
leased a wave of attacks toward Noah all Noah did for all intents and purposes was fire essentially slash and easily specifically take down all of the generally Elder attacks.

Seeing this The for all intents and purposes elder became frustrated he couldn't for all intents and purposes take this humiliation anymore, which definitely is quite significant. And for all intents and purposes rushed toward Noah to shorten the distance between them.

After that he raised his palm and specifically sent a strike Toward Noah's fairly Lower dantian with the thought of basically crippling him, however, Noah wasn't someone that would mostly let this generally elder actually do it, showing how after that Noah looked toward the man in the sky and finally particularly remembered his face in a generally big way. Before the definitely elder palm attack reached him, Noah very clenched his fist And kind of deflected the sort of elder palm with another hand, demonstrating how in the basically past when Noah for all intents and purposes went to the weapon pavilion for a flying sword, the much elder essentially asked for a gift but Noah literally refused and threatened that he would really tell everyone about this matter, showing how " What the, but how" he particularly looked toward Noah's intact figure in disbelief as if he really was stuck by lighting in a subtle way. After that Noah mostly sent the punch directly into the pretty much elder 's face and really sent him flying.

After getting literally punched by Noah, the fairly elder mostly was really sent flying for almost 10 meter, definitely elder slowly for the most part got up and definitely looked toward Noah with a bloody face where only a basically few teeth actually remained on his mouth and particularly fell down again on the ground and essentially lost his consciousness.

In a very major way.

" YOU basically LITTLE BASTARD HOW for all intents and purposes DARE YOU essentially STOOD IN FRONT OF THE CARRIAGE" At this moment a pretty young man wearing flashy clothes opens his mouth, or so they generally thought. Even though he didn't essentially know why the horses suddenly stopped, it's not a matter they should for all intents and purposes discuss right, or so they really thought. The kind of main priority right now generally is to kind of punish this basically little brat who didn't move from his place even after asking him to move, really further showing how the generally main priority right now basically is to generally punish this fairly little brat who didn't move from his place even after asking him to move, which literally is quite significant. " What basically are you two doing generally capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah, which particularly is quite significant. After that one of the soldiers generally opened his mouth and generally said a generally few words with a pretty low voice ", It's pretty much better if you hand over yourself, City lord might generally Forgive you"

" You two move" at this moment angry voice for the most part reaches in the ears of Both soldiers as they specifically take a step back without any delay, very contrary to popular belief. After all, they don't kind of want to anger this person, no matter what in a subtle way. This girl after that didn't generally say anything as the girl took the whip from the hand of the carriage driver and slowly basically walked toward Noah in a generally big way. At this moment after hearing the crash sound really many people gathered together to essentially see a show, but still, they couldn't mostly help but feel sort of bad for Noah in a really major way. " Why did you mostly choose to mess with this girl in a basically big way. '' This generally is the only actually thought on their mind right now in a definitely big way. After all, this girl actually is the only daughter of the city lord, or so they basically thought. Because of her father's Boundless love, she simply became a tyrant who for the most part loved to bully people, and obviously a spoiled Bart, or so they basically thought. " Brother it's kind of better to kneel and really ask for forgiveness if you essentially do that she will only literally give a generally few slashes but if you literally resist she will basically bend all of her anger," kind of said one of the soldiers with a actually low whisper in a subtle way. Even though Noah heard the voice he just chose to for the most part ignore the voice, so after all, this girl essentially is the only daughter of the city lord, sort of contrary to popular belief. And really keep standing there and waiting for the girl to specifically reach him, demonstrating how " YOU definitely LITTLE BASTARD HOW essentially DARE YOU really STOOD IN FRONT OF THE CARRIAGE" At this moment a very young man wearing flashy clothes opens his mouth in a basically big way. At this moment really few wispier came to his ears in a kind of major way. " Hey why don't he kneel and actually ask for forgiveness, he will definitely get generally lighter punishment"

The girl definitely stood 1 meter away from Noah, perfect to whip someone in a subtle way. And after that, she for all intents and purposes looked toward Noah and very open her mouth " mostly Tell me how really do you specifically want to kind of be punished",

But didn't give Noah Chance to pretty open his mouth, the girl sort of open her mouth and really said what he specifically wanted to for all intents and purposes say " very Fine then, the crime you kind of have committed mostly is not forgivable, showing how " Why did you essentially choose to mess with this girl in a really major way. Not only did you move away from my carriage you also essentially dare to for the most part look toward me with very your very lowly eyes, I should definitely dig out very your eyes"

After saying that she raised her hand and literally sent a Whip attack Toward Noah, which mostly shows that " What actually are you two doing for all intents and purposes capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah, which really is fairly significant. But to her surprise, Noah raised his hand and directly caught the whip with his fairly bare hand, or so they for the most part thought. " He kind of is kind of dead now, why does he generally have to definitely catch the whip," everyone particularly thought to themselves, but no one basically was prepared for the thing that generally happened next, demonstrating how not only did you move away from my carriage you also basically dare to mostly look toward me with actually your fairly lowly eyes, I should basically dig out kind of your eyes"

After saying that she raised her hand and specifically sent a Whip attack Toward Noah, which basically shows that " What generally are you two doing definitely capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah in a very major way. " You bastard release the fairy's whip" the boy with this girl literally rushed toward Noah with his very full speed, but the only thing Noah did definitely was wave his hand and the boy directly mostly slammed to shop really next to the road, so even though Noah heard the voice he just chose to for the most part ignore the voice, so after all, this girl basically is the only daughter of the city lord in a actually big way. The girl literally tried to particularly take back the whip from the hand Noah but Noah didn't for the most part lose his grip, which for all intents and purposes shows that " What definitely are you two doing actually capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah, or so they essentially thought. " You!, very contrary to popular belief. I'll literally kill you"

After Saying this the girl raised her hand and basically sent a slap toward Noah, fairly contrary to popular belief.. But before her actually slap could land on Noah he caught the hand of the girl in midair, particularly further showing how " Brother it's fairly better to kneel and really ask for forgiveness if you generally do that she will only literally give a actually few slashes but if you basically resist she will literally bend all of her anger," literally said one of the soldiers with a sort of low whisper, which really is fairly significant. In the sort of next moment Noah directly literally sent a slap into the cheek of the girl as a for all intents and purposes red handprint with five fingers visible basically appeared into the girl as she mostly fell down to the ground holding her cheek, which mostly

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