
A scream resounded throughout the office building of the Earthman Studio. I was so scared that all kinds of drinks in the hands of many friends were sprinkled directly, and some people were so scared that they were choked to death by a bite of snacks!

"Ah—! Ah—!"

After finally coughing out the snack, the second and third screams followed, making the whole studio panic, not knowing what happened.

Even Yang Hongxia in the office was disturbed: "What, what happened? Who is screaming?"

This is too bad!

It was as if the bones were all broken, revealing an unbearable pain and despair.

Xiaoye hurriedly went to inquire about the news, but according to people familiar with the matter, the screams came from downstairs.

And downstairs, of course, is also the office area of ​​the Earthman Studio, but there are training rooms on the first floor, including the physical training room, the acting training room, the vocal music training room, and the dance training room.

When Yang Hongxia heard it, there was something she didn't understand, so she waved her hand to make everyone disperse: "What are you going to do, just pretend that you haven't heard anything, anyway, if I guessed correctly, I guess you all have to listen to this scream. last two days."

Everyone was horrified: hearing such a scream once is enough to make people horrified, why should it be heard for two days?

Of course, it's because someone has been slacking off for so many years!

Although Lin Fan has maintained the habit of fitness over the years, the physical conditions required for dancing are different from those required for normal fitness.

If nothing else, just opening the shoulders is already an unbearable pain.

The so-called open shoulder is to make the connection between the shoulder and the upper arm through a certain method of exercise, so that it has the characteristics of flexibility and elasticity, and it can also exercise the muscle and bone tension of the shoulder and the upper arm, so as to promote the shoulder, the shoulder and the upper arm. The elbows and hands have a natural and smooth straightening force.

However, according to incomplete statistics, shoulder opening is only one of the "Top Ten Tortures" when dancing is less painful. Stepping on the instep, stepping on the crotch, tearing the stride, holding the movement, pulling the waist, turning the shoulder, etc., are all things that dancers can't get past. the ridge.

Of course, Lin Fan is not exempt from the custom. He has been lazy for so many years, and he paid it back within one day today.

After today's warm-up exercises are all over, Lin Fan can no longer walk easily, so Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang have to support Lin Fan from left to right, and this is not directly on the ground.

The dance teacher also said: "People who haven't exercised for a long time, rashly undertake such large-scale and high-intensity training, then a large amount of lactic acid will accumulate in the body, and it is not obvious now, and you will know how sour and refreshing it is tomorrow.

But bro, you've been exercising all the time, so don't worry about that. After going back today, take a good rest, massage your muscles, and you will be alive tomorrow. "

Then take today's entire recovery training package and enjoy it again.

No, more than once, this week, Lin Fan has to live like this.

Who let him be lazy all these years and steal so happily!

Li Xiaodong has not seen Lin Fan in such a miserable state for a long time. For a while, he didn't know whether to miss him or to care: "Brother Fan, are you really all right? Hey, Brother Fan, you are like that on the stage of "Morning Star" back then. What kind of dance are you doing?"

Lu Bingyang added: "'Talking'!"

"Yes! That's the name! Brother Lu, you have a good memory. You can still remember the name of the dance so long ago!" Li Xiaodong praised Lu Bingyang, and turned to Lin Fan, "Brother Fan, do you still remember when you danced "Talking"? "No, my God, you were so handsome with that big split on the stage!"

Lu Bingyang corrected: "That's not called the big split, that's called Shuangfeiyan!"

"Yes, yes, Shuang Feiyan! The name of the dance moves is also nice!"

Lin Fan really didn't know whether they were praising themselves or hurting themselves. After all, at that time, because of the mistakes of the little partners in the same group, I had to temporarily change the movements, lest I really go down with a split,

Took the buddy's head to pieces.

The action is very handsome, and the scene effect is also very explosive, but the end is also very miserable!

You guys won't understand how painful "um" is!

Unable to help one person reward a chestnut, Lin Fan said with a dark face: "Don't be poor, send me home soon!"

If you don't hurry up, the company will get off work! Do you want to leave the company under the watchful eyes of Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang?


This must never happen!

Lin Fan felt that in the minds of his studio friends, the handsome image of Yingming Shenwu must not have any flaws!

Absolutely not!

However, it backfired. Lin Fan was just carried off the floor of the training room by Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang. When he came to the elevator, he ran into Yang Hongxia who came down to check the situation.

Almost in an instant, Lin Fan put his two arms off the shoulders of Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang, then raised his head and stood there as if nothing was wrong.

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang were also in a good mood, and each took a step back, pretending that nothing had happened, and then greeted Yang Hongxia in unison: "Sister Xia!"

Yang Hongxia was taken aback by the neat and loud greeting: "You are full of anger, I thought you were afraid that you would be carried away from the company today! Not bad, it seems that you are always practicing basic skills very seriously, and you are not slack. ."

Lin Fan showed a standard eight-teeth smile: "Of course! You can lose anything, but a guy who eats with basic skills can't just lose it."

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang nodded in agreement: "Fan Ge is right!"

Clinker, Yang Hongxia changed the conversation: "Who screamed so badly in the afternoon? Even we can hear it clearly upstairs. If I didn't know you were practicing dancing, I would have called the police!"

Lin Fan is as thick-skinned as a city wall, and refuses to admit that he did such a shameful thing: "Who called? Why didn't I hear it? Brother Lu, Xiaodong, did you hear it?"

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang shook their heads: "No no! We didn't hear anything!"

Yang Hongxia looked at Lin Fan's face and suffered from it~www.readwn.com~ and did not expose him: "Isn't it? Well, maybe we heard it wrong, I've been too busy at work recently, and it's not uncommon to have group auditory hallucinations. possible.

Well, since you all finished your practice today, let's go back to rest early. In the next period of time, you all have to practice like this, and you must ensure sufficient rest time! "

"Got it, Sister Xia!"

"Then let's go, Sister Xia!"

"See you tomorrow, Sister Xia!"

The three of Lin Fan couldn't wait to walk into the elevator. When the elevator door slowly closed, Lin Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and leaned directly on Li Xiaodong: "Hey! Give me a hand!"

"Hey! Brother Fan, are you alright!"

"Something! My thigh is about to be torn! And, um, it hurts a bit!"


Outside the elevator, Yang Hongxia stared intently at the changing floor numbers, thinking: These guys know that even if the elevator door is closed, it can't completely block out the sound?

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