At 0:00 on September 1st, the first title song "billiejean" of Lin Fan's new album was officially launched. Countless fans integrated into the Teana platform and clicked to download without watching it!

In less than three seconds, the number of downloads has exceeded one million, and the number is still rising!

At an indescribable speed, it keeps climbing upwards!

The numbers showing downloads are also changing at a dizzying rate. Almost the first second the new song was launched, the number broke through five digits, became six digits in the blink of an eye, and became seven digits in the blink of an eye!

However, this did not slow down the downloading of data. The data curve was still at a right angle of 90 degrees and went straight up, making the friends on the Teana platform very happy.

"Come on, who said before that it will take one minute for Fange's new song to download a million? You lose, and the loser will ask for a late night snack!"

"Wait, what's the hurry! Although I lost, you may not win. You said that Fange's new song broke five million. It will take ten minutes. Let's wait and see how it turns out!"

"That's right, we lost, but it's not certain who wins!"

Wang Ke watched the lively bets of his friends, but he didn't say anything to stop it, but directly clicked on Lin Fan's new song that he had just downloaded on his mobile phone.

At almost the same time, countless fans clicked on Lin Fan's new song, which had just been downloaded, on their computer or mobile phone. A clear and strong drum beat was transmitted through the speaker, and all of a sudden, it was tight. caught the ears of every listener.

At about the same time in everyone's mind, a thought flashed: This seems to be another song that is completely different from Fan Ge's previous style.

How high is Fan Ge's musical talent? How come every time he releases a new song, he can bring everyone a completely different and brand new feeling?

The prelude to this song has a distinct drumming style, using instruments such as bass and drums, giving it a strong sense of power and compactness.

It's not just about bass and drums, but fine-tuning each instrument to create such an urgent, jerky, and a bit psychedelic-rich intro.

But when Lin Fan's voice came in, all the audience got goosebumps!


She's more like a beauty queen from a movie


I do not mind,


But what do you mean by saying I'm 'that person'


The one who dances on the dance floor


She said I'd be the one, the one dancing on the dance floor—"

This singing?

It's really not at all similar to Fan Ge's previous singing style and style!

And the lyrics are weird, and the melody is a little weird.

This song uses one of the most basic and enduring basic rhythm drum patterns, which is also reflected in Pange's previous English song "uptownfunk".

To be honest, songs with similar rhythms will not have a bad rhythm. But the song still gave listeners an indescribably strange feeling.

It's fantastic and brainwashed, but in a deeper place, there is still a trace of unknown things hidden.


She told me her name was billiejean,


she is the maker of it all


So everyone turned to look at her, dreaming of being "that person" as she called it


The guy who's going to dance on the dance floor—"

At this point, fans almost heard it, "billiejean" is not a love song, the first sentence of this song is a complaint.

The accusation of a group of people named "billiejean", or represented by "billiejean", has done harm to the "me" in the song.

Lin Fan uses jumpy bass and other slice-like orchestration sounds, which makes people want to jump with the rhythm, giving people a feeling of wanting to vent their inner emotions.

At this time, Lin Fan's voice suddenly rose, like a complaint, a shout, or a catharsis. In short, the feelings and emotions that were so strong that it was hard to hide, poured out with Lin Fan's voice:


People always tell me, be careful what you do


Don't break the hearts of young girls


And mom always told me, watch out for the ones you love


Be careful what you do, because lies can become reality--"

This fluent singing skill, this gorgeous and smooth high and low change, allows even people who know nothing about the lyrics to be infected by the profound emotions contained in the song.

Ego, panic, psychedelic and absurd feelings all mixed together and turned into a voice of accusation, accusing the people named "billiejean", or the group represented by "billiejean".

But what did those people do?

Why make "I" so angry, so scared, and so uneasy?

Soon, fans got the answers they wanted from the song:


billiejean is not my love


She just testified that I was "that guy" girl


But that kid is not my son


She said I was 'the one'


But that kid isn't my son—"

Oh my God!

what lyrics are these?

This is real?

Or is it just the whim of Fange to write songs and create it at will?

Was it totally unaware of the problem with the lyrics, or was it aware of it, but it was written that way on purpose?

The fans were shocked. The netizens who ate melons were stuffed with a whole big melon in their mouths. Even Lin Fan's friends in the circle were so frightened that they almost fell off their chairs!

It's too shocking, it's too mysterious, this melon is too big to eat alone wow!

Almost at the moment when the lyrics came platform's "billiejean" comment area, ushered in a large wave of crazy traffic!

Countless fans and netizens, because they were so shocked that they could not even type smoothly, could only leave a large number of "Aahah" screams in the comment area.

It was not until dozens of pages of meaningless messages like this were passed that someone typed out a more logical and understandable message:

[What the **** are the lyrics of Pange's new song? Is Brother Pan happy to be a father? ! 】

Fans and netizens who were too late to type, or were too excited to type, all gave a like for this comment that highly summarized their feelings, and then went crazy Aitlin Fan himself: Brother Fan, come out and give an explanation!

ps: "billiejean" Michael Jackson~~ It's time for God to debut.


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