So does Lin Fan have a better dance? Do you have the ability to choreograph? Can you complete all the choreography of a concert by yourself?

Yes, yes, yes!

But this guy is lazy, he can't do it himself, he doesn't want to do it at all.

So Lin Fan accepted Yang Hongxia's kindness, and first read the dance choreographed by the choreography team to see if it could be used directly.

If he could use it directly, then Lin Fan wouldn't have to worry about choreography. And if the dance choreographed by this choreography team is really not as good as Lin Fan remembered, then there is no way, no matter how lazy you are, you have to roll up your sleeves.

After all, they have moved other people's songs, so there is no reason to choose a second-class dance to accompany the dance.

So Lin Fan spent an afternoon watching all ten dances, and selected two or three dances from them. Lin Fan thought it was very good, and there was no need to modify the dances at all.

But the rest, not so satisfactory.

Yang Hongxia waved her hand and said, "Whether you want to change it or rewrite it yourself, you make up your own mind anyway. The entire choreography team will cooperate with you. If you have any ideas, just go ahead and implement them."

Lin Fan said, "I'll think about it again."

Anyway, there is still a long time before the concert, Lin Fan is not in a hurry, and Yang Hongxia is not in a hurry, so he just doesn't care.

After all, Yang Hongxia has always been very busy, and it is impossible to really spend all her time on such trivial matters as accompany Lin Fan to choose a dance.

Prehistoric Universe Theme Park, late-production movies, and popular TV series, which one is not a big deal, and which one does not require the big housekeeper Yang Hongxia to strategize?

The most important thing is that Lin Fan's new album should almost be promoted to the outside world.

This album was released on a temporary basis, and there was not much propaganda in the early stage. Not to mention Lin Fan's fans, even the studio's friends have always thought that Lin Fan will at least wait until next year. , will release a new album.

But sometimes it is so unexpected. In order to free up enough vacation time, Lin Fan actually agreed to Yang Hongxia's proposal to release his new album in advance.

This directly led to the soaring workload of the studio's friends, and they worked overtime every day, but the time was still not enough.

All kinds of promotional materials, channels, and plans all need to work overtime. Even the album itself needs to contact the manufacturer for expedited production.

In addition, there are a lot of other work, which are also piled up together, so it is not easy for Yang Hongxia to spare this little time to watch the dance choreographed by the choreography team.

Since Lin Fan hasn't made up his mind yet, Yang Hongxia has no time to manage, but just stressed the urgency of time to Lin Fan: "In short, before the release of the new album, the entire concert process, various Stage design. Otherwise, when the new album comes out, you won't have time to deal with those things."

Lin Fan said, "Sister Xia, don't worry, I know what I know."


After Lin Fan finished today's training, he returned home and found that Xia Yan was lying on the sofa, holding snacks, watching the TV drama "Youth Bao Qingtian", which is currently airing on Magic Capital TV.

When he found that Lin Fan was back, Xia Yan didn't want to take his eyes off the TV. He just said hello to Lin Fan, "Come back, it's a little early today. Are you hungry? I made a fruit scoop."

Said to be fruit fishing, in fact, it is to cut the fruit you like to eat into small pieces and put them in a container. If you are afraid of trouble, you can directly pour the yogurt. If you are more careful, you can mix the sugar water yourself. In short, the production is simple and the fault tolerance rate is high. A summer dessert that won't be too bad no matter how you make it.

Although Lin Fan wasn't hungry yet, facing the cut fruits, which he had refrigerated in the refrigerator, he couldn't help but move his index finger, and went straight to the kitchen to take out a large bowl of fruits that Xia Yan had prepared. .

Then he sat down next to Xia Yan, and filled his mouth with a big mouthful of cold fruit. It didn't feel too refreshing.

Seeing that Lin Fan was having a good time, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile and frown: "Is it delicious?"

The frozen fruit is paired with thick and sour yogurt, and a little richness of cheese. When you eat it in summer, you really feel refreshed.

Lin Fan praised him generously: "It's delicious, daughter-in-law, your craftsmanship is getting better and better!"

Xia Yan was so praised that his tail turned up: "That's right, your craftsmanship is so good, after so many years, I have been able to steal a lot of true biography!"

Lin Fan was deeply concerned, but Xia Yan really didn't boast. In the past few years, the two have been together. Because Lin Fan is good at cooking, at the beginning, Lin Fan cooked and cooked food for Xia Yan.

But I don't know when it started, Xia Yan also slowly fell in love with cooking, and learned a lot of craftsmanship with the chef Lin Fan. He is no longer the same as before. He can only make salads and instant noodles. , the food made is limited to the big stars who can eat undead.

Especially in the making of cakes and desserts, Xia Yan's progress is rapid, and he brings surprises to Lin Fan from time to time. tacitly included.

Lin Fan smiled: "No need to steal teachers."

Xia Yan also laughed, he didn't need to steal a teacher, as long as he wanted to learn, Lin Fan would teach him, and it was fine if he didn't want to learn. With Lin Fan there, Lin Fan could cook for himself what he wanted to eat.

Even if you can't do it, can't you buy it?

But Xia Yan just likes it, and it feels like cooking for Lin Fan with his own hands. This is probably why Lin Fan likes to cook for himself and feed himself.

"Where did you see it?" Lin Fan pointed with a spoon to "Youth Bao Qingtian" which was being broadcast on TV.

"I saw the killing cross."


"No spoilers, no spoilers!" Xia Yan quickly covered Lin Fan's mouth, "I want to read it myself, I want to guess who the murderer is, you can't give me spoilers!"

In order to enjoy the fun of this reasoning Xia Yan specially asked everyone around him not to tell himself the development of the plot.

So Lin Fan was very sorry: "Actually..."

"Ah, that's right!" Xia Yan interrupted Lin Fan's next words directly, "Today my dad called and said he was looking for you, but he didn't get through to your cell phone, so I asked you to call him back when you got home. Telephone."

Lin Fan hurriedly put down the fruit in his hand, took out his mobile phone, and turned it off when it was out of power: "It should be the afternoon when I was playing music on my mobile phone, and I ran out of power. I'll go and recharge it first. Where's your mobile phone?"

Xia Yan directly handed over his mobile phone: "Here!"

So, Lin Fan took his and Xia Yan's mobile phones, went back to the room to charge, and called the old father-in-law by the way. The key is, he specially closed the door of the room.

"Mysterious and mysterious." Xia Yan muttered, but did not take it to heart, and began to concentrate on watching the TV series again.


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