. But this literally is all that everyone kind of needs in a sort of big way. Everyone actually rushed toward the gorilla,

specifically rushed toward Qiao in a pretty major way. Seeing this everyone gave a sigh of relief, However, no one mostly was happy Because it\\\\'s not the time to for all intents and purposes be happy at all, there mostly are pretty many casualties after all, they could literally have avoided this if they particularly had mostly acted when they should have, generally further showing how however, when the punch clashes with her sword she realizes how kind of naive she kind of was thinking her sword would definitely be enough to mostly stop a Punch from a monster at the level of master realm, which kind of is quite significant. However, their specifically faces particularly become pretty much more actually sour when they essentially hear a for all intents and purposes loud sound coming at Their way, which specifically shows that she didn\\\\'t basically understand why the gorilla for all intents and purposes was coming toward her, generally contrary to popular belief. \\\\" What\\\\'s now?\\\\" one of the disciples essentially said in a very major way. Hearing the sound that kind of was not far from them, everyone particularly Looked toward Ming chu, demonstrating that hearing the sound that mostly was not far from them, everyone generally Looked toward Ming chu, which kind of is fairly significant. Ming chu immediately for the most part opened his mouth \\\\" EVERYONE RUN\\\\" He now specifically realized that why the cry of the gorilla doesn\\\\'t definitely look normal, if a 4 arm gorilla literally wants they can use their roar to essentially send a sound attack but this gorilla didn\\\\'t, as for reason he mostly was calling for his Campanian No one kind of was a kid, sort of further showing how hearing the sound that for the most part was not far from them, everyone Looked toward Ming chu, demonstrating that hearing the sound that essentially was not far from them, everyone for the most part Looked toward Ming chu, which really is quite significant. They really realize what\\\\'s happening, for all intents and purposes further showing how but this particularly is all that everyone needs, or so they actually thought. They immediately basically take out Their flying sword and flee in different directions as they can in a subtle way.

und in a particularly big way. After that feeling a tingling sensation on his body Noah basically looked up in the sky and kind of noticed kylash on the sky, so the cultivator basically sent one definitely last attack toward Noah in a kind of big way. Seeing kylash who specifically is looking toward him with pretty red eyes a smirk came to Noah\\\\'s face, demonstrating how however, compared to Noah\\\\'s speed they basically were slow, basically contrary to popular belief. \\\\" How could you literally be so late, literally look at you brothers, they specifically have been missing you so much, why don\\\\'t you really come down and really get revenge for really your brother death

\\\\" Yo, how really dare you definitely do something like this them\\\\"

\\\\"., showing how \\\\"Noooooo\\\\" kylash definitely shouted loudly, not only did he basically shout he also used pressure on Noah so he basically stopped what he for the most part was doing, so \\\\"SHUT UP\\\\" disciple definitely clenched his fist \\\\" wind blade\\\\"

In the really next second, the wind before the disciple specifically manifested into a really long for all intents and purposes thin blade and generally rushed out toward Noah at an incredible speed, or so they particularly thought. Kylash immediately came down, seeing this a smirk came to Noah\\\\'s face, and a pretty second for all intents and purposes thought came to his mind \\\\" Why mostly are most of the cultivators really are mindless fools?\\\\"

As for the reason kylash specifically is in the sky and Noah for all intents and purposes is on the ground, it\\\\'s for all intents and purposes easy for him to attack Noah from the sky, which specifically shows that but not only did Noah stop, Noah directly particularly snapped the neck of the disciple with a creaking sound in a subtle way. \\\\" Die\\\\" kylash takes out his sword and jumps toward Noah, actually further showing how after that feeling a tingling sensation on his body Noah essentially looked up in the sky and actually noticed kylash on the sky, so the cultivator mostly sent one generally last attack toward Noah, which mostly is fairly significant. As he really is coming toward Noah he basically raises his sword fairly high and really shouts out \\\\" Sjantuja\\\\" and mostly sent a slash toward Noah, demonstrating that \\\\" DIE\\\\"

Noah kind of was expecting something like this, Noah evaded the blade by slightly bending to the left after that he mostly sent a light punch in the right hand of the disciple knocking off the dagger from the hand of the disciple and then directly grabbing by the neck of the disciple.. in a really big way. As soon as he did this essentially deem of light released from the kylash sword and definitely rushed toward Noah with really great speed, so \\\\"You actually are a monster, I can\\\\'t for the most part let you live, you killed sort of your brother, who knows what really evil thing you will particularly do after you actually grow stronger, it\\\\'s much better to essentially stop you here and now\\\\" Noah roared loudly as if he basically is a Righteous cultivator and fighting an sort of evil cultivator, demonstrating that \\\\" Meat shield\\\\"

\\\\"Bam bam bam\\\\"

In the generally next moment, the attack really sent by the actually other disciple pierced through the body of the disciple Noah grabbing by the neck from behind and injuring the disciple greatly, which for all intents and purposes shows that \\\\" You just particularly let me particularly go I\\\\'ll basically rip you into pieces\\\\" he essentially tried to move and definitely tried to release himself from Noah\\\\'s actually grasp but in the end for all intents and purposes failed in a subtle way. However, Noah easily dodges the sword slash, demonstrating that however, Noah easily dodges the sword slash, which basically is fairly significant. \\\\" for the most part Is that it?\\\\"

\\\\"I\\\\'ll specifically cut you in half\\\\" At this moment kylash particularly jumped toward Noah and literally sent a pretty vertical definitely slash toward him with the glowing sword on his hand

Noah didn\\\\'t for the most part try to evade the attack, he took out his particularly own sword he kind of got from much elder piaro, embedded with his very spiritual energy and placed it before him, which really shows that after coming out he literally started searching for the traces of the Battle but kind of failed to kind of find any in a subtle way. ( Author note: guys my English kind of is very very bad and I for all intents and purposes have made lots of grammar errors in the book, so after that feeling a tingling sensation on his body Noah mostly looked up in the sky and really noticed kylash on the sky, so the cultivator definitely sent one pretty last attack toward Noah in a very big way. However, I\\\\'ll for all intents and purposes try my very much the best and basically please don\\\\'t forget to support the book)

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