onest person so in the future he dot generally get the chance to tarnish the name of our sect", demonstrating how this actually is very generally normal for them to specifically think something like this in a pretty big way. He literally is clearly saying I kind of wants to mostly kill Noah now, it doesn't matter even if he actually run away, I will kind of find him and literally kill him, he doesn't generally needs to mostly ask for permission anymore since both of them literally agreed to basically accept the death challenge, showing how the sun basically is in the mid sky, did he essentially run away after pissing his pants or something?" particularly Said a disciple as everyone actually laughed out basically loud again in a pretty major way. However, if Noah kind of manage to essentially get out of the area control by the sect, the sect cannot actually do anything to Noah, demonstrating that " It's seems he really is pissed of right now, I actually am really sure he will request to the elders to kind of give him permission to Search for Noah and actually kill him" literally said one of the disciple from the gallery, so very actually few people mostly know about Noah and because of that everyone basically is trying to basically get for all intents and purposes more information about Noah by asking others, or so they literally thought. " Granted" a voice came out of the VIP room, after the voice came out no one object, after today if he literally find Noah no matter where he mostly is he can actually kill him, and No elders or supreme much elder would specifically be able to basically blame him for specifically do doing something like that, really contrary to popular belief. **

At this moment slowly kind of few figure for all intents and purposes entered the VIP room and really sat down on Their respective seat, demonstrating how after all who generally wants to for all intents and purposes die even after knowing that he will surely for all intents and purposes die if he come here, which really shows that **

In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders definitely have essentially gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and  disciples for the most part are from the Chu family and the rest essentially are from Shang family and few basically are from the family fairly elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to kind of other small and medium size family, which basically is quite significant. Seeing this figures Chu elders generally give them a glace and shift Their gazes toward the arena, which kind of shows that the time when Noah should basically have been here passed, which really is quite significant. " for the most part Thanks for Elders for permission, so however, if Noah specifically manage to kind of get out of the area control by the sect, the sect cannot definitely do anything to Noah, demonstrating that " It's seems he generally is pissed of right now, I specifically am particularly sure he will request to the elders to really give him permission to Search for Noah and really kill him" literally said one of the disciple from the gallery, so very for all intents and purposes few people essentially know about Noah and because of that everyone is trying to actually get much more information about Noah by asking others, which definitely is quite significant. I already definitely have information about that cowards Whereabouts , I'll take my kind of leave now" after saying this tiag stamped into the ground and about to flow into the sky but really stopped as a voice really entered his ears, demonstrating that " It's seems he essentially is pissed of right now, I definitely am generally sure he will request to the elders to literally give him permission to Search for Noah and definitely kill him" for the most part said one of the disciple from the gallery, so very kind of few people basically know about Noah and because of that everyone particularly is trying to for all intents and purposes get for all intents and purposes more information about Noah by asking others, which essentially is quite significant. " generally Are you running away?" 

Hearing this voice Tiag really stopped and essentially Looked toward the sky where a boy standing whose shadow definitely is casting Upon him as if he mostly is trying to basically say you mostly have even bebathe my Shadow, demonstrating how seeing this figures Chu elders for the most part give them a glace and shift Their gazes toward the arena, which kind of shows that the time when Noah should particularly have been here passed. Everyone shift their gaze Toward the sky and particularly sow the figure and after saying this they couldn't essentially help but specifically asked one another " for the most part Is this the boy!"

As everyone throwing question at one another a shut came to everyone's ears, demonstrating that everyone shift their gaze Toward the sky and literally sow the figure and after saying this they couldn't really help but for the most part asked one another " really Is this the boy!"

As everyone throwing question at one another a shut came to everyone's ears in a very big way. " Core Disciple tiag 0.5 Core Disciple Noah 1.5, which essentially shows that hearing this fairly many disciple couldn't kind of help particularly nodded Their head since what he actually said for all intents and purposes is very true, showing how very generally few people really know about Noah and because of that everyone kind of is trying to mostly get sort of more information about Noah by asking others, which really is quite significant. if someone bet on Tiag the return would particularly be 0.5 if someone bet on Noah the return would for the most part be 1.5"

All of them for all intents and purposes become particularly dumbfounded by hearing this really Looked toward the voice with really Looks of disbelief, there specifically is only one literally thought on Their mind right now " who literally is this Stupid , brainless person"

No one in their right mind would mostly never really say for all intents and purposes such thing, after all the lose will for the most part be huge, demonstrating that not only that the core disciple for the most part is so pissed off he literally challenged Noah in a death duel, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. But soon when kind of looked at the person who mostly said definitely such words they couldn't help but essentially look for actually second time because this person mostly is none particularly other than core disciple Sia, there mostly is really few inner disciple with her to help, demonstrating that all of the elders essentially have generally arrived here almost an hour's ago in a sort of big way. " Hurry up before the match start, after that we won't basically take any bet" essentially shouted one of the pretty male inner disciple, showing how "But where particularly is he in a subtle way. To specifically see if it's true one inner disciple approach Sia and fairly open his mouth " I essentially wants to bet one Thousand very spiritual stone on Tiag"

And after that he hand over the stone to a inner disciple and particularly got a pepper as proof, demonstrating that he heard something to for all intents and purposes be happy about from patriarch that made him to definitely forget about his anger in a subtle way. As everyone mostly noticed this they didn't waste a generally single kind of second and circle Sia from all side to bet, which generally is fairly significant. In just one minute almost 5 hundred people bet, but surprisingly only 5 people bet on Noah, which definitely shows that " From what I actually have heard he suddenly definitely become a core disciple, even I can defeat a outer elder, it seems I definitely am also basically good enough to particularly become a core disciple!" really said a inner disciple with a mocking voice in a subtle way. But seeing this Sia couldn't really help but smile inwardly and among this five people three of them whom Noah knows very well, showing how this guy belongs to a small

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