In the end, Liang Wen was not able to escape Yang Hongxia's "clutch" and was forced to sign countless unequal treaties, becoming the one who was squeezed the most, no one.

Lu Bingyang and Li Xiaodong, who were working diligently outside and working hard to make money for the studio, suddenly received a notice from Yang Hongxia, asking them to set aside a certain amount of time every day for professional singing and dancing training.

Although singing and dancing are their basic skills, they should practice every day, but this matter doesn't seem to be important. Should Yang Hongxia call them personally to inform them?

Confused, Li Xiaodong made a random guess: "Is it possible that Sister Xia is going to give us some singing and dancing variety show? In order not to be embarrassed, so let us pick up the basic skills?"

Lu Bingyang flipped through the itinerary handed over by his assistant: "It seems that we don't have enough time to participate in any singing and dancing variety show? This itinerary is fully arranged, and I still have time to participate in the first phase. How can there be time for the whole season?"

Moreover, to participate in the singing and dancing variety show, it is not that Lu Bingyang has no confidence, but that he and Li Xiaodong are already a bit older than those little fresh meat, and it is really not suitable to go the singing and dancing idol route.

In addition, in the past few years, whether it is himself or Li Xiaodong, the transformation has been very successful, and there are enough works to stand by.

The talent of singing and dancing should be their bonus item, not their main item. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to live more and more?


"I don't know, I'd better go and see the training teacher first."

The two were puzzled, and finally decided to give up. If you come, you can take it easy. Since it is Yang Hongxia's arrangement, then you should just obey. Anyway, Sister Xia has never cheated on them. Neither will it in the future.

So, the two arranged their other work, came to the company's training room at the appointed time, opened the door and took a look: hoo!

"Brother Pan!"

The two of them were pleasantly surprised and came directly to Lin Fan's side. You and I began to ask:

"Brother Fan, why are you here?"

"Brother Fan, could it be that the training teacher that Sister Xia found for the two of us is Brother Fan? Then why is it so embarrassing, Brother Fan's time is so precious, isn't it a waste of time for us?"

"What do you think, how could Brother Fan not take a vacation for himself while taking a good time, but instead come to be a training teacher for us both?"

"You're right! This isn't Brother Fan's way of doing things. Could it be that Brother Fan, you were also asked by Sister Xia to pick up the basic skills of singing and dancing?"

Lin Fan: …

Although the whole reasoning process of the two of you is full of various misunderstandings and dislikes towards me, your magical brain circuits are still connected with Sister Xia, which is really a sad thing.


Lin Fan coughed dryly, and successfully made these two chattering little fans shut their mouths, and only looked at himself with a pair of bright eyes.

Lin Fan shook inexplicably: "What, I'm here to practice the basic skills of singing and dancing with you. As you all know, I have a new album to release, and I'll practice before the release."

Lin Fan said it very euphemistically, but Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang still heard it: "So, the two of us?"

"That's it, sparring?"

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then successfully fell into autism, hiding in the corner and growing mushrooms.

Emotions have always been self-indulgent before. Sister Xia has no idea of ​​sing and dance for herself in variety shows, and Brother Fan did not give up rest time for herself, and came to help her make up lessons.

I am an irrelevant sparring tool.

When the dance teacher came to the training room, he was taken aback by the dignified atmosphere, thinking that he had broken through the crime scene of the plastic brotherhood between the three major artists of the Earthman Studio!

Unable to contain the trembling and excited heart of gossip, the dance teacher cautiously asked Lin Fan, "That, Brother Fan, is this?"

Lin Fan said calmly: "It's okay, I've been at home for too long, and my bones are loose. They squatted and squatted to make the bones tight."

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang: ...this is the first time we have heard of this way of tightening the bones!

But the dance teacher was here, and the two of them couldn't shut themselves down any longer. They all shook their numb legs, and then leaned over to Lin Fan's side: "Brother Fan, we're going to start training. ?"

"What do we mainly practice today?"

Lin Fan set his eyes on the dance teacher, and Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang followed Lin Fan's gaze and focused on the dance teacher, their expressions full of curiosity.

Dance teacher: ...What about the plastic brotherhood that we agreed on?

The attitude of the two of you changed too fast, it was too natural! If this is played, then you two deserve to win the Best Actor Award!

The slander returns to the slander, the dance teacher can be specially invited by Yang Hongxia to teach Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, and I still have a few brushes.

The dance teacher withstood the pressure of the eyes of three first-line, and even super-first-line celebrities, and began to show his professionalism: "Today, the main purpose is to understand where your foundation is, and then you can formulate a more specific training plan."

As we all know, since Lin Fan left the stage of "Morning Star", the number of dances has been about zero. Such a player, even if the basic skills are very solid, but he hasn't trained for so long, I'm afraid his bones are hard.

It would take several days to help Lin Fan stretch and restore his previous state. It was really too early to talk about a training plan.

Compared with Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang's physical condition is much better. At least these two people are always practicing basic skills. In this case, they only need to warm up in place and start their activities, then they can quickly enter the training state.

Especially Lu Bingyang.

Lu Bingyang started dancing since he was very young, and he chose the direction of folk dance. Everyday basic skills practice is essential. Even during the busiest period of filming, Lu Bingyang never slackened, and was a player who could directly enter the training state.

These situations can be distinguished from the way the dance teacher enters the door and sees three people standing and walking: three people, three kinds of progress.

Among them, Lin Fan, who needs the most attention and is also the protagonist of this training, has the worst progress!

The dance teacher already had a preliminary plan in mind, but he said, "Now let's warm up first. After the warm up, you will show your basic skills, so that I can have a clear understanding. Then, As the case may be."

Today's task is not heavy, and the dance teacher's mind is very calm.

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