The rhythm of the first episode of "Youth Bao Qingtian" is still tight. After the main characters such as Bao Zheng, Gongsun Ce, and Mrs. Bao made their appearance through two cases, they began to turn to the cause of the first big case.

The yamen knife head Shen Liang killed Menghu who endangered the mountains and forests, and the people onlookers talked about the legend that there are female ghosts in the Hundred Ghost Forest.

The camera turns to Baiguilin at this time. Xiaoai is paying her respects to her deceased relatives. She reveals that there is a good-hearted person who is very kind to her, but she thinks that she is an ominous person and is not worthy of that good-hearted person.

At this time, Gao Li's family to send relatives passed through Luzhou, but was assassinated by the man in black, and was rescued by Bao Zheng. Prince Goryeo made things difficult for the governor of Luzhou, and demanded that the assassin be captured within three days.

At the dinner, Prince Gaoli wanted to continue embarrassing the governor of Luzhou, but was broken by Bao Zheng, Gongsun Ce and Shen Liang, but Bao Zheng could see from it that there was disagreement within the Gaoli mission.

The next day, Bao Zheng and Shen Liang rescued Xiao Ai, who was bullied, from a group of bear children. The group of bear children also called Xiao Ai a wolf girl.

It turned out that when Xiao Ai was not born, her mother had been bitten by a wolf and had rabies. When she got sick, she would drool and bite people like crazy. And Xiao Ai was born on the night her mother got rabies.

In order to avoid the villagers, Xiao Ai's family moved to the Hundred Ghost Bamboo Forest. But Xiao Ai's mother fell ill again and almost bit off her tongue.

In order to prevent Xiao Ai's mother from hurting himself, Xiao Ai's father put his hand into Xiao Ai's mother's mouth. Xiao Ai's mother was delirious and bit off Xiao Ai's father's fingers.

The key is that at this time, someone happened to pass by and saw this scene, so there were rumors that Xiao Ai's mother cannibalized people and killed Xiao Ai's father.

Later, Xiao Ai's father also got rabies and died a month later. There is only one little Ai left, and she becomes the legendary wolf girl who can eat people.

The first episode came to an end in the tragic life of Xiao Ai. But at the same time, it also opened up the complicated situation of all parties in Luzhou.

The assassin in black, the little beggar of unknown origin, the mysterious fortune teller, the turbulent Goryeo mission, and the miserable Xiao Ai... These people are all gathered in Luzhou, as if some shocking conspiracy is brewing .

But there was only a huge suspense left, but no explanation was given. This made the audience in front of the TV curious, and they wanted to run to the screenwriter's neck and let him vomit all the following plots at once. come out!

But when he thought that the screenwriter of this drama was Lin Fan, the audience's anxiety was suppressed again: Forget it, let's watch the drama honestly.

Keep reading and you'll always get an explanation.

As a result, the ratings of the afternoon program of Magic City TV officially broke through 2.7% after the first episode of "Youth Bao Qingtian", and without any effort, it passed the minimum rating threshold of the golden file and reached the magic city. Satellite TV's second prime-time achievement!

When Wang Xiuying got the ratings report, she couldn't believe it was all true: "This is it?"

But a lot of follow-up publicity arranged by the TV station has not been used yet!

Even the protagonists of this drama have not fully explained it!

The first big eucalyptus has not officially happened yet!

This, this directly achieves the real appeal of Magic Capital TV?

But whether Wang Xiuying believes it or not, this is the truth. And on the Internet, some people have even established a "Bao Ce CP" super talk. The first episode has not been broadcast yet, and this super talk has already been swiped for dozens of pages!

[Same student scumbag: Knock me to death! Knock me to death! I didn't expect you to be such a fan, so understand the point C of us savants. The setting of the arrogant little boy and the big golden retriever is simply too cute! 】

[Kai Selu after a long drought: Bao Ce's setting is really good. They are all talented people with a high level of talent. Although their ideas are different, they are all willing to do their best for the country and the people in their hearts. The character setting of Brother Fan has always been excellent. The two male protagonists have their own shining points. There is no phenomenon of deliberately suppressing the second male in order to show the wisdom of the male protagonist. 】

[Sorry, you are too dazzling: I like this kind of brotherhood that is evenly matched, usually fighting each other, but at a critical moment, we can join hands to overcome difficulties together! And you found out, although this drama is an ancient puppet drama, but many places are very lighthearted and humorous, for example, Bao Zheng and Mrs. Bao did not wash their hands after the autopsy, so they gave the catcher a sesame cake to eat...]

[Tianwang is fat but not greasy: Hahaha, yes yes yes, that catcher ate a mouthful of biscuits and found that Mrs. Bao didn't wash her hands, so I don't know if she spit it out, or if nothing happened, she continued to eat it. Absolutely! 】


There are many reasons for a drama to be loved by the audience, but the rigorous and interesting plot, the superb acting skills of the actors, and the careful shooting of the crew cannot be avoided.

The drama "Youth Bao Qingtian" has not only gathered the above three points, but also has the super popularity of three first-line actors, as well as the appeal of ratings.

On earth, this drama has a rating of 8.5, and is known as the ceiling of costume comedy and suspense drama. It is a magical drama in the minds of many people, and it is also a childhood shadow series.

Now, after the adjustment and adaptation by Lin Fan and Wen Hongjun, it is more in line with the history of Blue Star, and the character prototype, special effects, clothing and other aspects have also been strengthened and optimized, and the playback effect is even better.

The audience rating of the first episode directly reached 2.7%, which is the biggest recognition of the audience for this drama!

Of course, such a high rating is inseparable from the popularity and popularity of the protagonist group, as well as the prestige that the Earther Studio has accumulated over the years. But the audience still believes that the follow-up plot will not let them down.

Because Lin Fan has never disappointed the audience.

Therefore, after this "Youth Bao Qingtian" was broadcast, the audience directly gave an initial rating of 9 points. As for how much it will drop later, it depends on how the subsequent plot develops.

But Wang Xiuying is very confident: "Keep up with all the follow-up publicity arrangements! Although the ratings are now as high as 2.7%, if the follow-up publicity does not keep up, the ratings will drop.

Since we want to create a second prime time period, we cannot be satisfied with the value of 2.7%, but should work towards a higher value.

By the way, don't stop the promotion on M-TV. Although the show will be delayed for a week on M-TV, this does not prevent us from putting advertisements all over the website! "

In terms of plot, Wang Xiuying has watched the whole drama once, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all, and she can't worry about it. After all, this drama has already been filmed and the production is completed, and no matter how much worry you can't overturn the re-shooting.

Therefore, Magic Metropolis TV only needs to do a good job in the entire publicity work to the extreme, then this second prime time period will be stable!

------off topic-----

By the way, it's time to ask for tickets again~ Do you still have tickets in hand? Can you vote for me?

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