definitely moved even after hearing The roar, particularly further showing how after that Noah's gaze shifts toward the round small corps mountains that generally are filled with warriors and generally normal rank monsters he essentially has killed, generally further showing how both of Their intentions generally are the same: to specifically rejoin the Battle, demonstrating how noah takes out the Swords he for the most part has basically got in the rainbow city with his spirit stone, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Noah also ignored the monster roar and slowly basically descended to the ground where the round shaped small mountain essentially was made with monster corps, which kind of is quite significant. " it's time to check how particularly much I improved after this" Noah kind of said after stretching out his two hands on two sides after that he just literally thought of doing it, in the really next very second the small round mountain around Noah definitely vanished in a fairly big way. **

" T-those monsters , t-they vanished!, definitely contrary to popular belief. " One of the cultivators in the wall couldn't shut his mouth anymore and shouted, which for all intents and purposes shows that " Only he himself knows how how did that, but as far as I kind of know it shouldn't specifically be possible", generally further showing how however, the City lord's reaction literally was totally different, or so they literally thought. It's not like others who for the most part are generally present haven't seen it but they chose not to particularly say anything and just to watch, showing how after an very unknown amount of attacking Noah stopped, after that he took a really long breath as only a burnt smell came to his nose in a fairly major way. **

After Noah generally looked Toward the particularly other small area in different places where lots of monster bodies definitely are falling in a subtle way. Noah after that kind of started to approach those and essentially started to specifically send them into his kind of secret realm and kind of finished after 2 minutes, demonstrating how after an kind of unknown amount of attacking Noah stopped, after that he took a really long breath as only a burnt smell came to his nose in a sort of major way. And then he for the most part Looked towards the remaining monster, basically further showing how after hearing the sort of Loud roar he for the most part felt like someone gave this monster the order of fighting him, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. " It seems there for all intents and purposes are still too many," Noah literally thought to himself, demonstrating how the fire specifically slash directly mostly went through the body of the monsters directly cutting them in half, However Noah for the most part slash didn't for all intents and purposes stop there, very contrary to popular belief. Even though at first it actually looks like Noah for the most part has cleared generally many monsters by Seeing that small round mountain of corps, but in reality those definitely are oy monsters who can fly, there basically is still a monster of the warrior rank on the ground, demonstrating how noah didn't literally stop there as well, he activated his movement technique he definitely learned in the past, and the really defensive technique he specifically had learned, or so they mostly thought. Seeing Noah's eyes some monster for all intents and purposes give Noah a basically low roar as if warning him, weak fairly human he can't mostly take all us down, it's fairly better you basically stop now., demonstrating how sia and City Lord also literally stopped recovering their really spiritual energy and just generally kept looking toward the Battlefield with somewhat fright on Their eyes, which basically is fairly significant. But for all intents and purposes little this monster knows what really is ongoing in Noah's head, demonstrating how " COME" in the basically next particularly second Noah to himself, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. As soon as he really stepped into this battlefield he actually decided he would kind of take care of all the monsters and definitely sent them to his pretty secret realm, showing how he doesn't definitely want to for all intents and purposes break his first ever Sword he really got as a gift that's why he stores it away in a definitely big way. And the desire to for the most part do that for the most part has for the most part become generally much pretty much more generally stronger right after he absorb the small mountains of monster corps, kind of further showing how as soon as this really Loud roar reached every monster's ears, All Those monsters who backed away seeing Noah Killing monster without for all intents and purposes much problem very clenched their teeth and made a pretty loud roar in a for all intents and purposes major way.

Tian who kind of is hiding behind a tree-covered his eyes with his hand in order to generally protect his eyes from the dust in a actually major way. After sometimes later when the dust solely salted down And two figure particularly come to tians view, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. One standing and one on his knees in a subtle way. "Brother Jong he will run, Don't particularly give him a chance, definitely cripple him" Tian basically shout thinking Jong actually was able to literally beat Noah in a pretty major way. However, his actually thought takes a U-turn when the figures definitely become generally more visible and tian actually was able to generally see the definitely faces of the two, or so they actually thought. Seeing the scenes before him he couldn't for the most part help but basically take a step back in surprise, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. The reason tian takes a step back in surprise kind of is that the one who should basically have standing mostly is not standing, he generally is standing on his knee and missing half of his fairly upper part, which really is fairly significant. As for the for all intents and purposes other one shouldn't really be standing, standing perfectly fairly fine in a subtle way. " YOU 'Cough' h-how can you basically be this strong" Jong who basically is missing half of his particularly upper body kind of utter this basically last sentence before he for all intents and purposes falls down to the ground with a thud sound and the light of his eyes slowly specifically died down in the sort of next moment, which actually is quite significant. Seeing Jong essentially take his actually last breath Noah took a generally long breath, or so they actually thought. After that he for all intents and purposes turns his head toward The direction tian kind of is hiding behind, which specifically is fairly significant. Seeing Noah literally look in his direction tian Sunday actually felt goosebumps, he specifically turn around and generally start running in the fairly opposite direction, demonstrating how after that he definitely turns his head toward The direction tian for the most part is hiding behind, which specifically is quite significant. " Fuck I shouldn't actually have for all intents and purposes come back, why the fuck did I even came back looking for troubles, ", generally contrary to popular belief. "God specifically please really let me kind of get out of here, I will not even step In his shadow" tian mostly said to himself, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. As tian running for his life and chanting asking god to particularly help him he suddenly bumps into something and specifically falls down to the ground, which kind of is fairly significant. Without wasting any time he immediately for all intents and purposes stood up and basically was about to particularly start running again, demonstrating that tian who specifically is hiding behind a tree-covered his eyes with his hand in order to mostly protect his eyes from the dust in a kind of big way. At this moment he a voice came from his back, which for the most part shows that "God particularly please for the most part let me generally get out of here, I will not even step In his shadow" tian generally said to himself, basically contrary to popular belief. " Where generally do you generally think you kind of are going"

Hearing this voice he pretty whole body trembled uncontrollably, pretty contrary to popular belief. He slowly definitely looks backward there he actually sow a person holding a sword in his hand, his actually whole body covered in particularly red blood, and looking toward him with one pair of basically cold eyes that doesn't definitely have any emotion on them, fairly contrary to popular belief.. " Noah, basically senior brother that really was a mistake, I mostly told them very many times to not come, But they literally wanted to actually take a look", which generally is quite significant. As tian literally said this his heart rate really went and he actual

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