Yang Hongxia is also very satisfied with the various data returned by Modu TV, not to mention that Earthman Studio has done a big favor for Modu TV this time. Who knows when it will be used?

What makes Yang Hongxia even more satisfied is that Lin Fan's recovery and training progress is much faster than she imagined!

Originally, Yang Hongxia thought that Lin Fan had been abandoned for so many years, and it would take at least several months before he could recover.

But the dance teacher went directly to Yang Hongxia, saying that he seemed to have nothing to help Lin Fan. Although he didn't want to admit it, the dance teacher still told the truth: "Fan Ge's condition is very good, and the next step can be arranged."

What's the next step?

Of course, I taught Lin Fan the dances specially prepared for the concert, and let Lin Fan practice and become familiar with these dances. After the concert, he would give fans a big surprise!

The sequence of songs for the concert was negotiated by Zhou Yue and Lin Fan together. The stage design also included their creativity.

But the choreography of each song is so subtle that Lin Fan doesn't need to do it himself.

The Earthman Studio itself has a dance team, which is specially responsible for training newcomers and usually helping Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang to train.

Although it is incomparable with the top dance team, it is more than enough to be the backing dancer of Lin Fan's concert.

As for the choreography, Yang Hongxia simply paid for a professional dance team to come back to help Lin Fan choreograph the dances needed for the concert.

The choreography was done together with Lin Fan's recovery training. Now that Lin Fan's state has recovered to the level recognized by the dance teacher, he can indeed start learning the dances that have been choreographed.

Of course, even if the dance is choreographed, during the rehearsal process, Lin Fan can ask the choreography team to make changes according to his own understanding or needs until he is satisfied.

Or, Lin Fan can choreograph his own dance if he wants to.

It's just that Yang Hongxia didn't think Lin Fan would have such a leisurely mind, so she choreographed all the dances she needed at the concert. Even if Lin Fan had the heart to choreograph his own dance, he would probably only compose a dance of one or two songs.

The whole series, dreaming is faster.

It turns out that Yang Hongxia still knows Lin Fan very well. Yang Hongxia brought the entire choreography team in front of Lin Fan and let them show the dance that had been choreographed.

A formal concert requires at least thirty songs, and each song does not need to be accompanied by a dance. Otherwise, after the concert, Lin Fan and the dancers would be exhausted.

Considering that Lin Fan, as the lead singer, needs to consume a lot of physical strength, Yang Hongxia did not put too much pressure on Lin Fan, and only asked the choreography team to prepare ten dances and let Lin Fan choose the right one.

And after picking the right dance, Lin Fan doesn't have to learn all of them, some only need to learn a little bit of movement, just follow the dancers to make a few gestures.

There are only two or three dances that really need Lin Fan to dance from beginning to end.

For the rest, it's enough to leave it all to the dancers. What Lin Fan needs to focus on is the entire stage effect, and he really doesn't need to be bothered by these details.

The choreography team that Yang Hongxia paid a lot of money to invite was very excited and excited. Because the songs they choreographed were all new songs that Lin Fan had not released yet.

But in order to get ready for the concert as soon as possible, after Yang Hongxia signed a non-disclosure agreement with the choreographer team, she still played the new song to them.

What kind of surprise is it to hear Lin Fan's new song before Lin Fan has released it to the public?

What's more, most of the people in the choreography team are loyal fans of Lin Fan. Even if they are not fans of Lin Fan, they cannot deny Lin Fan's talent and achievements in music.

Being selected by Yang Hongxia to choreograph Lin Fan's new song, how could they not be excited, how could they not be excited?

Just when Lin Fan stood in front of them, they couldn't even say a word: Lin Fan! Live! You can reach out and touch it! The most powerful director, actor and musician in China!

Mr. Billion!

Mom, I'm out!

Lin Fan, who was stared at by a group of big men with fiery eyes, had to cough dryly, pulling back everyone's thoughts that they didn't know where they were going: "I've seen the video version of your choreography, The video effect is still very good.

But I still want to see the effect of the live version and see how big the gap is between the live version and the video version. So, I have to trouble you all to show me all ten dances. "

No trouble!

How can this be troublesome?

Originally, dancing was the job of the choreography team, and it was the boss's right to pick faults. Lin Fan just asked to see the live effects of these dances, which were all within a reasonable range, and the choreography team naturally agreed.

"However, because some of these ten dances are still very labor-intensive, we may not be able to dance all at once, and we may need to rest for ten minutes in the middle."

Lin Fan nodded: "Of course."

Doing ten dances in a row is possible for a professional dance team, but it is not necessary. Because every dance requires a perfect combination of dancers, music and movements, too tired or too excited is not a good thing for the performance of the dance.

And jumping down continuously, the physical strength is serious, and it is easy to cause deformation of the dance movements, and the body expression is not in place, but it will also affect the effect of the whole dance.

This is not what Lin Fan wants.

Lin Fan wants to see the complete and live effects of these dances, and then compare them with the dances in his memory~www.readwn.com~ to see which dance can better show the corresponding songs and its own charm, Make a final selection.

Yes, Lin Fan remembered a lot of excellent dance works, but he didn't know which dance in his memory or Blue Star's current dance was more in line with the audience's aesthetics.

Or, which one is more in line with the meaning of the corresponding song.

Then, choose the preferred one.

Anyway, even in the end, Lin Fan didn't choose the dance specially choreographed for him by the choreography team. It doesn't matter. The copyright of this dance has already been bought by Yang Hongxia. .

Of course, according to Yang Hongxia's logic, since all the money has been spent, why not use it? Do you buy it and put it in the database to grow worms?

Unless Lin Fan himself has a better dance, then Yang Hongxia thinks that if you don't need it, you don't need it, and it's good to have insects.


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