Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1133: Shock! It turns out that a world-class superstar has become a father...

The entire entertainment industry knows that as long as Lin Fan releases the title song of his new album, he will definitely make big news, but no one thought that the big news this time would be so explosive!

illegitimate child!

Mysterious woman named billiejean!

And it's what Lin Fan himself said!


You say it's just a lyric? Isn't that true? It's just the result of a musician's burst of inspiration when he's composing? That doesn't matter!

Anyway, Lin Fan wrote such a story about being a father in his own song, and no one forced him to write it like this. Maybe this is the story that really happened to Lin Fan?

Or based on a true story?

Otherwise, why didn't Lin Fan write such a story before? He didn't write such a similar style of song? But now suddenly such a new album title song with a completely different style from his previous style appeared?

There must be some tricks in here!

Especially for the unscrupulous paparazzi, there is still a three-foot wave without wind, not to mention this time Lin Fan took the initiative to give the handle to everyone.

So, almost less than an hour after the release of the new song, the news about Lin Fanxi becoming a father has flooded into the public eye.

One o'clock in the morning, this time is not the time when netizens are active, but who asked Lin Fan to release a new song at zero o'clock?

There were already countless fans and netizens who stayed up all night waiting for Lin Fan's new song to be released, so that they could hear and support Lin Fan's new song as soon as possible. The Internet was extremely lively, and the traffic was definitely not lost to Tiantian.

In addition, the lyrics of the new song are so explosive, the paparazzi and the media are also competing with each other for a title party. The lyrics of the opening sentence are all guesswork, but the title is scary.

for example:

"Top Superstar Releases the Title Song of the New Album, Suspected of Self-Blowing Bastard!"

"Shocked! It turns out that a certain world-class superstar has become a father!"

"A superstar's private life is chaotic, and he blew himself up that he is suspected of having a child in a hidden marriage!"

Etc., etc!

Moreover, in view of Lin Fan's prestige and the huge legal team of Earthman Studio, these media still restrained a little, and used words such as "suspected", "suspect" and "reasonable speculation" to confuse the public and avoid real A lawyer's letter was hand-delivered by the legal team of Earthman Studios.

Such a huge momentum really caused the fans who were listening to the song to fall into an inexplicable mood.

Intellectually, fans are still willing to believe that Lin Fan is not the kind of person who has a chaotic private life and even has illegitimate children.

After all, Lin Fan has been out for so many years, and there is really no black material to dig. And this is just a song, a lyric in a song.

Lin Fan never said that he would write his real experience into the song.

Other singers may also learn from their own life experiences to enrich their music creation and the connotation level of their works. But Lin Fan doesn't have to do this. Lin Fan's talents are almost overflowing, and Lin Fan's imagination is even more unrestrained, and he is completely free from the constraints of fixed thinking.

Lin Fan has none of the creative bottlenecks that others will encounter more or less, the exhaustion of inspiration, or even the decline of creative energy.

But reason is reason, and people who are really completely rational will not become fans. Fans are more emotional than rational most of the time, especially when facing their idols, such things as reason are directly ignored. As a burden, to abandon.

Therefore, even if they knew that Lin Fan did not fall into a vortex of being a father-in-law as depicted in the song, the fans' mood is still very complicated: Come out and explain to us, what is this lyric? what's going on!

We believe in you and stand firmly on your side, but you still have to explain to us!

Fans can fight against all those who slander Lin Fan to the end for Lin Fan, but when the fans are brutally tearing at the enemy, on the other hand, their hearts also need the comfort of their idols.

Even if it's just a sentence of comfort, an explanation, a refutation... In short, anything is possible, as long as Lin Fan speaks, as long as Lin Fan expresses his position, as long as Lin Fan and everyone stand on the same line.

Will suffice.

Moreover, before Lin Fan's song was released, Yang Hongxia was already thinking about how to face such a situation after the song was released.

Even when Lin Fan came up with this song, Yang Hongxia tried her best to stop Lin Fan: "My mother, can you stop doing things?"

It's just that Lin Fan refused to revise the lyrics, and said plausibly: "This song itself is the inspiration for the drama about the fearful parent-child relationship, and it comes from the experiences of singers and female fans who suffer from paranoia.

The style of the song is in the same line as the lyrics. Modifying the lyrics is equivalent to modifying the style of the song. Such a big project, it's better to change a song!"

"Then change it!"

"Don't change!"

The confrontation between Yang Hongxia and Lin Fan about changing the title song of the new album ended with Lin Fan's victory and Yang Hongxia's concession.

But after the release of this song, Lin Fan still has some idea of ​​what will happen. So when Yang Hongxia asked herself to follow up and clarify all this in time after the release of the new song, Lin Fan naturally agreed.

Therefore, don't look at the sensational reports of major media on the Internet, the fans are excited, and the netizens seem to be caught in a carnival, but none of the hot search headlines have appeared.

The reason is very simple. Yang Hongxia greeted the hot search headlines in advance and asked them to withdraw all news about Lin Fanxi being a father in time. Of course, a lot of money was spent on this.

This makes Yang Hongxia, who has been going crazy for money recently, even more frightening: "Lin Fan, why don't you send a message to clarify!"

If you delay any longer, several hot searches will rush up, and it will cost a lot of money to withdraw hot searches!

In the face of Yang Hongxia, who was about to go berserk, Lin Fan didn't dare to be rude this time. He obediently logged in to his Chaobo account and sent a message.

[Lin Fan: The song "billiejean" is a brand-new attempt of mine, originating from the experiences of singers and those female fans who suffer from People often shout that they want to give birth to monkeys for idols, Some people gradually take this incident seriously, and even think that they have succeeded.

Like a captivating psychological drama, it delivers a wealth of psychological material: paranoia, delusion, sexual fear, temptation, and shame all fuse in the lyrics, hovering in blunt negation.

As depicted in the lyrics, billiejeanisnotmylover, butthekidisnotmyson.]

As soon as this dynamic of Lin Fan came out, it was equivalent to putting an end to this farce made up by everyone. But what Lin Fan didn't know was that Xia Yan's fans put down their knives after seeing this dynamic.


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