Lin Fan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then went out with the contract. He was going to consult a professional lawyer to see if there was any room for maneuver on this matter.


As soon as Yu Mengmeng entered the door, he saw Lin Fan dignifiedly passing by him, as if he hadn't seen himself, so he left.

Yu Mengmeng is a little strange, what is going on in general?

"Sister Meng! Sister Meng, here!"

A fan in the lobby waved to Yu Mengmeng.

Yu Mengmeng walked over: "What's wrong? Why do you look so angry in general?"

Fans were filled with indignation: "A wretched man came just now, like the landlord here, he arrogantly wanted to take back the general house and let Fanfan move out quickly."

"We all heard it, just now, the man just left!"

Yu Mengmeng was dumbfounded: "Where does the second product come from? The lease is contracted. The national law gives priority to the protection of the lease right. Moreover, it is impossible to rent a month and a month if you want to open a homestay. Annual lease. The landlord wants to repossess the house in advance, how much does he have to compensate to make up for the general loss?"

Fans are not very clear: "But that landlord is very arrogant, saying that it will usually move away within a week, or buy the house, asking for more than 10 million! By the way, I took it all, sister Meng. Do you want to watch?"

So just going out in a hurry, is it because of this?

"Look, you have to see!" Yu Mengmeng also wanted to see which idiot was so fat, and the erroneous people were all wronged!

The video is very short, but basically captured the ins and outs of the whole thing. After watching the video, Yu Mengmeng's face was also a bit ugly: "Is there a loophole in the contract?"

This is not easy.


Lin Fan consulted with a law firm, and the response he got was not optimistic.

"The contract with loopholes is still valid. In this case, it is generally necessary for the parties to negotiate to see if they can sign a supplementary agreement to check for missing vacancies. However, if a supplementary agreement cannot be reached, they can only follow the relevant terms of the contract or the transaction. The principle of habit determination is implemented."

The landlord clearly wants to make a fortune here in Lin Fan, and he will definitely not agree to sign a supplementary agreement.

Lin Fan is now very passive. He either accepts the landlord's request and buys the house; or he sues the landlord and uses legal means to protect his legal rights.

However, even if it is to sue, it may not guarantee that the lawsuit can be won.

More importantly, there is one thing that needs to be considered during the litigation process, that is, the yard you yearn for can't be opened? Who owns the income gained by opening it? If you don’t open it, what should the fans who finally grab the reservation do?

Lin Fan anxiously returned to the yard he yearned for. As soon as he entered the door, he saw dozens of fans staying in the lobby, as if waiting for him to come back.

"Back in general."

Everyone also saw Lin Fan's figure and gathered around.

"What's going on in general? That landlord just talked about it, right? The yard he yearns for can't be taken back by saying that it can be taken back, right?"

"Is the contract that the man said true?"

"Is there anything we can help?"


The fans asked eagerly. Lin Fan looked at the anxious, worried, and resentful faces, and felt their heartfelt concern, and the anxiety in his heart could not help but dissipate.

"What are you doing? What are you doing around here? It's alright, it's okay, it's all gone!"

Fans are dying: "Why is it okay, don't pretend to be nonchalant, is what the landlord said is true?"

There are really loopholes in the contract, and the yard you yearn for will really be taken away?

Fans are very worried, because the longing yard has an unusual meaning for the fan.

Here is the common homeland of Lin Fan and Ganfan. Here, Ganfan and Lin Fan get along like friends and live together like relatives. Looking at the entire entertainment industry, only Ganfan people have such treatment, idols and fans are genuine. As close as a family.

Look at the idols and fans of other homes, who can do like Lin Fan, open a guesthouse to receive fans personally, and also cook and make small gifts for fans personally? Therefore, the landlord wants to take back the house, and fans are as concerned as Lin Fan.

Lin Fan knew that when the landlord came, many people saw it and heard what the landlord said. There was no way to conceal this matter, and Lin Fan did not intend to conceal it.

"Well, everyone heard that right. There are some loopholes in the contract, but it is not impossible to solve it. Don't worry, I can handle it and nothing will happen."

Lin Fan comforted, and started to rush people, "What are you supposed to do, don't surround yourself."

The fans didn't want to put too much pressure on Lin Fan, so they dispersed. Yu Mengmeng walked at the end and whispered to Lin Fan: "Fanfan, I still have pocket money..."

Lin Fan was speechless. Fortunately, Mengmeng didn't say much, so she left this sentence and ran away. As for why he went after he ran away, Lin Fan couldn't care about it.

Lin Fan sat back behind the bar, turned on the computer, connected the USB flash drive, looked at the remaining music sources in it, and then logged into the Bluestar Music Copyright Library, looked at the recorded songs in his backstage, and was silent.

In fact, Lin Fan knows that there is only one optimal solution for this matter, and that is to buy the yard he yearns for directly from the landlord. In this way, Lin Fan will no longer be controlled by others, otherwise, even if he goes through litigation procedures, he will win. Lin Fan was the one who suffered in this lawsuit in the end.

Because the landlord will not let go, this grandson is not a good stubborn at first sight, he can leave such a big loophole in the contract, do you still expect him to stay on his own after losing the lawsuit, and not play small tricks to influence Lin Fan's operation of the hotel? ?

But Lin Fan is short of money.

Even if there are still millions in the pocket now.

Of course, Lin Fan is confident that if he sells all these songs in his hand, he will be able to make up 13 million, but in this way, Lin Fan will suffer even more. With so many songs, if they were released step by step, Lin Fan would definitely earn more than 13 million.

Add more than 0!

After all, I just posted seven poems, which has brought me nearly tens of millions of income!

If you sell so many songs because of a temporary predicament, it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench your thirst. No fool can do such a thing.

Borrow money?

Lin Fan actually knows a lot of wealthy such as Xia Yan, such as Lian Xiaoyu, such as Yu Mengmeng, such as Zhang Xinlan... Why are they rich women? Don’t you have a father?

Yes, there is also a little green Li Xiaodong among thousands of flowers!

However, Li Xiaodong is an idol in the entertainment industry, and his family does not support it. Even if Li Xiaodong is willing, he may not have so much money in his hands to lend to Lin Fan.

As for the others, Lin Fan and Zhang Xinlan are not familiar enough to borrow so much money. Yu Mengmeng is his own fan, and it is not appropriate. Even Xiao Yu is now so poor that he has to rely on Xia Yan to support him, so she can only find Xia Yan in the end?

Lin Fan didn't open his mouth, because he still owed Xia Yan a large sum of money and didn't pay it back. If he borrowed it again, would he have to pay off the debt with the promise of his body?

Lin Fan is a little worried!

Even if there is [Hairline never retreat], there are some worry about hair loss!

And it fell from the middle!


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