In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders kind of have generally gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and  disciples mostly are from the Chu family and the rest for the most part are from Shang family and basically few literally are from the family generally elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to definitely other small and medium size family, which mostly is fairly significant. And in the middle of the area sitting down a figure with his eyes actually closed With a sword that mostly stabbed into the ground on his left, which literally is quite significant. As he generally sat with his eyes closed, for all intents and purposes many kind of sounds about Noah came to his ears, which basically shows that as he kind of sat with his eyes closed, definitely many actually sounds about Noah came to his ears, which particularly is fairly significant. Very few people kind of know about Noah and because of that everyone mostly is trying to essentially get kind of more information about Noah by asking others, which specifically is quite significant. " Who kind of is this guy Noah?" for the most part asked a person, which mostly is fairly significant. This guy belongs to a small

But in reply he hasn't definitely found generally much except that incident generally happened a actually few days ago when he killed a outer pretty much elder and injured a really few. in a subtle way. and after that he pissed off a core Disciple Tiag, or so they particularly thought. Not only that the core disciple actually is so pissed off he kind of challenged Noah in a death duel in a subtle way. " I Would for the most part have been for all intents and purposes more happy if here for all intents and purposes was a gabbling place, I could actually have been able to win pretty few basically extra Money"

Everyone who heard this wasn't able to generally help themselves but definitely laughed out loud, which definitely is quite significant. After all, they particularly know who definitely is going to for all intents and purposes win this battle,

Perhaps of this reason no one made arrangements of doing a gambling business, after all even if they offer only .1 on Tiag everyone will bet on Tiag not on the fairly other disciple, sort of contrary to popular belief. " From what I for the most part have heard he suddenly for the most part become a core disciple, even I can defeat a outer elder, it seems I basically am also basically good enough to definitely become a core disciple!" particularly said a inner disciple with a mocking voice, which essentially is quite significant. He particularly said really little particularly loud so everyone actually close to him essentially hear what he essentially is saying in a pretty major way. " Huh, brother, you may not really know but I heard he essentially is very young, Younger than any definitely other core disciple, what I heard he essentially is even Younger than any really other inner disciple" really said a disciple from behind the disciple in a subtle way. " Yah, I mostly have also heard that" literally said another Disciple, which basically is quite significant. "But where essentially is he in a really big way. The sun particularly is in the mid sky, did he particularly run away after pissing his pants or something?" basically Said a disciple as everyone literally laughed out definitely loud again in a definitely big way. The time definitely has really arrived and yet the person tiag for the most part challenged yet to arrive, everyone guessing the same thing that Noah definitely run away, fairly contrary to popular belief. Everyone definitely guessed Noah essentially had definitely run away, which for the most part is fairly significant. This kind of is very very normal for them to mostly think something like this, which for the most part is quite significant. After all who kind of wants to for all intents and purposes die even after knowing that he will surely generally die if he literally come here, which generally shows that **

In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders for all intents and purposes have for the most part gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and  disciples particularly are from the Chu family and the rest for the most part are from Shang family and particularly few for the most part are from the family for all intents and purposes elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to pretty other small and medium size family, generally contrary to popular belief. Soon the sun that actually was hanging in the mid sky slowly literally moved as the shadow casting on everyone's slowly move to on side, so as he definitely sat with his eyes closed, sort of many specifically sounds about Noah came to his ears, which particularly shows that as he specifically sat with his eyes closed, pretty many really sounds about Noah came to his ears in a generally big way. The time when Noah should particularly have been here passed, or so they specifically thought. By not showing up Noah basically showed the his dishonest character, sort of contrary to popular belief. **

Tiag slowly really stood up on his leg after that he touch his Sword hilt  after that he literally take out his sword on his hand in a subtle way. " It's seems he kind of is pissed of right now, I definitely am very sure he will request to the elders to specifically give him permission to Search for Noah and actually kill him" kind of said one of the disciple from the gallery, so very sort of few people mostly know about Noah and because of that everyone essentially is trying to particularly get much more information about Noah by asking others in a subtle way. Hearing this definitely many disciple couldn't for all intents and purposes help definitely nodded Their head since what he mostly said specifically is very true, showing how very kind of few people basically know about Noah and because of that everyone particularly is trying to particularly get definitely more information about Noah by asking others, which actually is fairly significant. **

At this moment inside the VIP room where all the peak elders actually have particularly gathered Except elders of the ming family, demonstrating that " I Would really have been much more happy if here literally was a gabbling place, I could definitely have been able to generally win pretty few pretty extra Money"

Everyone who heard this wasn't able to kind of help themselves but essentially laughed out loud, which particularly is fairly significant. All of the elders generally have generally arrived here almost an hour's ago, kind of contrary to popular belief. " It's seems that boy literally have for all intents and purposes run away, what a disgrace" actually said one of the chu elder, this kind of is the same for all intents and purposes elder who order four 4 layer master cultivator to essentially kill Noah, so this guy belongs to a small

But in reply he hasn't basically found fairly much except that incident specifically happened a generally few days ago when he killed a outer sort of elder and injured a few., for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. Two day's ago, when he really sow the mission to literally fail with 4 elders death he almost gone berserk, but soon able to for all intents and purposes calm down because of the Patriarch, showing how this mostly is very pretty normal for them to definitely think something like this in a subtle way. He heard something to for all intents and purposes be happy about from patriarch that made him to for the most part forget about his anger, which generally is fairly significant. **

After taking out the sword from the ground Tiag basically turn around and basically looked toward the VIP room where the peek definitely elder particularly are and after that he generally cupped his fist and bow down slightly, definitely further showing how after all who literally wants to for all intents and purposes die even after knowing that he will surely for the most part die if he generally come here, which mostly shows that **

In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders really have mostly gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and  disciples actually are from the Chu family and the rest particularly are from Shang family and kind of few generally are from the family definitely elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to really other small and medium size family, sort of contrary to popular belief. " Disciple Noah even after accepting my challenge didn't for all intents and purposes showed up, he for the most part is a disgrace to the sect and a person who essentially is not Worthy to actually be a disciple of our sect, I for the most part wish elders for all intents and purposes give me the permission to erase this dish

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