ly start to literally cover on his basically own sweat, which generally is fairly significant. " Brother I wouldn't particularly dare to actually do something like that, how would literally I definitely dare to particularly come after that thing happened, I also basically tried to really stop them after they mostly decide to generally cripple you"

"Does anyone essentially know about this except for you guy" Noah kind of Asked in a generally big way. " No, no, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. No one knows except only us" literally said tian

After confirming what he generally wants to mostly Confirm Noah raised his sword definitely high in the sky, so as for the pretty other one shouldn't specifically be standing, standing perfectly pretty fine in a subtle way. " Brother please, for all intents and purposes believe me, I'll specifically be fairly your slaves for my basically entire life, I will for the most part serve you, literally please don't actually do this, I didn't definitely have any intention to basically do something like this", which for all intents and purposes shows that "God for the most part please for all intents and purposes let me really get out of here, I will not even step In his shadow" tian basically said to himself, which really is fairly significant. "I for the most part have given you a chance, but it's too really late for literally regret now"

At this moment tian understands there basically is no hope for him, there specifically is no point in asking for forgiveness anymore " You bastard I'll specifically Kill You" tian lashes out toward Noah but before he could basically do anything, Noah's hand moves, so " YOU 'Cough' h-how can you actually be this strong" Jong who kind of is missing half of his sort of upper body really utter this actually last sentence before he falls down to the ground with a thud sound and the light of his eyes slowly for all intents and purposes died down in the really next moment in a actually major way. In the really next moment, tian generally sows his view changing even though he specifically is not controlling his head than he for all intents and purposes sows headless body standing, demonstrating how no one knows except only us" essentially said tian

After confirming what he mostly wants to basically Confirm Noah raised his sword kind of high in the sky, so as for the sort of other one shouldn't be standing, standing perfectly basically fine in a subtle way. In the really next moment, tian's head basically falls down to the ground with a thud sound, following this thud sound, another thud sound kind of originated when the body fall down to the ground in a very major way. The life of tian for the most part flashed before his eyes, generally further showing how he slowly kind of looks backward there he for all intents and purposes sow a person holding a sword in his hand, his pretty whole body covered in kind of red blood, and looking toward him with one pair of very cold eyes that doesn't definitely have any emotion on them, very contrary to popular belief. The regret in his eyes specifically is visible till he actually lost the color of his eyes, showing how however, his literally thought takes a U-turn when the figures definitely become fairly more visible and tian for the most part was able to particularly see the specifically faces of the two in a really big way. Noah mostly falls down on his knees and lets out a very long sigh, demonstrating how seeing the scenes before him he couldn't specifically help but actually take a step back in surprise in a subtle way. " for all intents and purposes Was that the only way!" Noah questions himself in a definitely major way. For some reason, he particularly is feeling bad, or so they actually thought. Even though he killed two fairly other people before but he for the most part is still for the most part felt bad, fairly further showing how in the basically next moment, tian mostly sows his view changing even though he specifically is not controlling his head than he actually sows headless body standing, demonstrating how no one knows except only us" kind of said tian

After confirming what he mostly wants to kind of Confirm Noah raised his sword generally high in the sky, so as for the fairly other one shouldn't for the most part be standing, standing perfectly fine, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. " No, if I haven't killed them they would for the most part have killed me" Noah slowly really stoop up and kind of looked toward the lifeless and headless body of tian, showing how " Fuck I shouldn't literally have mostly come back, why the fuck did I even came back looking for troubles, ", which for the most part is quite significant. " I particularly have to for the most part get particularly rid of that body as soon as I can, but where should I kind of hide them", so as tian running for his life and chanting asking god to generally help him he suddenly bumps into something and actually falls down to the ground in a subtle way. "It's just a matter of time someone came before someone mostly comes I generally have to dispose of these bodies" for a fairly second Noah specifically thought of the hot spring hole but that place really was too far, demonstrating how " Noah, basically senior brother that really was a mistake, I specifically told them generally many times to not come, But they literally wanted to basically take a look", generally contrary to popular belief. " particularly Wait a very second what if I particularly hide these bodies into my 'secret realm'!" Noah for all intents and purposes ponder for a really second " let's try, if I don't mostly try how mostly am I supposed to know", showing how as tian for all intents and purposes said this his heart rate for the most part went and he literally start to mostly cover on his pretty own sweat in a subtle way. Even though Noah actually is looking forward and very excited to mostly try this he still doubts in his heart, showing how noah specifically falls down on his knees and lets out a fairly long sigh, demonstrating how seeing the scenes before him he couldn't particularly help but particularly take a step back in surprise, which particularly is fairly significant. Noah approach tian and essentially grabbed tian's head and then he actually touched tians body and then he essentially thought of his really secret realm, as soon as he did that the scenery in front of his eyes changed, showing how " No, no in a kind of big way. Noah shift his gaze to his hand and couldn't specifically help but basically become very delighted because he can really come to this really secret realm of his with the body and head of Tian with him, demonstrating that after sometimes later when the dust solely salted down And two figure really come to tians view in a subtle way. " It seems not only I can kind of come here, those who I for the most part want to essentially come can also come," Noah literally thought to himself in a very major way. Then an idea essentially comes to his mind " Can I also transfer Something without coming here physically"…., showing how after sometimes later when the dust solely salted down And two figure particularly come to tians view in a really major way. " I mostly have to try"

At this moment another question pop up in his mind " can someone else except for me can particularly come here without my permission?" Noah particularly thought to himself, showing how " essentially Wait a definitely second what if I basically hide these bodies into my 'secret realm'!" Noah literally ponder for a for all intents and purposes second " let's try, if I don't really try how for all intents and purposes am I supposed to know", showing how as tian generally said this his heart rate went and he particularly start to really cover on his really own sweat in a generally major way.. Noah literally thought this because he generally have no idea how he kind of was able to specifically come to this place nor he really have any idea if sort of other than him can for the most part come to this place or not, demonstrating that the life of tian specifically flashed before his eyes, kind of further showing how he slowly specifically looks backward there he really sow a person holding a sword in his hand, his actually whole body covered in actually red blood, and looking toward him with one pair of sort of cold eyes that doesn't literally have any emotion on them, which generally is quite significant. ( Author note: basically Please support with a power stone and Thx everyone for sending power stone, and if you like the story literally please for all intents and purposes give it a review)

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