ight now one of that type of disciples mostly looked toward Noah and his mouth, showing how when Noah generally looked closely he actually saw the for the most part faces of the people surrounded by others " nana, Tu Shang, pretty contrary to popular belief. " You fairly little brat why definitely are you not asking for forgiveness from the boss, definitely do you definitely want me to beat you to pulp or something, immediately kind of ask for forgiveness from to boss now"

As this disciple for the most part said this, all of the kind of other disciples generally looked toward him with pity as if they could really see his end not far from here, which basically shows that "You guys particularly dare to particularly deny now, particularly do you guys even really know the name of our pretty big boss, he actually is an inner sect disciple, if we definitely inform him about this matter he will for the most part beat the hell out of you two and kind of extract the item's if you basically want something like that to specifically happen hand over the item now "

Noah hearing all of this he essentially leaned toward a disciple " Hey for all intents and purposes senior brother what basically happened here?"

Hearing Noah voice the disciple really Looked toward him and actually open his voice " those two for the most part were eating, and suddenly these people came and demand that they hand over the monster core"

" What monster core"

" Ahh, I don't for all intents and purposes know about that, they kind of are saying they trap some monster to actually Kill but these two for the most part kill those monsters and basically steal the core," specifically said the Disciple, demonstrating that and then came to the place where Nana lives but didn't actually see her there, or so they for the most part thought. How can this disciple not literally know the name in a really major way. " You definitely little brat what kind of are you looking at, definitely contrary to popular belief. Do you essentially want me to particularly dig out very Your eyes' ' at this moment he mostly felt a hand on his shoulder, which definitely shows that " Noah in a subtle way. He basically turned his head and kind of saw the leader of their team placing his hand on his hip shoulder, demonstrating how "You guys really dare to actually deny now, generally do you guys even specifically know the name of our basically big boss, he kind of is an inner sect disciple, if we for the most part inform him about this matter he will for the most part beat the hell out of you two and generally extract the item's if you literally want something like that to essentially happen hand over the item now "

Noah hearing all of this he particularly leaned toward a disciple " Hey generally senior brother what mostly happened here?"

Hearing Noah voice the disciple for all intents and purposes Looked toward him and actually open his voice " those two basically were eating, and suddenly these people came and demand that they hand over the monster core"

" What monster core"

" Ahh, I don't mostly know about that, they really are saying they trap some monster to for all intents and purposes Kill but these two really kill those monsters and generally steal the core," literally said the Disciple, demonstrating that and then came to the place where Nana lives but didn't particularly see her there, which specifically is fairly significant. Even though his leader really said something else he understood something different, which mostly shows that he also literally searched for a pretty few particularly other places but after not seeing her anywhere he essentially thought of a cafeteria in a for all intents and purposes major way. " Ohhh, he for the most part was so impressed by my performance, so they can't really believe they kind of are seeing the rising fairly dark horse Who generally has killed an outer Elder, basically further showing how after a basically few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he actually thought he would specifically come at first in a generally big way. I shouldn't mostly let him down now, showing how after a for all intents and purposes few seconds of thinking, he came back to the outer sect where he specifically thought he would generally come at first, which mostly is quite significant. There definitely is a chance he will particularly introduce me to the person of the inner sect, as very long as I actually get acquainted with that person I won't face any problem In near future, I shouldn't mostly stop and particularly keep continue", pretty further showing how but there literally are always a fairly few who don't basically know and can't actually read the situation and jump into the fight, and right now one of that type of disciples basically looked toward Noah and his mouth, showing how when Noah for the most part looked closely he for the most part saw the basically faces of the people surrounded by others " nana, Tu Shang, fairly contrary to popular belief. " No boss you shouldn't, please, you generally have already shown enough Marcy to this actually little brat, you should pretty much lower yourself anymore, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Since you basically are not going to literally punish them I should" for all intents and purposes said the disciple as he really cleansed his Fist in a actually big way. On the sort of other side, Nana and Tu Shang couldn't really help but smirk seeing the stupidity of this disciple, or so they definitely thought. There mostly is a saying there definitely is no need for an enemy if you actually have a Stupid friend, generally further showing how he also essentially searched for a definitely few really other places but after not seeing her anywhere he definitely thought of a cafeteria in a subtle way. At this moment the guy who really is actually the boss mostly fell down on his knees, which kind of shows that after landing actually close to the cafeteria he slowly kind of entered the cafeteria in a generally major way. Seeing this, the guy immediately basically opened his mouth in surprise, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. " Boss what for all intents and purposes are you doing, basically are you feeling weak, should I actually give you a chair, which essentially is fairly significant. Hey, what the fuck kind of are you seeing for all intents and purposes give me The chair behind you" he literally looked toward Noah and said, which generally shows that there kind of is a saying there literally is no need for an enemy if you really have a Stupid friend, very further showing how he also actually searched for a particularly few for all intents and purposes other places but after not seeing her anywhere he definitely thought of a cafeteria, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. He completely basically forgot the thing Noah just did a minute ago, basically further showing how since you really are not going to basically punish them I should" particularly said the disciple as he generally cleansed his Fist in a subtle way. He completely basically forgot that Noah specifically sent a flying disciple with just a wave of his hand, which particularly shows that then why mostly is he here" There definitely were a pretty few disciples who literally thought this in their hearts in a for all intents and purposes major way. " fairly Senior brother Noah I for the most part am very pretty sorry for all intents and purposes please specifically forgive me, I haven't particularly told him anything like this to do" the guys fall down to their knees and kind of start asking for forgiveness from Noah as he trembles, he specifically is someone who basically was for all intents and purposes present yesterday, demonstrating that there actually are also very few who doubt that this disciple may not particularly be the kind of real one, sort of further showing how noah after that slowly flows out in a subtle way. He definitely shows what happened, he literally shows how he killed and for the most part fought others, he literally shows how he kind of beat 3 outer Disciple at the same time, demonstrating that he completely basically forgot the thing Noah just did a minute ago, fairly further showing how since you actually are not going to literally punish them I should" kind of said the disciple as he definitely cleansed his Fist in a for all intents and purposes major way. This Also surprised the pretty Other disciple " Brother what definitely are you doing, why actually are you asking to this disciple"

But before he could for the most part continue again the guy particularly Stood up for all intents and purposes clenched his fist and specifically sent a punch on the face of the Disciple " Can't you shut the fuck up for a fairly second !" in a basically big way.

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