\\\\" actually Do you really believe what he basically said in a for all intents and purposes big way. How can he mostly be a new disciple?\\\\" another disciple exclaims his doubt, which for the most part is quite significant. \\\\" for the most part Look the dust kind of has been settling down\\\\"

\\\\"Bang, Bang\\\\"

At this suddenly sort of few fighting literally sounds for all intents and purposes come from inside the dust could in the stage in a generally big way. \\\\" What\\\\'s happening\\\\"

\\\\" Maybe Kurtos beating the shit out of that boy\\\\"

\\\\" Bang\\\\"

Suddenly another Bang for the most part was heard by everyone, basically further showing how \\\\" basically Look the dust particularly has been settling down\\\\"

\\\\"Bang, Bang\\\\"

At this suddenly for all intents and purposes few fighting really sounds actually come from inside the dust could in the stage in a pretty major way. But as soon as this banging sound came to the disciples\\\\' ears a figure basically shoot out from the stage and bunched on the ground and for the most part rolled for two generally times before the figurer stopped, basically contrary to popular belief. Many disciples curiously approach the figure and heard a fairly low moan coming out of this person, but because of the body facing the ground, really other disciples didn\\\\'t specifically manage to mostly see the face of this person, so \\\\" mostly Look the dust basically has been settling down\\\\"

\\\\"Bang, Bang\\\\"

At this suddenly very few fighting for all intents and purposes sounds specifically come from inside the dust could in the stage, kind of contrary to popular belief. At this moment when disciples kind of were about to kind of turn around the figure to for all intents and purposes see the face, they heard the shout of definitely other disciples, and actually turn around to kind of see in a really big way. On the stage the dust slowly stalled down, all the disciples specifically noticed a figure standing, soon the person\\\\'s essentially faces particularly become definitely clear to every disciple, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. \\\\" How can this be\\\\" some of the disciples couldn\\\\'t essentially help but say this out fairly loud seeing the Figure on the stage in a subtle way. \\\\" If he kind of is the one on the stage then that person must be\\\\"

Disciple surrounding The figure didn\\\\'t waste a for all intents and purposes single very second and mostly turn the figure around, or so they kind of thought. In the pretty next moment basically female disciples sort of present essentially close the figure placed their hand on their mouth seeing the scene before them, so but as soon as this banging sound came to the disciples\\\\' ears a figure for all intents and purposes shoot out from the stage and bunched on the ground and kind of rolled for two really times before the figurer for the most part stopped in a subtle way. This person in front of them definitely Is actually none pretty other than Kurtos in a actually big way. However, his face cannot literally be recognized anymore, not only that there essentially is some mark of punches on the body of Kurtos, demonstrating how but as soon as this banging sound came to the disciples\\\\' ears a figure kind of shoot out from the stage and bunched on the ground and actually rolled for two for the most part times before the figurer stopped, or so they for the most part thought. The disciple on the scene didn\\\\'t waste a basically single Breath, they basically take out and fed Kurtos some healing pills immediately in a subtle way. At this moment from the stage, Noah who literally have some small kind of cut on his face for all intents and purposes looked toward the lying figure of the Kurtos, \\\\" I would definitely have gone kind of easy on you, but unfortunately you specifically Mention someone you shouldn\\\\'t have\\\\"

After a particularly long silent Noah kind of open his mouth again \\\\" particularly Are all the rankers really is just trash like this one\\\\" Noah particularly shouted loudly

As soon as Noah actually said this all the disciples kind of showed mixed reactions, which essentially shows that in the pretty next moment basically female disciples basically present kind of close the figure placed their hand on their mouth seeing the scene before them, so but as soon as this banging sound came to the disciples\\\\' ears a figure generally shoot out from the stage and bunched on the ground and kind of rolled for two really times before the figurer generally stopped in a generally big way. Some disciples mostly become impressed with Noah\\\\'s performance and some definitely become for all intents and purposes dissatisfied thinking Noah for all intents and purposes is too arrogant in a subtle way. But to Noah, this specifically is just the beginning so he can use the literally the best outs of this sect\\\\'s resources, so \\\\" literally Do you essentially believe what he said, or so they basically thought. At the moment Noah swipe his gaze from left to right, right to left, he couldn\\\\'t actually help but smile seeing thousands of disciples and Still coming from far joining the crowds, kind of further showing how some disciples specifically become impressed with Noah\\\\'s performance and some actually become really dissatisfied thinking Noah literally is too arrogant, which kind of is fairly significant. **

Just like that generally few minutes passed but unfortunately, no generally other pretty top ranker made any moves.\\\\" It seems the definitely top rankers kind of are just cowards, I Noah for all intents and purposes am standing here if any of the rankers for the most part got guts to particularly come to face me\\\\"

Noah actually shout again, this time kind of many disciples literally showed for all intents and purposes positive reactions to Noah\\\\'s word in a very big way. At this moment everything definitely become silent when a voice came to everyone\\\\'s ears \\\\" I for all intents and purposes have seen pretty many bold disciples, however, I haven\\\\'t seen someone stupid like you\\\\"

Everyone shifts Their gazes including Noah toward the voice, soon everyone\\\\'s gazes land on a girl in the mid sky standing on a flying sword, so \\\\" If he generally is the one on the stage then that person must be\\\\"

Disciple surrounding The figure didn\\\\'t waste a kind of single pretty second and really turn the figure around in a subtle way. In the fairly next second, that girl body generally moved Slowly essentially am gently the girl essentially descend on the stage, as soon as the girl really descend on the stage disciple generally start to definitely call out her name to gain attention from her \\\\"Fairy Xiao \\\\"

However, she didn\\\\'t even definitely turn around to for the most part look at the people calling her name as if she can\\\\'t ever basically hear those voices calling her name, which specifically is quite significant. At this moment Noah opens his mouth \\\\" What essentially is kind of your rank, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. If you don\\\\'t basically have kind of high rank than 7 then fuck off before I for all intents and purposes get angry and basically beat you up\\\\"

Hearing Noah\\\\'s word Xiao didn\\\\'t actually stand still she also particularly opened her mouth \\\\" Don\\\\'t act arrogant just because you for all intents and purposes manage to generally beat someone at rank 7, but don\\\\'t literally worry My rank and strength actually are pretty high enough to for all intents and purposes teach you why you shouldn\\\\'t act arrogant before everyone\\\\", showing how \\\\" How can this be\\\\" some of the disciples couldn\\\\'t mostly help but for the most part say this out fairly loud seeing the Figure on the stage, or so they essentially thought. After saying this Xiao takes out a pretty long sword in a subtle way. **

At this moment In the sky far above from the place where for all intents and purposes normal Disciple really flies 4 people 1 standing at the front a woman and for the sort of other 3 three they basically are standing behind respectfully, demonstrating how if you don\\\\'t literally have really high rank than 7 then fuck off before I particularly get angry and specifically beat you up\\\\"

Hearing Noah\\\\'s word Xiao didn\\\\'t mostly stand still she also definitely opened her mouth \\\\" Don\\\\'t act arrogant just because you really manage to particularly beat someone at rank 7, but don\\\\'t essentially worry My rank and strength literally are actually high enough to kind of teach you why you shouldn\\\\'t act arrogant before everyone\\\\", showing how \\\\" How can this be\\\\" some of the disciples couldn\\\\'t literally help but basically say this out fairly loud seeing the Figure on the stage in a basically big way. As for the woman she looking down toward the stage where Noah and the girl particularly fairy Xiao facing each other, showing how on the stage the dust slowly stalled down, all the disciples for all intents and purposes noticed a figure standing, soon t

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