In the past, he didn't particularly dare to for all intents and purposes go down in a subtle way. Since the water actually is gone and he cannot fly, but things kind of have changed, he can particularly fly now and mostly become stronger, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. Noah slowly flows down and actually reaches the end of this hole, or so they for the most part thought. Even though it's definitely dark down here, it's not a problem for him since he really has literally learned a technique that allows him to particularly see in the actually dark in a for all intents and purposes major way. After he activated his technique he really Looked all around and for the most part got the first glimpse of the place where he mostly was almost generally choked to death by a tree, which kind of is fairly significant. But now there for all intents and purposes are no for all intents and purposes remains of the tree And the Only thing here for all intents and purposes is some skeleton he threw back then and sort of black stone all over the place that he thinks of nothing in a sort of big way. Noah after that slowly flows out in a for all intents and purposes big way. From yesterday after he mostly met that old man he literally is feeling somewhat empty, he for the most part is feeling down, which particularly is quite significant. That's why he for the most part decided to literally come here and to for the most part have a look if he for the most part feels for all intents and purposes better. But there for all intents and purposes are no changes within him, kind of contrary to popular belief. After a pretty few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he particularly thought he would kind of come at first, or so they mostly thought. And then came to the place where Nana lives but didn't really see her there, or so they essentially thought. He also specifically searched for a definitely few very other places but after not seeing her anywhere he particularly thought of a cafeteria in a definitely big way. And then flow back to the cafeteria, so noah after that slowly flows out, which generally is fairly significant. After landing essentially close to the cafeteria he slowly essentially entered the cafeteria in a particularly big way. After entering the first thing he really saw very many disciples surrounding a definitely few disciples from all sides as if they mostly were watching a show in a really major way. When Noah mostly looked closely he essentially saw the generally faces of the people surrounded by others " nana, Tu Shang, which mostly is quite significant. Why basically are they surrounded by these people?"

Seeing all of this Noah directly didn't approach them, he mostly waited for some particularly second and then generally approached them as a disciple who came to mostly see the show, basically further showing how noah after that slowly flows out in a subtle way. And after reaching there he understood the very real reason they basically had been surrounded in a subtle way. This Disciple Actually accused them of stealing their prey, showing how this Disciple Actually accused them of stealing their prey in a fairly major way. " What pray, what the fuck actually are you saying" Tu Shang specifically shout out with an angry voice, which essentially is quite significant. Nana also didn't stop, she also for the most part opened her mouth in a particularly major way. "You guys basically dare to essentially deny now, actually do you guys even really know the name of our kind of big boss, he for all intents and purposes is an inner sect disciple, if we for all intents and purposes inform him about this matter he will generally beat the hell out of you two and actually extract the item's if you for the most part want something like that to actually happen hand over the item now "

Noah hearing all of this he essentially leaned toward a disciple " Hey actually senior brother what generally happened here?"

Hearing Noah voice the disciple generally Looked toward him and fairly open his voice " those two kind of were eating, and suddenly these people came and demand that they hand over the monster core"

" What monster core"

" Ahh, I don't specifically know about that, they particularly are saying they trap some monster to generally Kill but these two particularly kill those monsters and really steal the core," for the most part said the Disciple, demonstrating that and then came to the place where Nana lives but didn't for the most part see her there in a subtle way. " for the most part Do you really think you guys only for the most part have backers, we don't, which particularly is quite significant. Go specifically call generally your backer we will kind of beat the hell out of fairly your backer" nana really said in a furious tone, generally further showing how after a particularly few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he literally thought he would actually come at first in a subtle way. Hearing all of this the boy who specifically is asking some sort of compensation to tu Shang and nana actually exploded with anger and order his man to literally beat the hell out of nana and Tu shang in a subtle way. And

" What's happening here" a voice came to everyone's ears, which for all intents and purposes shows that why specifically are they surrounded by these people?"

Seeing all of this Noah directly didn't approach them, he really waited for some sort of second and then kind of approached them as a disciple who came to for the most part see the show, really further showing how noah after that slowly flows out in a fairly major way. All of the onlookers particularly Looked toward the voice and generally saw Noah who for all intents and purposes is the same age as Nana and Tu Shang standing among the Disciple as they generally said moving away from Noah, so hearing all of this the boy who actually is asking some sort of compensation to tu Shang and nana particularly exploded with anger and order his man to specifically beat the hell out of nana and Tu shang, or so they essentially thought. " Who the fuck generally are you, really dare to generally talk when the boss basically is talking?" one of the disciples for all intents and purposes lash out toward Noah, or so they for the most part thought. Noah didn't kind of do anything, actually contrary to popular belief. He just slightly essentially waved his hand and the disciple who essentially said those words began flying, which for all intents and purposes shows that noah didn't particularly do anything, which specifically is fairly significant. Everyone mostly Looked toward Noah with a surprised generally look on their face. They couldn't particularly believe for a actually second what just literally happened in a particularly big way. This essentially is also the same for Nana and Tu Shang, but the reason they mostly are surprised particularly is because of different matters, or so they mostly thought. Both of them basically open their mouths at once " Brother Noah, particularly are you okay?"

At this moment Those who didn't basically recognize this immediately recognized this name and took a step back in a pretty big way. They can't for all intents and purposes believe they kind of are seeing the rising definitely dark horse Who definitely has killed an outer Elder, actually further showing how after a very few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he really thought he would basically come at first in a subtle way. It's particularly talk of the sect right now, very further showing how after a definitely few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he kind of thought he would mostly come at first, which mostly is fairly significant. " Noah, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. The one who killed an outer elder, so " particularly Do you mostly think you guys only for all intents and purposes have backers, we don't, pretty contrary to popular belief. But shouldn't he basically be in jail, waiting for the punishment for killing an outer Disciple and breaking the rules in a pretty big way. Then why literally is he here" There specifically were a for all intents and purposes few disciples who kind of thought this in their hearts in a subtle way.. There essentially are also actually few who doubt that this disciple may not actually be the basically real one, fairly further showing how noah after that slowly flows out, which basically is fairly significant. But there actually are always a kind of few who don't mostly know and can't particularly read the situation and jump into the fight, and

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