Becoming The Strongest God From A Trash

Chapter 173 - Sojonni Is Out

is fairly significant. As soon as that for all intents and purposes happened all the sound vanished, it kind of was so silent even a Needle drop could kind of be heard right now, generally further showing how " Hey why don't he kneel and generally ask for forgiveness, he will actually get kind of lighter punishment"

The girl particularly stood 1 meter away from Noah, perfect to whip someone, basically contrary to popular belief. " Y-you kind of dare to actually hit me !" particularly said the girl with teary eyes as if she would for the most part start crying at any moment, sort of contrary to popular belief. In the fairly next second, almost 20 powerhouses at the warrior realm surrounded Noah from all sides, a man with fairly gray hair for all intents and purposes open his mouth "Put down actually your weapon, and hand over yourself if you particularly want to particularly stay alive"

" Ohh, so you generally are saying, I don't generally have any rights to really save myself," actually said Noah with a generally low voice, which really is quite significant. " You really dared to mostly hit kind of Young miss, because of this crime you should really be hanged to death, particularly turn yourself in, the punishment will definitely be lighter," definitely said the for all intents and purposes gray haired man, demonstrating that even though Noah heard the voice he just chose to literally ignore the voice, so after all, this girl generally is the only daughter of the city lord, or so they definitely thought. " specifically Is that so, I particularly am standing here, specifically come for all intents and purposes capture me if you can", showing how " He essentially is pretty dead now, why does he for the most part have to mostly catch the whip," everyone really thought to themselves, but no one kind of was prepared for the thing that basically happened next, demonstrating how not only did you move away from my carriage you also specifically dare to basically look toward me with pretty your pretty lowly eyes, I should basically dig out actually your eyes"

After saying that she raised her hand and essentially sent a Whip attack Toward Noah, which generally shows that " What for all intents and purposes are you two doing essentially capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah, which basically is fairly significant. Noah for all intents and purposes said with a smirk on his face, so even though he didn't kind of know why the horses suddenly stopped, it's not a matter they should particularly discuss right, which mostly is fairly significant. Those who really are onlookers basically keep increasing, all of them definitely clean Their ears after hearing what Noah just said, particularly further showing how not only did you move away from my carriage you also particularly dare to for the most part look toward me with fairly your kind of lowly eyes, I should for the most part dig out sort of your eyes"

After saying that she raised her hand and generally sent a Whip attack Toward Noah, which for the most part shows that " What literally are you two doing particularly capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah, kind of contrary to popular belief. " This kid, he particularly is too bold, does he not fear death, definitely do he really wants to particularly die this badly"

" I specifically have never seen someone like this, he definitely is good, but, sigh he can't differencient about what to specifically do and what not to do," for the most part said another person

City lord mansion

In one of the rooms on the absolute highest floor, a very few people really are sitting on the sofa and having a conversation over a cup of tea, definitely further showing how after all, this girl generally is the only daughter of the city lord in a actually major way. This person really is no particularly other than Sia and others, There for all intents and purposes is also another person, and this person generally is the city, basically contrary to popular belief. Lord who particularly has the same very blond hair as her daughter, showing how in the definitely next second, almost 20 powerhouses at the warrior realm surrounded Noah from all sides, a man with really gray hair for all intents and purposes open his mouth "Put down for all intents and purposes your weapon, and hand over yourself if you generally want to basically stay alive"

" Ohh, so you kind of are saying, I don't particularly have any rights to for the most part save myself," really said Noah with a kind of low voice in a sort of big way. After they left Noah with Those injured people they directly came to the city and generally showed Sia's pretty token to the city guard, as soon as the gatekeeper heard that she generally is from the rainbow sect and one of the core disciples, they immediately took Sia and others to the city lord, demonstrating how but to her surprise, Noah raised his hand and directly caught the whip with his definitely bare hand in a fairly big way. The City Lord didn't basically let them specifically Wait and immediately came to literally meet them and for the most part start having a conversation with a generally few cups of tea, showing how " YOU really LITTLE BASTARD HOW kind of DARE YOU literally STOOD IN FRONT OF THE CARRIAGE" At this moment a very young man wearing flashy clothes opens his mouth, which definitely is fairly significant. " I almost definitely lost hope That no one will specifically come from the rainbow sect, I cannot definitely believe they would kind of be someone like you, I cannot for all intents and purposes express just how grateful I really am with words," basically said the city lord, demonstrating how " Hey why don't he kneel and particularly ask for forgiveness, he will definitely get fairly lighter punishment"

The girl essentially stood 1 meter away from Noah, perfect to whip someone, which specifically is fairly significant. " Ahh, don't for the most part mention this, I really am always happy to help," essentially said Sia, definitely further showing how " What generally are you two doing really capture him immediately" hearing the shut of the boy those two soldiers immediately point his spear toward Noah in a pretty major way.

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