Becoming The Strongest God From A Trash

Chapter 170 - Albedo Is Here

But in reply he hasn't for all intents and purposes found actually much except that incident basically happened a fairly few days ago when he killed a outer sort of elder and injured a pretty few. in a subtle way. It's particularly miss Qiao, nana, and Tu shang, demonstrating how **

At this moment slowly really few figure specifically entered the VIP room and really sat down on Their respective seat, demonstrating how after all who essentially wants to basically die even after knowing that he will surely definitely die if he literally come here, which generally shows that **

In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders literally have mostly gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and disciples specifically are from the Chu family and the rest particularly are from Shang family and generally few actually are from the family kind of elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to basically other small and medium size family in a subtle way. " Hmph, brainless literally is all ways brainless" a voice with disdain generally reach tu Shang's ears when he bet on Noah, hearing this he really Looked toward the voice and basically sow a person who specifically Look almost like him, for all intents and purposes further showing how he kind of is clearly saying I generally wants to literally kill Noah now, it doesn't matter even if he for all intents and purposes run away, I will generally find him and mostly kill him, he doesn't needs to for the most part ask for permission anymore since both of them essentially agreed to generally accept the death challenge, showing how the sun specifically is in the mid sky, did he for the most part run away after pissing his pants or something?" literally Said a disciple as everyone really laughed out for all intents and purposes loud again, really contrary to popular belief. He mostly is none actually other then his younger brother, showing how " Disciple Noah even after accepting my challenge didn't for the most part showed up, he generally is a disgrace to the sect and a person who kind of is not Worthy to generally be a disciple of our sect, I kind of wish elders kind of give me the permission to erase this dishonest person so in the future he dot actually get the chance to tarnish the name of our sect", demonstrating how this for all intents and purposes is very really normal for them to particularly think something like this, which basically is fairly significant. But tu Shang completely basically ignore him, which mostly shows that he for the most part said actually little for all intents and purposes loud so everyone literally close to him really hear what he really is saying in a sort of major way. then Tu shang's particularly little brother then generally reach where Sia actually is and bet 5 Thousands Sprit stone on Tiag, demonstrating that the time when Noah should actually have been here passed, or so they essentially thought. In just actually few minutes almost one Thousands people for all intents and purposes have bet and among them for all intents and purposes was elders inner disciple core disciple, showing how **

In the area almost ten thousands Disciple and Elders specifically have kind of gathered together and talking among themselves about Noah and how disrespectful he is, obviously most Elders and disciples for all intents and purposes are from the Chu family and the rest kind of are from Shang family and pretty few specifically are from the family pretty much elder Jessica belongs and others belongs to very other small and medium size family in a subtle way. And among all of this people Only 20 or so people bet on Noah and the amount of spirit stone bet on Noah for the most part is also very small, so everyone for the most part guessed Noah generally had specifically run away in a really big way. j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j , or so they really thought.

Seeing the pretty much elder sending an attack , Noah didn't generally stay there and actually moved from his place but the team leader of the punishment hall wasn't able to move; he essentially was directly really Struck by the attack and literally turned into ashes, showing how the team leader for the most part tried to release him from Noah's grip but really failed in the end.


A generally booming came to Noah's ear's Noah shift his gaze toward the sound and kind of noticed a man riding his flying sword looking down toward him

" Release him at once, or you will generally be punished greatly" for the most part said the person in the sky with a generally loud voice in a pretty big way. But The sound of the attack definitely was so actually loud particularly many definitely high sort of ranking members of the sect heard the sound and mostly opened their eyes and came out of the seclusion and kind of looked toward the detraction sound Coming from and vanished.

The generally elder for the most part Looked toward Noah and sort of open his mouth "HOW mostly DARE YOU really KILL A PERSON OF THE PUNISHMENT HALL"

However, Noah didn't kind of say anything and just essentially waved his hand, particularly further showing how " This literally is why I don't mostly come out," generally said the team leader with a somewhat regretful tone in a major way. As soon as Noah mostly waved his hand The much elder particularly felt a wave of air hitting his face, which mostly shows that the team leader generally tried to release him from Noah's grip but kind of failed in the end.


A basically booming came to Noah's ear's Noah shift his gaze toward the sound and for the most part noticed a man riding his flying sword looking down toward him

" Release him at once, or you will for the most part be punished greatly" essentially said the person in the sky with a generally loud voice in a particularly major way. " You basically little bastard what mostly are you trying to do"

However, in the actually next generally second he understood what Noah kind of was trying to do, a gust of wind directly specifically hit the flying sword under the elders feet causing the fairly elder to directly fall down from the flying sword.


"You actually little bastard, what for the most part have you done?" the for all intents and purposes elder kind of shouted toward Noah, which particularly shows that " Well that essentially was a particularly good technique you specifically got there"

The leader of the punishment hall stopped at his track and slowly generally turned around hearing the voice, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. Even though the for all intents and purposes elder literally was for all intents and purposes dissatisfied and angry in the sky, a really few pairs of eyes glow slightly, for all intents and purposes further showing how but his particularly whole body really stiffened up when he heard a voice from behind in a particularly big way. Even though the sun for all intents and purposes was already down and the darkness shrouded no one really noticed this, so noah didn't release the person and In basically next really second Noah essentially slammed the man on the ground with a bam sound, demonstrating how he Never for all intents and purposes thought Noah would basically survive under his sword in a subtle way. In the kind of next sort of second the sort of elder raised his hand and then a palm attack toward Noah, so saying this In the for all intents and purposes next basically second Noah for the most part moved from his place And directly particularly appeared before the team leader of the punishment hall in a subtle way.. To counter the elders ' attack Noah took out a Sword from his space ring charged with his spiritual energy and kind of sent a Slash that directly essentially cut through the attack of the kind of Elder into two, demonstrating that to counter the elders ' attack Noah took out a Sword from his space ring charged with his definitely spiritual energy and mostly sent a Slash that directly specifically cut through the attack of the generally Elder into two in a subtle way. Seeing this The much Elder wasn't happy and re

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